Woke Medicine

We’re from the American Medical Association and we’re here to check your pronouns.

It is critical to address all areas of marginalization and inequity due to sexism,
class oppression, homophobia, xenophobia and ableism. Yet conversations about
race and racism tend to be some of the most difficult for people in this country
to participate in for numerous reasons, including a lack of knowledge or shared
analysis of its historical and current underpinnings, as well as outright resistance
and denial that racism exists. Given the deep divides that exist between groups in
the United States, understanding and empathy can be extremely challenging for
many because of an inability to really “walk a mile in another’s shoes” in a racialized
sense. Collectively, we have an opportunity and obligation to overcome these
fissures and create spaces for understanding and healing.

Please download and memorize our easy to follow guide.

26 Replies to “Woke Medicine”

  1. Heart attack? Stroke? Broken leg? Just sit over there while we go over your narrative. And please keep the moaning down we’re trying to concentrate over here.

  2. same as the nursing exam last year where you lost more points for not asking pronouns than you did for giving the wrong dose of medication…

    if it wasn’t so hard to find a doctor right now, due to the government firing doctors for not getting vaccinated with an experimental drug during a pandemic, and the government spending years limiting the number of spaces in university for training new doctors, I’d want to find a new one if mine started asking for pronouns

  3. Here’s MY version of Health Equity … a thoroughly ABSURD concept, unworthy of a moments consideration …

    1. White (and ALL who have adopted Western culture as in – E Pluribus Unum) people get ALL the medicine and technology developed in Western Capitalist cultures.

    2. The rest of the skin color and cultural spectrum get to use their “Non-Western”, “Non-Capitalist”, “Not-for-Profit” medicine. Pro Tip: your local Shaman is still gonna wanna get paid.

    1. Wampum and beads ought to be appropriate payment to shamans (or is the shapersons or shakind?) or witch doctors. Elder care will consist of an ice cake on a culturally appropriate body of water.

  4. “Health” is how they intend to bring about total digital enslavement. VAX passports are just the start. Eventually “diagnostics” will require the implantation or injection of biomedical data gathering devices. They will be mandatory “for the public good”. No bots no treatment.

  5. L – When the doctor puts on a stethoscope to listen to your heart. Say “Let’s go Brandon, Let’s go Brandon…” Then ask, do you think I have a heart murmur ? If so, what is it saying ?

  6. Speaking of “the language” of Health Equity … where in this exhaustive guide can I find my own personal Health Equity FAILure?

    When my family were members of Kaiser for a brief period … there were multiple Doctors who had such a thick Indian accent that I couldn’t understand ANY of the English they attempted. Why wasn’t I allowed access to Doctors who “looked like me”? Let alone “Sounded like me”?

    Am I being racist? No. This is my natural and normal PUSH BACK reaction to the institutional racism of “Health Equity”

    1. Well, I do have this little theory that we’ve been invaded by alien robots. Explains a lot, don’t you think? 🙂

  7. And people spent years in medical school just to produce codswallop like that?

  8. The US, and to an extent Canada, is now leading Europe on the road to hell. If normal people ever regain control from the weirdos everything will have to be torn down and rebuilt. Science, medicine, law, education, finance, the family, social structure, all in ruins.

    Chris Rea – The Road To Hell (slow start but takes off a couple of minutes in)

  9. At my age I think it probably makes more sense to say “good-bye” gracefully than to submit to the tender mercies of the socialized (and now wokerized) health “care” system.

  10. Proof positive (as if more is needed) of just how damaging useless bureaucracies can be. They waste their time on crap like this and forget what the hell it is they are ACTUALLY supposed to do. Bureaucracy….the process of turning pure energy into solid waste.

    It is LONG past time for funding to go to the sharp end (whether it be health, police, fire, military, etc. etc.) and flush the entire bureaucracy down the bloody toilet.

  11. “Collectively, we have an opportunity and obligation to overcome these
    fissures and create spaces for understanding and healing.”

    Dear Totalitarian Jerkwads,

    Collectively, we have no obligation to do anything.


    Free People

    p.s. Let’s Go Brandon!

  12. Staying healthy is easy. Exercise regularly, eat sensibly, don’t smoke, drink or do drugs, and only ever sleep with your (opposite-sex) spouse.

    It’s hardly the fault of heterosexual white men that some people refuse to do this.
