46 Replies to “Dear Leader’s Big Plans For Canada”

    1. Yes. I am tired of trying to explain this to the cult members. They go into their “He’s a Dreamy Dreamboat” chants once you start speaking.
      Making this “post” nation into a wasteland that is envious of Venezuela is the only way to get them out. Until then, we may as well save our breath.

  1. Otoole do you want to be the pm?
    Then start acting like one have some GD Balls,
    Start standing up for Canadians especially for our western brothers and sisters that are soon to see a economic disaster that will resonate right across this country. If another election is needed so be it.
    If you can’t do the job then get the Sam hell out of the way and let someone who can.
    Iam fedup with this Trudeau sob, and so are alot of Canadians including those that voted for him.

  2. The Spawn and the entitled, inbred, green moron, King in Waiting have a lot in common. It goes to show that the illusion of democracy is not far from an old monarchy. One is a popularity contest at the junior high level of intellectual avoidance and the other tries to stay on top of a degenerate culture enough to keep his head in tact but is prevented from the looting the treasury and kept on an allowance – much more harmless than a PM. Both totally unfit to rule even if ruling were not immoral and illegitimate.

  3. 14th century life would be paradise compared to what our masters have in store for us. Our ancestors were at least allowed to gather wood to make a fire now and then.

    1. Steyn says this all the time. Life under the most despotic Kings was vastly more free than we are now. Because no matter how tyrannical a King got, there was always time when his attention was elsewhere. Not so today. Call it whatever you want, the deep state, the bureaucracy, government services. They are all little despots whose attention never wanders.

      1. A a former securties regulatee (Ret) facing yet another wave of new rules&regs from people with zero experience in the field I used to say: THEY. NEVER. SLEEP.

        I have also repeatedly said that reading as much as possible of Franz Kafka’s oeuvre is essential for a full understanding of the world we live in.

    2. Definitely, 14th C. life might be better. At least, they had open skies.

      The core world power master plan is to restrict the population to 700 sq. ft. urban high rise condos in designated high density zones, where strata councils try to manage behaviour on behalf of the state (i.e., all levels of government, municipal regional, provincial and federal). No cars, although I must say that leasing programs were the first downfall, as too many people who lease cars can never afford to actually buy it. I have paid for any car ever owned in full cash.

      The rest of Turtle Island will be increasingly be designated as a park land, open only to those with big $$. Air travel is now constrained for little people and this will continue.

  4. “Thee what I’m doing to my countwy? Wiww you now pweathe wet me thit at the big kidth tabwe fwom now on?”

    Thanks for nothing, Maggot. You gave birth to this horrid creature.

    1. The birth itself may not have been the problem; Maggie was a totally crazy mother from day one, which is why Pierre had the most of the custody of the boys. Narcissistic personalities are only partly “hard-wired”, but heavily influenced by the environment in which people are raised.

      Of course, Pierre was a socialistic flake too and taught his less intelligent sons some anti-Canadian (especially Western Canada) messages, plus modelling the “finger philosophy” to those who disagreed.

  5. This imbecile is so far removed and disconnected from the worth of a dollar, it might as well be manna from heaven he is frittering away. There are MPs, even Liberal MPs, who have had to work for a dollar…and stretch a paycheck to cover their bills. But not this guy. He’s literally never had to put in a day of work in his life. Just drifted from one job to another relying on his multi million dollar trust fund to fill in the gaps.

    When you hear a Liberal or a Democrat talk about the gap between rich and poor, don’t let them distract you. The real danger is the vast gulf between our politicians and working Canadians.

  6. “Universe…we’re a go for that asteroid any time”

    “55°51’54.54″N, 4°15’27.47″W. ??”

    “That’ll work”

  7. Not much point in talking to Justin about any of this.
    Ask the retards why they voted for him and why they believe all Greta’s Global Warming Cult nonsense.

    It’s time to take back our culture from the left and their useful idiots.
    I want to live and let live but they won’t allow that.
    Start openly and loudly mocking the liberal voter’s stupidity and force them to admit that they haven’t a clue about science or logic.
    Grind them down and humiliate them and they might do some reading to try to rebut you.

    1. And, “He’s such a Dreamy Dreamboat!” is the fall back response. His electorate are more impressed with the latest celebrity gossip and reality TV programmes than actual real life. It’s the same mentality at play when the idiots are enamoured by Speaker Blinkey’s $35,000 refrigerator-freezer and her $12/pint ice cream.

  8. Remembrance Day would be a good place to start calling out these poltroons that have been acting like dictators for the last five years. If we don’t leash them in and bring them to heal then we deserve to live in a feudal society. Our Judeo/Christian compassion has brought us to this point and now we are looking at the government mandating an unproven questionable injection on our children. If they are hiding the statistics on the efficacy of the injections administered so far why would we let them continue? OH!!!! Dumb question, we voted them back into office didn’t we! We deserve everything that is coming at us from shortages to health problems.

  9. JT can go and self-sodomize. He does NOT own this country,It’s people,it’s treasury,its resources nor its flag.
    He is an utter disgrace.

  10. Trudeau is going to get Canada kicked out of the C6 Central Bank Swap agreement and that will kill the Canadian dollar and the Canadian banking industry. The Oil and Gas sector will get picked up by the Americans and continue on.

    There are all kinds of conditions related to the central bank swap agreement with the US Fed. One is they have veto on any use of the swap. Basically that keeps Canada from being a stupid kid.

    COP26 is counting on cheap energy prices to create the room needed to tax energy use in developed economies. An economy can only afford a certain energy cost before demand destruction kicks in, killing economic growth. COP26 wants to treat energy companies as big tobacco so they can tax them even more.

    A continual high cost of oil & gas will cut into the taxes COP26 wants. India is already cutting taxes to make room for increased energy costs.

    1. Excellent summation Larry: “COP26 is counting on cheap energy prices to create the room needed to tax energy use in developed economies. An economy can only afford a certain energy cost before demand destruction kicks in, killing economic growth. COP26 wants to treat energy companies as big tobacco so they can tax them even more.”

      But they have dangerously naive, megalomaniacal and/or fascists peddling their garbage “science,” so will fail us and them miserably.

      Not before extracting swaths of prosperity, liberty and safety along the way, enriching themselves while reneging on natural rights.

      Imagine shutting down our economy’s most lucrative and demanded industry to reduce our less than 2% share of emissions, while we gleefully send coal to China and give free rides to jet setting parasites and partying delegates to do less than zero for the environment.

      Here's two questions Trudeau can/won't/doesn't care to answer: when will you ban coal exports to China and how much will your idiotic promises, if somehow achieved through some perversion of politics and our national identity, reduce global temperatures?

      1. 6 drilling rigs left Canada this week. The States picked up 6 drilling rigs. I’m guessing business is moving south.

        Oh, and Saskatchewan’s COVID numbers today are terrible. I’m looking at those aged 40+. Basically, everyone is vaccinated to some degree. It looks like vaccines are going to kill.

        Saskatchewan Health needs to get Ivermectin before all other jurisidicitions get it. You know about supply shortages. Don’t be stupid public health officers.

        1. Pierre said those rigs moving south in 1980 was a figment of our imagination. (The Laurentian Elite still make this claim to this very day – letter to editor NP)
          Many of us made money doing inventory for the so called “imaginary” moves to the US.
          I am sure Dear Leader will dismiss this our imagination as well.

        2. There, you see, as our Ontario Mystery of Health said this past week, it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

      2. Shamrock, I’m beginning to think the Tranzie shits don’t give a shit. They are stinking rich and tax free, whether they are billionaires, heads of UN-linked organizations or other “world bodies” and sundry international “charities”. The policies they insist for others they are not subject to. They want it all; the great unwashed masses they see as scum to be brought into line and made to understand why it is necessary for them to be equally poor.

        Read Plato’s Republic guys and gals. It was written 2400 years ago but explains in fine socratic dialog (AKA communist doubletalk) why this must be so for the greater good.

        There are two poles to the philosophy of government, statist and libertarian. They come in many forms and nuances but the left-right/socialist-capitalist spectrum is a fraud, the true political dimension is statist-libertarian. Write this down 100 times before going to bed.

      3. I have a third question for Trudeau: “Why do you want to make Canada colder? Are you mad?”

  11. I had a good friend 15 -20 years ago (he has since moved away) and we’d get together over a pot of coffee and debate the problems of the world (not much debate since we agreed on most things. One of the things that was discussed was what our so called elites wanted from us in the near future. I coined or used the term
    “neo- feudalism” to describe the future of Canada. It appears that I may not be very far off. If an ordinary working stiff in a small town on the prairies can be so close then why has this country voted king a-hole back into power so he can complete the destruction and subjugation of this civilization.

    1. One reason only Rob.
      No clear substantive alternative was articulated and sold to the general masses.
      Conservatives are inept at selling the merits of what they know they should….be able to sell.
      When “A-tool is the closest thing to a significant chance…well…. it inspires few.
      O-tool support to large part comes from conservative cowards that would vote for any man bearing that label falsely. Gives them shelter.

      1. Only Bernier is putting out and explaining the Conservative message and formulating conservative policies. But he also has a noce dash of libertarianism and respects others views.

    2. rob

      Contrary to some people’s belief, in here, the election was rigged. O’Stoole is controlled opposition, he is controlled by the same people that control the Turd. And they do not want the turd to get a majority, as that would allow him more freedom to do as he wants. They want to be able to dictate the agenda, and big business dictates the terms of of the controlling. So I believe there is election fraud in play>

  12. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made some extreme pledges that Canadians should be wary about.”

    That was true 3 elections ago. Canadians should be wary, but they obviously aren’t.

  13. the silver lining in this current liberal regime is the fact that it is grossly incompetent and despite the damage so far, the agenda will remain incomplete and subject to change because it is 110% unrealistic. he will not be around for that much longer, even though he dances like he’s the boss forever.

  14. I see that Guilbault still can’t find a competent barber.
    He should get advice from Blackie the shiny-haired shithead.

  15. I have taken down the Canadian flag because this country is no longer Canada, it is under control ,of a halfwit 337 gutless MP’s. Who are only interested in their paycheck. Xrays would show there is not one backbone in the group

  16. At some point in time some nasty shit has to happen.
    Not advocating, just stating the obvious.
    The sooner the better.
    And any for any suck-holes who cry boohoo because some so-called “innocents” also go down, STFU.

    1. Our Dear Leader has seen the future and it is colder, darker and poorer.

      Addendum: “Only for the deplorables.”

      1. The Spawn is blinded to any rational thought by his lust for being the “one” to bring about “change”. What changes is he planning? Whatever the in-crowd and particularly Gerry Butts say are the changes he will pursue. The will of the nation is irrelevant. Despite his being supported by only one in five eligible voters, he can buy the rest from the NDP for a parliamentary majority with the foregone prosperity of future generations which both parties agree on. There is no opposition at present as the thoroughly corrupt Conservative party ran on a near identical platform because of the same sociopathic traits as the Spawn and friends.

  17. His vision seems to involve destroying Canada’s economy, and to make us all 14th century feudal peasants.

    And what’s wrong with that? Before every marriage, the lucky bride will get to spend a night with Sir Justin of the Zipper.

  18. I dislike this country anymore. As a kid, I would watch international sports and cheer on Canada. Not anymore, with the exception of the world Jr’s.
    Was brought up in AB being told AB was the Texas of the North, free, rugged individuals, who neither wanted or needed government. I believed it, live it. Those days are waning as well. Population has more than doubled since the early seventies and not in a good way. The cities are lousy with progressive hive mentality Kyle’s and Karen’s.
    I don’t enter the cities. Live 30 kms from nearest town and stay isolated on my terms.
    To quote Clint Eastwood “stay off my lawn”.

    1. To quote Clint Eastwood “stay off my lawn”.
      I prefer the Corner Gas episode where the large “F” (cafe) from The Ruby ends up on Oscar and Emma’s lawn from the wind. Oscar shouts at the kids holding it to get the “F” off his lawn……….

  19. Nothing will happen as long as you keep the majority complacent. When the pain and revolt starts he will likely bring in the Chinese to restore order and “safety “.
