11 Replies to “Little Pricks”

  1. I suspect there will be a hesitancy to accept aspiration on a large scale because if it dramatically reduces the number of serious adverse reactions, it will place the liability on the people who administered the vaccines. I imagine liability insurance is going to go sky high at that point.

    1. Unfortunately, there is no liability for the manufacturers, government agencies, medical system or personnel in regards to the jab.
      The exception would be gross negligence. However, because aspiration is not recommended procedure, the only people to suffer will be those at the sharp end of the needle.

      1. I don’t know but I doubt much liability would fall on the manufacturers, their insert stipulates intramuscular injection. Are you sure the injection sites or the chain pharmacies are off the hook, though.

  2. Didn’t watch yet but as alluded to earlier I’m a bit suspicious of what seems like a rationalization: the “vaccines” are fine …. it’s just that the medical people don’t know how to jab correctly.

    Also just read some malarkey that something like 90% of the fatalities came from only 5% of the “vaccine lots”. So, the “vaccine” is fine but there was a little bit of faulty manufacturing.

    1. There could also be a number of problems, in a number of areas all at the same time. Multiple system failure if you will.

      1. Not that that would be something the government shoving this fascist garbage one almost everybody should warn us about or anything.
        After all a death here, a death there, pretty soon, it might actually be a trend they might pay attention to.


    2. No, you’ve reached the wrong conclusion with that.
      The 5% of the vaccine lots causing the majority of adverse events is across ALL THREE MANUFACTURERS in the US.
      This is a classic example of a phenomenon in manufacturing known as stack tolerance. It’s when the process itself, despite being within established tolerances, injects sufficient compounding (yet with tolerance) errors that the end result is out of tolerance and therefore dangerous. This is a problem that usually can’t be fixed, at least not readily, without retooling the entire process. Often it needs to be scrapped entirely.
      What that means is the premise that one can use a genetic hack to cause one’s own cells to produce a substance that is pathogenic, and somehow manage to do so safely, is FALSE. It cannot be done using existing methods. Therefore the entire scheme of attempting to stimulate an immune response by causing the body to manufacture the spike protein is unsafe and needs to be halted.

      1. THANKS Edward Teach.
        I can see that!

        I recently tried manually synching a digital drum track on one machine with music recorded earlier on another at exactly the same BPM (beats per minute).
        Aha! Bingo. Nailed it.
        Nope. Over time they were enough out of whack to make it unusable.

        Something like that?

  3. After re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, a peer-reviewed study has called for the “immediate withdrawal of mRNA COVID vaccines for pregnant women, those breastfeeding, those of childbearing age and children after their shocking study reveals stunning results of pregnant mRNA vaccinated women: 92% of the women had a spontaneous miscarriage in the first 13 weeks…while 81.9% of women who received the mRNA COVID vaccine had a spontaneous miscarriage in the first 20 weeks.


    1. It seems SDA viewers have similar aggregators as I have.
      Numerous sleuths have uncovered similar horor stories involving shoddy vaccine results/testing.
      In our very small town, under 3,000, we are looking at personal aquaintances 5 with adverse reactions, 2 certainly dead. Not to mention ONE WEEK where 8 seniors passed on.
      Eight in one week.

  4. I love the statement on the linked video: “We got the vaccine so we could travel.” Nobody ever says they got the vaccine so they wouldn’t catch the disease. And since now we know the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from catching the disease (by their own admission), then what’s the point, other than complying with the new religion?
