Only Socialism Can Save The Planet

All of the western media was covering the Greta conference in Glasgow today. Judging from the banners, signs, and speeches in the streets, capitalism must be eradicated and socialism must rule. And of course colonialism is once again to blame. We saw the same tactics during the Vietnam war.

6 Replies to “Only Socialism Can Save The Planet”

  1. If the girl thinks the colonizers should pay reparations then her lot owes me something for those Viking raids.

  2. The poor young woman gets a lot of attention.
    Probably not good.
    For she knows not whereof she is doing.
    Its all programmed.
    The less she is mentioned, the less attention will be paid to the climate scam.
    They keep her up there for the young mushy minds to follow, that is all there is to it.
    There was a story about some piper or something.

  3. There are two things Scots do well. Make Scotch whiskey and drink Scotch whisky. They eff up pretty much everything else. That’s why they are socialist failures at everything.

    1. Likely all too true. Two hundred years ago, though, they were at the top of their game and the top of the world. How the mighty are fallen.

      Although being excellent at making whisky is no mean feat either.
