Are Biden & Co. Deliberately Not Fixing the Supply Chain Crisis?

During WW2, if George S. Patton was facing anything resembling today’s supply chain crisis, I’m confident he would have it fixed pretty darn quickly.  So why have Biden and Mayor Pete not seemingly done anything to help resolve it?

Some have suggested that the crisis is a very deliberate effort to destroy the free market system so that the Build Back Better “reformation” can take place.  But, in the meantime, Biden and the Democrats continue to plummet in the polls.  Should they not be worried that that they only have a free hand for one more year before they face a massive loss of power?

Related: John C.H. Lee was the American Chief of Logistics of the European Theater in WW2.

In 2021-2022 (before he’s fired), America has Pete Buttigieg.

56 Replies to “Are Biden & Co. Deliberately Not Fixing the Supply Chain Crisis?”

    1. Is it really in question? Trump would have this solved in 10 minutes. It takes a tremendous amount of planning and effort to fuck things up this badly.

      As for the polls, or elections, they don’t really matter any more do they.

  1. They are not worried.
    They might loose “power” …or office…but the agenda will continue.
    We only see the puppets.

    1. Yeah, why would they be worried? The Republicans seem to vote with the Democrats. What’s the difference? The Uniparty rules and will rule forever and ever.

    2. UVB…Exactly

      Anyone actually thinking and believing that Biden-Kamala-Trudeau-Freeland are ACTUALLY in Charge..??
      Needs their head examined… by far more than one method.

      Lets go up the Ladder by about 10 rungs – there you will find those WHO have de-facto CONTROLLED the Entire worlds MONEY supply Since the 1600’s

      ROTHSCHILDS. And their Fellow MASONS with ….Soros – Gates – Dorsey – Zuck the Alien – Rockefellers – Brit Royalty – Klaus Schwab et all.

      IMO…all Western Hemisphere Govt’s from Mayors on up, have been Coerced be-it via boatloads of Cash or Physical Threats to their families…& Im betting its both with the latter….?? Arkansas Style.

    3. UVB…Exactly

      Anyone actually thinking and believing that Biden-Kamala-Trudeau-Freeland-Macron-Boris are ACTUALLY in Charge..??
      Need their heads examined… by far more than one method.

      Lets go up the Ladder by about 10 rungs – there you will find those WHO have de-facto CONTROLLED the Entire worlds MONEY supply Since the 1600’s

      ROTHSCHILDS. And their Fellow MASONS with ….Soros – Gates – Dorsey – Zuck the Alien – Rockefellers – Brit Royalty – Klaus Schwab et all.

      IMO…all Western Hemisphere Govt’s from Mayors on up, have been Coerced be-it via boatloads of Cash or Physical Threats to their families…& Im betting its both with the latter….?? Arkansas Style.

  2. My vote – it’s incompetence. The leftists are not smart enough to plan anything, let alone plan something and have it succeed

    1. Correct, it is the communist way, incompetence. When people embrace communism all rational thought goes out the window. Rational thought is necessary to run a functioning economy.

    2. J McNeil

      And so Covid is a Naturally occurring thing…?? and all the NAZI like BS that followed as well..??

      HARDLY (IMO)

    3. John J McNeil:

      If you dig deep into Austrian School economics – Hayek, Mises, Rothbard – you will see it’s not a matter of intellect. 1000 Albert Einsteins could not effectively PLAN the world economy. It’s not a lack of IQ; it’s a lack of sufficient information: the sum total of all the desires and decisions of all the players in the market. Can’t be known except through the price discovery mechanism. “Elites” hate the idea of spontaneous order.

  3. They might not need another year, according to “The Agenda”. Copied from one of several sites, including from Dr Mike Yeadon.

    The pathway to new world order …

    Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020)

    – Mount a pandemic in China.
    > – Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
    > – Increase the number of cases and deaths
    > – Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
    > – Focus all attention on Covid-19.
    > Result, (almost) general panic

    – Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020)
    > – Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
    > – Paralyze trade and the economy.
    > – Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
    > – Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
    > – Censoring dissident leaders.
    > – Punish disobedience.
    > – Generalize PCR tests.
    > – Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
    > – Disqualify all effective treatments.
    > – Hope for a rescue vaccine.
    > Result, (almost) general panic.
    Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
    > – Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
    > – Promise protection and return to normality.
    > – Establish a herd immunization target.
    > – Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
    > – Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
    > – Passing off the side effects of the injections as “natural” effects of the virus and the disease.
    > – Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
    > – Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
    > – Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. –
    > Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

    Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
    > – Voluntarily plan for shortages.
    > – Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
    > – Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
    > – Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
    > – Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
    > – Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
    > Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

    Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
    > – Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
    > – Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
    > – Let unemployment explode.
    > – Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
    > – Take up the murder of the living old men.
    > – Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
    > – Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
    > – Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
    > – Arrest opposition leaders.
    > – Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card …
    > – Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
    > Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

    Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
    > – Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
    > – To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
    > – Activate the «Great Reset».
    > – De-materialize money.
    > – Cancel debts and loans.
    > – Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
    > – Seize properties and land.
    > – Ban all global medicines.
    > – Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
    > – Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
    > – Extend the measures to emerging countries.
    > Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

    (Novus Ordo Mass, translated it means New Order.)

      1. Unfortunately, rebellion, and a violent one might be the only thing that ll stop them…

        Because voting is now so rigged it is useless, judges are corrupt, and so is the FBI…

        BLM and Antifa ( democrat’s goons ) are released by corrupt judges but Trump supporters – for lesser crimes – are imprisoned and treated worse than Muslim terrorists.

        If things don t change soon, I predict that within the next 10 years there will be serious civil unrest or civil war in the USA.

        Maybe secession could be a peacefull solution for certain states like texas and florida

    1. This doesn’t sound like the science fiction that you and the gentleman are pointing to in Reader Tips…….it’s real…….

      From “Phase 3” :
      Without saying where, I recently overheard this kind of talk in a conversation:
      – Passing off the side effects of the injections as “natural” effects of the virus and the disease.

      Phase 5 and 6 are the scariest sh!t I’ve ever read.
      What are we to do?

      1. ” Copied from one of several sites”…

        And all of Phase 4, especially:
        “Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.”

        We are doomed.

      2. Refuse to comply and hurt anyone who tries to force you to comply. It will be your only option.

      3. Well, I’ve searched for this list, in order to justify when it was first written and posted, the earliest I could find was early October 2021. So, take Phases 1 to 4 as a written history, not predictions. that doesn’t necessarily make this an accurate forecast based on the past, yet.
        That said, Phases 5 and 6 are seeming natural progressions of TPTB from recent demands. It certainly looks like the Xiden admin is trying to crash the economy with malice, and western governments have been eagerly stripping away rights.

    2. Thats enough to consider an OD of Fentanyl.

      And yes, VOWG, the only way forward is Resistance…cept 90% will willingly walk into the “ovens” thinking THAT is their Salvation….and that is why we are truly fucked.

    1. Dan, you say “his predictions………well, are concerning, to say the least”

      Yeadon says: “We are literally standing at the gates of hell.”

      This is an excellent presentation which spells out that we are all doomed whether vaxxed or not, unless we are billionaires.

      In summary:

      • If you’re doubly vaxxed and and get a ‘top up’ vaxx, you have maybe one year to live.

      • If you’re not vaxxed, you have enough time to live until:
      a) your food supplies run out and Instacart will not deliver
      b) your bank account and investments are seized by .gov
      c) your place of dwelling is seized by .gov

      Combining your list from 1:57 am and your post @ 1:12 am
      looks like the years 2022-23 are the beginning of the end if one does not have a passport to escape to places like Hungary, or Russia where they’re not buying the NWO.

      Makes one think, what did Edward Snowdon know, eh?

      1. I was never one to go anywhere near juicy conspiracy theories, you know the usual ones out there.
        And not even this one either. But, there have been too many issues throughout this, that have just not added up whatsoever. From the small things to the large:
        Masks don’t work, but now you have to wear masks, even fully jabbed they have to wear masks! That is completely counter to proper health practices and knowledge.
        Immunity. Those who have gone through an infection, are not recognized as Immune, again, that is proper medical orthodoxy and knowledge.
        Coercion. If the jab is so safe and effective, why is coercion and blackmail involved to do so?
        Vindictive governments. Sunny ways anyone? Even the BC NDP have forgotten what rights mean, these so called champions of human rights!
        Propaganda. The media, government and BigTech have all conspired to hide vaxx injuries and lie constantly about the necessary details about Covid, in that, over 80% deaths have been in LTC homes by sick old people. The rest of the deaths, have been overwhelmingly in the older demographic who were also ill, diabetic or obese.
        There are always a few exception, but, this has shut down society?
        Twice as many people have died in BC from opiate ODs during Covid. We don’t see the government rounding up the junkies for their own good.
        And kids are safe from Covid. They don’t die from it. But the jabs could very well change that trend.
        We see stories now of young soccer players and athletes in Europe DIE at rates never seen before. Again, hidden from newscasts. Healthy people under 30 having heart attacks and strokes. This is not normal whatsoever.
        After the experience through the Trump years, it was abundantly clear, if not before so, that the media, right across the board, are inveterate liars, deceivers, and political propaganda operatives. Nothing is to be believed, NOTHING, from these horrible people. They would certainly lie 24/7 about Covid as well.

        1. Exactly. Good list Dan.
          One more to add to your list:

          If the Bilderberg billionaires think that the World population is too numerous why would they, on the other hand, want to ‘save’ people and get us all ‘vaccinated’ against covid-19?

        2. Who am I kidding? Yes, I know:
          • Makes them look good, not evil.
          • I know, the money, makes them richer.

  4. Pete Buttigieg drives bumper-to-bumper with other men … that’s his ONLY “qualification” to be Transportation Secretary. The Castro has 50 Bath Houses with literally thousands of Transportation Secretary’s on both sides of the Glory Holes.

    Yeah … Pete “checks the boxes”. He’s never checked out a box in his entire life.

  5. Why would they care what voters think? They’ve rigged most of the state-wide votes, and after not being called on the outright, visible, blatant cheating in 2020, they’re feeling invincible. Particularly now that they’ve realized they can get away with imprisoning and torturing anyone who complains about it.

    And the saddest part is that none of that was hyperbole.

  6. I have no doubt in my mind this is intentional. There are dark, evil forces working behind the scenes – probably in coordination with the Chicoms – to destroy the economy and they’re hard at work sabotaging the L.A. ports. Biden is just a corrupt, CCP-compromised puppet being controlled by China and a sinister bunch of allied, mainly Chicago Marxists. Their allies in the corrupt media portrayed him as a safe, palatable, middle-of-the-road, moderate white guy when obama tapped him to be his VP in 2008 and they figured they would continue the “Lunchbucket Joe” charade in 2020 when the Democrats shut down the primary process and installed him as their candidate in 2020. And Butt Plug Edge (I have no interest in learning the correct spelling of his real name) is giving a IDGAF middle finger to America by taking all these months off to “have a baby” with his “wife” while the supply chain crisis spirals out of control.

  7. Sure, and the Ever Given complete with Global positioning, bow thrusters and the whole nine yards encountered a sudden 30km/hr gust of wind which ended up plugging the Suez for over a week. 20,000 ships pass through the Suez a year without incident but oh no, not this ship.
    Y’know, there’ll come a point in time in your life when you realize they really are deliberately effing with your head.

  8. Governments don’t fix supply chains, but they sure as shit can fuck them up with asinine regulations & crushing taxation.
    Peter Buttplug can’t help but fail. Its just a question of intent and either way it doesn’t matter.
    The government is almost always the problem and almost never the solution.

    1. “The government is almost always the problem and almost never the solution.”

      That’s a keeper.

  9. Patton had nothing to do with the supply chain, that was Eisenhowers concern and more directly the 1st Canadian Army which led the battle to clear the Scheldt Estuary of German forces thereby securing the port of Antwerp.

  10. This is how assorted tyrants, dictators, totalitarians operate to take complete control of the population.
    After the society and economy collapses by their own design, they will institute diktatorship, not unlike socialists/fascists or communists.
    They do this by telling the population through controlled media that they are in charge and will fix things up.
    Of course they have no idea how, just that they are in power and can say and do whatever they want.
    Maybe you can remember how the communists brought down the wheat supply of Europe, Ukraine, by starving Ukrainians to death.
    Maybe you can remember the Chinese cultural revolution, when you look closely, you may find that today’s, antifa, the racism of socialists (the Democrats), and variety of other that they call “progressives” today, are parallel with the destroyers.
    Socialists and communists destroys every fiber of natural human existence and reengineer it into artificial existence.
    This will work initially until, as the wise lady said, they run out of other peoples money.
    Then the mayhem will start and hopefully will destroy every scumbag that started and continued with the program.

    There is one question though, who is behind this?

  11. WE will become as George Lucas clearly illustrated in his movie: THX1138

    A Planet of Govt ENFORCED drugged Drones.
    Where one can and will get busted – with the result of being Molecularly “re-assembled” for the Crime of DRUG EVASION or natural reproduction.

    Thanx but no thanx….Street Fentanyl OD…??
    Or die in Blazing Glory driving my truck at 200kmh into one of their bastions…
    yea, the latter

    damn right he’s do something about this supply chain thing. t’would be a momentary blip for the likes of the general.

  13. Why would Democrats worry about polls…

    when they rig elections and win no matter what?

    1. Cloward-Piven strategy? Exactly! ; create crisis ( more than one if possible ) so that radical change – that in normal time could not – can be put in place.

      The covid fake crisis showed them how easy it is to control people and impose things, so now they are doing it with the fake supply problem ( that they are causing intentionally )

      The left is pure evil and getting worse everyday.

    1. Compounding…yep,
      Pay people to sit on their ass collecting 70-100K US fking D Annually….???

      That’s half the issue here – NO ONE wants to work…

  14. Patton would rip out Biden and Butthole-Pete’s guts and use them to grease the treads of his tanks.

    1. The world was a better place when men were allowed to be like Patton.

      Feminism, leftism and now ” wokism” have feminized western civilization and feminized men, and that is why our civilization is close to falling to pieces.

  15. This may be of EXTREME interest..??

    I cannot verify if real or not…but given what I’ve seen over the past 22 Months…??

    Definitely in the “likely” category and appears to integrate seemlessly with Canada’s Direct involvement (via UBC), in the development of the Lipid Nano Particle in 2015/2016…similar time frame as when Acuitas & Arbutus Pharmaceuticals went to court to litigate owner ship of said Technology. (2017) with I would add, full knowledge of said tech by the PMO & PM himself.

    “someone – somewhere – knew something” (I’d argue that a shit ton of folks Fucking well “knew something”)

  16. buy lead…… store food and get ready……
    make them pay for every person they come for…..
    and wait for Yahuah to intercede before there is no flesh left alive…..
    it is the biblical end times folks
