60 Replies to “How Do I Donate To This?”

    1. It will affect deliveries of heating oil to upper Michigan, only. It would be a good lesson for the Librals and all Watermelons, even the stupid fantasist Greta children in the GTA.

  1. The Purge. Having just returned from Glasgow, many in the Brandon administration relish freezing thousands of North Americans to death.

  2. Choices have to be made. Jeeshe, give the Brandon administration some credit. That pipeline will be repurposed to transport packages that presently clog ports and trucks!

    1. All they have to do is re-task some pipeline pigs and away they go, right?

  3. This is the moment when the good intentions, the pure and blessed intentions of the left collide with reality as they so often do when they are wrong. ‘ We must stop fossil fuels ‘ runs up against the reality of people’s lives being totally ruined by it. Absolutely no forethought given to it, just mindless banning and taxing.
    The climate change crowd has pushed it as far as even a mostly docile population will allow it to go. This is the end of the hoax unless they can figure out how to replace fossil fuels to sustain our modern standards of living.

    1. This is the end of the hoax unless they can figure out how to replace fossil fuels to sustain our modern standards of living.

      But the left wants to end our standard of living and return us to the times before the Norman Conquest, when life was fair and beautiful.

      1. BA.

        Exactly…have a good look around ya folks…we are in the epicentre of the “Build Back Better” Plan…. 100% dependant on our current civilization being utterly destroyed, Physically & it’s inhabitants eliminated in all aspects….Those few remaining to be Fully subservient to the Elites in every way possible.

    2. You miss the point; the watermelons do not want to sustain our modern standard of living. They want an end to industrial society, at least for the Proles.

    3. Well they did successfully replace plastic straws with soggy cardboard ones. Electric cars are proving to be a little trickier.

      1. You and I will be banned from owning a car once they realize there isn’t enough of various materials to make the batteries for everyone. Only “elites” with approved green credentials will own personal transport.

      2. Arty

        Yep, all based on the complete & Utter LIE of straws,and plastic bags being blamed for the state of our Oceans… PURE Greta inspired Bullshit.

        Our Oceans are at Risk due to an insatiable ASIAN DEMAND for Seafood.

        48% of the plastic in said oceans is fishing gear…most of it cut loose by ASIAN Fishing fleets.

        1. Yep! And the rest of it is Asian rivers emptying the flow of everyday garbage chucked into them.

          BY ASIANS, in case that wasn’t clear to the ecofucksticks. Oh, but we white westerners are to blame for everything – as long as ecofuckstick NGOs can slurp money from the pockets of the guilt-ridden.

          1. OSF.

            From what I’ve read….90+% of ALL the plastics on the planet that end up in our Oceans..??, come from 10 Major rivers…Eight or 9 of which are in Asia:

            Yangtse River: China
            Yellow River: China
            Mekong River: Thailand – Laos – Vietnam
            Indus: India
            Ganges: India – Bangladesh
            Yarlung Tsangpo: China – India – Bangladesh
            Salween River: China – India – Burma
            Pearl River: China – Vietnam
            Brahmaputra River: China – India – Bangladesh

            To name a few…..

            But Damn you nort americano’s for your plastic straws…!!!!!

      3. “Electric cars are proving to be a little trickier.”

        But don’t worry. Hydrogen cars are coming along right behind to solve that problem.

        1. Well they’d better make them flying cars if they truly want to get away from Alberta Oil, how else do they plan to upkeep the roads?

    4. Good intentions?

      If the intentions of the left are good, goodness has no meaning.

      Here are their intentions for you and everyone you love—to drive an ax blade into your cerebellum and dump you in a mass grave.

      Mass murder is not an unfortunate side effect of their schemes. It is the whole bloody point of it.

      1. This, yes. As I’ve said before they’ve never really been shy about their true intentions. You can read the things they’ve said and the Club of Rome has planned online in any number of places. Depopulation is their goal, presumably with a remnant population of serfs (let’s just be honest and say slaves) to clean their pools, do their gardening, grow their food and make their wine, etc. etc.

        Utopia, absolutely: for them.

        1. If I happen to be one of the unlucky serfs, murder is no longer criminal in my mind, I will harvest as many as I can.

          1. Yep. Spartacus’s revolt only failed because he had so many well-trained heavily armed soldiers against his fellow slaves. A bunch of pedos with pink poodles are going to be a HELL of a lot easier. 😀

      2. “If the intentions of the left are good, goodness has no meaning.”

        To be fair, they mean well. Rainbows for everyone, right? And it will be good… for them.

        For us? We’d be lucky to get the ax. More likely the Ukrainian treatment. Starve in the dark and then the survivors freeze to death. Stalin was nothing if not efficient.

  4. I read the Biden administration is “studying the environmental implications of leaving the pipeline running” and the fact that the pipeline is “aging” but that the report won’t be ready for “several months”. Expect Biden et al to kick the can down the road (i.e. leave the pipeline running until the environmental report comes out). Then expect a demand from Biden to either upgrade the pipeline or shut it down (i.e. a shake down). That is a win-win situation (for the Democrats) that could be expanded to other jurisdictions (improve not expand).

    1. Line 5 was built in the 50s. It needs replacing (although it is currently safe to operate).
      There is a replacement line in the works which includes a tunnel for the water crossing – so much more secure and eliminates the possibility of line damage from an anchor drag.
      Not sure where the project sits, the tunnel boring was supposed to start this year pending permits.

      1. Understand there have been considerable upgrades over the years on the land portions of Line 5. The vulnerable portion is the line at the bottom of the strait, which is why Enbridge has been working on its replacement for a fair few years now. Have heard from a friend that the line is okay just so long as the petroleum products keep flowing (with pauses for whatever R & M they can do), but an unplanned and prolonged shutdown could mean that particular section can’t be brought back up again.

  5. All of the morons in the Eastern part of the Canadian Penal Colony consistently support the end of all fossil fuels in Canada. In plain English they vote to slowly starve themselves and their familes to death. They poll at 53% for an end to fossil fuels. Give them their wish. Shut line 5. At the the same time FBI and FJT. When your government threatens to starve you to death. Ask yourself what would our warriors who fought Nazi’s in WW2 do? Governments in the EU are also refusing the unvaxxed from shopping for food in Germany and Italy. What should those families do with these Death Threats from their governments. What did our Warriors do in the WW2 when the Nazi’s started starving and exterminating People. I think that time is here again. Time to stop submitting and prepare for what is coming. The Elite Trash are not going to like the Rough Treatment. You better prepare for your families sake.

    1. Well, those warriors were our moral and intellectual superiors.

      They didn’t negotiate with nazis. Guess what they did.

      That should be our inspiration.

  6. Explaining he has trouble understanding why some Western leaders seem unable to grasp the importance of reliable, affordable energy and electricity for everyday citizens…”

    Yeah, it sure is a big mystery so let me help you with that. Because they’re sociopaths and couldn’t care less about you or your family.

  7. We were in Germany about 8 years ago and an Engineer explained to us how the German, Solar and Wind program was a failure!
    The only thing saving them in the winter were the remaining coal fire generators!!!!

    The progressive LEFT never seem to learn from History! Canada and the US are repeating the same German mistakes ! What is so disturbing is the electorate of both countries seem oblivious to these facts!

  8. “Should this pipeline be shut down, tens of thousands of jobs would be lost across Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the region; billions of dollars in economy activity would be in jeopardy; and the environment would be at greater risk due to additional trucks operating on roadways and railroads carrying hazardous materials where that is even possible,” the letter reads. “Additionally, as we enter the winter months and temperatures drop across the Midwest, the termination of Line 5 will undoubtedly further exacerbate shortages and price increases in home heating fuels like natural gas and propane at a time when Americans are already facing rapidly rising energy prices, steep home heating costs, global supply shortages, and skyrocketing gas prices.”

    If the Line 5 pipeline were to shut down, Enbridge argues that its refinery customers in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Quebec would see a shortage of gas, diesel and jet fuel of about 14.7 million gallons per day, or about 45% of current supply. Michigan alone would face a propane supply shortage of 756,000 gallons per day and would have to find an alternative supply for anywhere from 4.2 million to 7.77 million US gallons of refined products a day, according to the company.

    1. It’s not just on the US side.
      Sarnia will be hard hit when the shut down hits the chemical valley.
      Schadenfreude is that the five term mayor there is a big L liberal.

      1. Agreed. Some February reality is needed. It probably won’t come about. Most urban Ontarians figure the govt of any level can fix it by giving more $$ to ‘social programs’. I am thinking that the ‘cold, hard facts’ might frost freeze some liberals brain cells hard pan and smarten them up.

  9. These idiots fail to take into account petroleum byproducts. Shut down all the pipelines and no more plastics. It’s back to the 1890’s.
    It’s back to glass, iron and leather, and heating our homes with wood and coal directly. Hunting, growing and scavenging.
    These leftest pinheads whine about the environment now. They aint seen nuffin yet.
    Can’t build wind turbines and solar panels without plastics.
    They have no appreciation as to how reliant we are on these. They want us to quite literally cut our own throats with their sick ideas.

      1. Nemo2, There will be a vast amount of human leather available shortly, if those fucks have their way!

  10. If it saves one duck…
    Well, even if it doesn’t save one duck it’s still worth shutting it down to watch the brainless morons starve while freezing in the dark.

  11. Embridge needs to shut the pipe down for 2 weeks to do some much needed maintanance. I suggest the Friday before Xmas at around 5 PM.
    Gas companies need to start randomly rejecting the credit cards of Leftist pushing green energy, May, Butts, Climate Barbie, Gore, just send a message.

  12. What is it with leftists ? They appear to get off on making OTHER people suffer. Sick puppies, the whole lot of em.

  13. You really have to wonder what the hell is in those peoples minds.
    One thing though is guaranteed, those that make the stupid decisions will never be affected by them.

    Like certain Suzuki said to Rutherford on radio. Rutherford asked the guy what does he think about his diesel burning bus exhausting all that dark smoke.
    Well, as all supremacist minds, the guy said that he needs to get to places. Obviously, the wise guy got to get places and you don’t, so shut up and submit.

    So it is with the sizeable ruling class that’s getting bigger and bigger with all the women’s, racist, LGBXYZ and other such studies graduates having no actual valuable skills for living telling the normal people that they got to get places so you don’t have to.

      1. Heh, the current crop of socialist/fascists are careful not to do the goose steps.
        They instead tear down statues, burn cities, occupy places and other such mostly peaceful activities.

        1. Occupy places and then start mainlining heroin and shooting each other, which is one of the few things I like about them.
