Austria Goes All The Way

BBC- Austria to go into full lockdown as Covid surges

Days after Austria imposed a lockdown on the unvaccinated, it has announced a full national Covid-19 lockdown starting on Monday. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said it would last a maximum of 20 days and there would be a legal requirement to get vaccinated from 1 February 2022.

Fred Sayers has a man on the street report from a couple of days ago when it was just the vaccine virgins getting locked down.

62 Replies to “Austria Goes All The Way”

  1. It’s good to be owned by a “Chancellor” who by decree can say that it is now a legal requirement to be vaccinated.

    I think Justin believes he is also a Chancellor and his word is our law.

    1. I guess understanding that the not-vaccines is the problem has eluded them. The people need to say no. Force their hand.

      1. Just…..Say…..No…..

        BTW, heard a report on the local radio tonight whining about how there are so few truck drivers right now and how THEY are desperate to get more into the seat.
        I started yelling at the box , ” CAUSE THEY DON’T WANT YOUR MAGIC GOO.”

        Well that but more likely the existing ones want more money and I dont blame them one bit.

  2. In anomer Austrian news, they got a communist for mayor in the second largest city of Graz.

    Austrian city swears in first-ever communist mayor

    The Austrians are like that, for some reason they produce dictators, certain Adolph comes to mind.

    Been there few times, the Opera Ring in Wien is most beautiful piece of architecture of earlier times.
    The people, for some reason appear miserable.

    1. Yes, Vienna is a beautiful city, and the Alps are great too.
      But these totalitarian tendencies…

      1. Canada is just full of people that think the same way. We are headed for a serious meltdown.

        1. They’re going to first force all of us to take boosters while simultaneously forcing all children to get jabbed. At the price of being fired / suspended, locked out of public life, and relentless ostracization and demonization.

          I genuinely see no solution any more. All Canadian officials are pot committed. They will not back down, not one inch, not until 100% of the plebes are fully jabbed. Even then, it will just roll over every six months and start again.

          I think it’s becoming “Comply or emigration,” but oh yeah.. You can’t even board a plane to leave without complying.

          We’re lost.

          1. Yeah, well, I’ll go fullSOB on them before that.

            My inner child will take over, LOL!

            I will not succumb or submit, but go down fighting taking out as many as possible. It’s the only thing they will understand. They want a war? Fine, it’s on!

        1. Well , as I understand it, certain groups of diversity are rapidly changing that.
          When those groups don’t take the magic potion, breeding like rats comes into play.

    1. Stan…..We need to spend some time flattening those who wish our destruction, all of them.

  3. You look at what is happening “Over There” and you wonder if everyone has lost their minds?

    Here is a link to the slide deck used by Saskatchewan Health to back up their “modelling” of COVID parameters.

    It doesn’t say much of anything. Certainly, not enough to kill people by implementing the NAZI way of life.

    The COVID vaccine wanes. It also knocks out your immune system & heart. Over time, the vaccine will kill those most in need of protection. Get your Ivermectin and get on with life. It really is that simple.

    Naturally there is another pinhead University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine professor who says the unvaccinated are lower education, financially insecure, and whatever… You get the jist. It is time to shut down the College of Medicine. They have developed a cadre of Mengele clones.

  4. Once again the birth of tyranny and oppression in the name of communism, fascism once again raises it’s head in that ugly nation.

    1. Austria is hardly an ugly country. After all, it produced musicians (e. g., Mozart, Franz Joseph and Michael Haydn, Anton Bruckner, the Strausses) and scientists (for example, Ludwig Boltzmann and Erwin Schrödinger).

        1. So does Japan, China, France, Spain, Italy, much of South America, pretty much all of Africa, and now England, Canada, some US states, Sweden, Australia, and others are joining the club.
          Boltzmann’s work is what allowed your AC and HVAC systems to be designed.
          Schrödinger’s work is what allowed your computer, car ECU, and ATMs to be designed.

          1. The other day I ordered a box that is supposed to have Schrödinger’s cat inside. I wonder if I should open it when t arrives…

          2. Only open it if it makes a noise.

            So, a cop pulls over Schrodinger and Heisenberg for speeding.
            Cop: “Do you know you were doing 120mph?”
            Heisenberg: “Thanks, asshole, now we’re lost.”
            Cop: “??? I’m gonna have to search your car. Gimme the keys to the trunk.”
            Cop opens trunk, says “WTF? You’ve got a dead cat in here!”
            Schrodinger: “Well I do now!”

            I’ll see myself out.

          3. One of the best ones! The lines

            Cop: “Do you know you were doing 120mph?”
            Heisenberg: “Thanks, asshole, now we’re lost.”

            are outstanding in their conciseness!

  5. I would hope that the lock down will maybe open a few eyes when they realize they are not going to stop the virus by placing the unvaxed under house arrest but I don’t have much faith in any leaders on this planet.

  6. I think it’s important to remind everyone that these obscene human rights violations and civil liberties violations are for a virus with a 99.4% to 99.997% recovery rate for healthy people under 65 years old.

    These authoritarian policies are not in any way a normal reaction for a disease with such a low infection fatality rate. At this point, only the willfully blind can’t see the huge red flags flapping in their face.

    An obvious conclusion, I know, but it’s weird that that this obvious conclusion isn’t plastered over the news 24/7.

    1. Of course it isn’t. There is no question that this whole charade is designed to subvert the whole societal structures and, perhaps, achieve a “great culling”. When dear leader announce that the pandemic was an opportunity for a reset, that was him telling the world – and the insiders – that Canada was all in. Since “the long march through the institutions obliterated the notion of “independent media”, we are left without a voice.

    2. LC……Logic, rational thinking, critical thought, and science, all fucking went out the window with hysteria, and irrational fear, and mass insanity.

    3. Fed Up and VOWG

      I understand that fear and other behavioural science manipulations were used to get compliance but you’d think compulsory vaccination would wake people up. Even the Salem witch trials ended.

      1. So did I. But I had some interactions with some otherwise very smart people that are convinced that mandatory jabination is good public health policy. If we had a functioning media and the resources to drop stacks of bricks at strategic locations – and some dark coloured clothing – the remaining thinking people could have a chance to turn this around. With reasoning and data, not so much.

      2. We will have to physically end them. This old man will not back down as I have stood alone for a long time now. People who say they are with you melt like snow in June when the heat is on. The are big talkers, hey man I won’t that that toxic shot, until sometime later in conversation it just sort of creeps out that they did take the shot. More cowards than free people in Canada.

        1. Just be clear on where “physically end them” leads. You’re talking either mass civil unrest, economic destruction, riots, looting, etc; or prelude to actual civil war. In Canada, you’re not wrong; there are nowhere near enough people to generate the critical mass to start such a thing, or see it through to something resembling a victory.

          NO western country has that critical mass of “Live free or die” people other than America. She is, simply put, the only country in which that sentiment is part of the national character. It remains to be seen how things will play out there.

          1. There are ways it can be done , quietly.
            Remember, Epstein did not kill himself.
            Neither did SC Judge Scalia.

  7. L – When Freddie Sayers was interviewing the two circus performers, at 15′:45″, he mentions
    that Mia has recovered from Covid-19 and under Austria’s 2-D system she qualifies for
    public access.

    If Austria recognizes acquired natural immunity of the Covid-19 recovered. If follows logically, that they should test the unvaccinated to determine if they qualify for acquired immunity. The
    growing data of the clot shots: causing blood clots(micro to macro), enough to impair the health of the formerly healthy(heart/lungs/brain), adverse effects on fertility, spontaneous abortion, disrupting the natural immune response that kills cancer cells. Having as large an unvaccinated group in the population, as a control group is critically important.

    Because, forcing the entire population into a medical experiment impairing the genetic(immune and reproductive systems) integrity of the Austrian people may, in effect, trigger Austria-cide?

    Just asking for a friend(s) e.i. every other nation in the world.

    1. Larry, the tests are the problem. They are used for the computer models that say everyone is going to die if we don’t follow the dictates of the government. The death rate, to my knowledge still has not exceeded 0.26%. Whether or not the vaxxed are going to push that higher has yet to be seen, even though the vaxxes have killed over 27 thousand in the US and over 28 thousand in the EU. Long term studies and testing were never performed. What a freaking joke.

  8. Of course, they’re placing the blame for this total lockdown of everybody squarely on the shoulders of the “vaccine deniers,” and are using all the same language to objectify and de-personalize them that they used against the Jews prior to the Second World War.

    You’d think those dumb sh!ts would know better, but no — the Unclean walk amongst them, and should be purged or coerced.

    I’m quite afraid that this is going to end with the deaths of many, many innocent Austrian citizens.

    More from eugyppius:

    1. If the not-vaccines really worked, anyone with with even a modest IQ would realize that someone who is supposed to be protected by the vax should not be worried about anyone else vaxxed or not. Logic has vanished. People are stupid.

  9. Mass demonic possession. The tribulation is upon us. Christians, stand fast. The temptation to yield in order to “get along” will become almost unbearable. Stay the course. Remember the Beatitudes.

    1. This is true. Kind of interesting going to church these days with 70% of those there having received the mark. I am not sure that the fake vax is the mark but there is so much in common with the prophesy in Revelation 13 that you can’t rule it out. It certainly is a warm up exercise for the mark.

    2. At this point I suspect there won’t be many more people convinced to get the covid shot. Those who have resisted the vaccine despite current human rights and civil liberties violations are saying not just “No” they’re saying “Hell no”

      There isn’t any negotiating room between you must have have this injection and I’ll never get that injection. Unstoppable force meets immovable object scenario.

      Anyone who supports what is going on in Austria for a disease like covid19…are not the good guys.

  10. A legal requirement to get vaccinated from 1 February 2022???


    At least they consider those who have recovered to be vaccinated, unlike here. But still, as has been mentioned, this reminds me of a certain corporal a few decades back, and how easily he got the general populace hostile to a minority.

    1. Apparently this will include heavy fines for th noncompliant. I can just hear the ka-ching noise sounding in Ottawa.

    2. Don’t be surprised, the date planned for mandatory vaccine in Sask is Mar 15.

      Given how little canadians are protesting against the nazis so far I see little reason they would move that date back.
      Other factors such as supply shortages, really hard winter may adjust that date as logistics could be impacted.
      But that is the plan.

  11. I am expecting that the Austrian policy — first lockdowns then forced vaccines for everyone will be happening everywhere. Non compliant will probably be sent to camps. It makes no sense to normal people. It also makes no sense scientifically. There is a sinister plan unfolding. Those forcing this are very powerful. I am not optimistic that this can be turned around. Media and politicians are controlled, and too many people do not want to face what is happening, so they are compliant and hostile towards anyone challenging their world view. I am finding that many of the smartest people I know, just do not want to see the tyranny that is unfolding.

  12. It’s the COVID Inquisition.
    Convert You Unvaccinated Heathens!
    Worship the Jab!
    Worship Scientism!
    We will drive you out of society if you do not Fully and Continuously Vaccinate!
    Good Citizens Vaccinate!
    Achtung! You will comply NOW!
    Und you will quickly comply the next time too!
    Verstehen Sie?

  13. Based on their historical track record, it appears that the best treatment for Austrian Chancellors is to shoot them.

  14. COVID is a religion and the child sacrifice bearing jab is their sacrament. Moloch is pleased.

  15. The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30’s, “the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.”+

    “As I observed then, this would mean the vaxxed and unvaxxed pose a comparable danger to each other,” writes Shriver.

    “All Covid apartheid schemes are therefore insensible.”
    Meanwhile, the Times reports the results of another study which “found the double-jabbed are just as likely to pass on Covid-19 as unvaccinated people.”

  16. The cure for Globalist dictators and their genocidal impulses is simple. Everyone knows the answer.
    Treat these genocidal maniacs the way they treat the public and without mercy.
    War is lost if no one fights back.
    Hitlers Austria is a prime example of what will happen here in the dictator/ cult of Turdholeland. Count on it.
    The only difference between Hitlers Austria and Peeair Turdholes Canada ( Turdholeland ) is the certainty that Austrians will fight back against this fascism and Canadians would cheer it on and ask for more.

  17. Wouldn’t it be more …efficient…to round up the disease causing, unclean and contain them in urban ghettos? Food could be left at the area checkpoints. Unclean could appoint leaders.
    Rurals kept in camps.

    Children too.

    Good Austrians could thus go about their permitted activities.
