Shoot First, Explain Later

CBC- Renowned gunsmith killed in Toronto police raid

Hearing about Rodger being near guns wasn’t unusual — he was a world-renowned gunsmith, known as one of the best in Canada and someone local police officers trusted to fix their firearms, according to people who knew him.

Toronto Police Service said that day at noon — in broad daylight — its officers carried out a search warrant on the property. It’s unclear what information they had and how many officers were at the scene, but the service said it was looking for guns. Family said no warrant was left behind.

They say Toronto police brought their own ambulance and paramedics with them when they first arrived…

There’s a lot of question marks here.

69 Replies to “Shoot First, Explain Later”

  1. Isn’t it strange that the Ceeb isn’t allowing any comments on any of the articles on this travesty.

    1. COPs should not be investigating COPs. Fuck the RCMP shot a man inside a locked cell in Calgary and got away with that murder, he got very light sentence for cold blooded murder.
      The cops should be charged and held for murder like everyone else an be processed as a crime until proven innocent like everyone else.

  2. And yet police won’t dare set foot on indian reserves, where a great number of guns smuggled in from the States can be found.

    1. Excellent point.

      It’s one I’ve made repeatedly over the years regarding the govts hypocrisy on such issues as gun control, fighting drug trade, cigarette policies.

      The irony to me now is that a reserve is likely the safest place to be in terms of protection from govt overreach regarding vax mandates and enforcement, though I stand to be corrected on that if anyone knows better.

    1. He fixed guns for the local cops.
      That one surprised me.
      Guess the old adage applies, ” no good deed, goes unpunished “.

  3. Once more from the top: COPS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS
    They’re perfectly content with the “Us vs. Everyone else” mindset.

    1. Burton.

      From a correctional officer:

      We are looked as:
      “non-convicted individuals residing in the community”

      When you bring your own Ambulance…?? And 150kms out of your own jurisdiction..?? Damn straight this is a “hit” …. Atta boy Tory you NAZI POS.

  4. If he didn’t want to get shot to death by police in Canada he shouldn’t have been a white gun owner. Just like those idiots in high river: safely storing guns in their homes during a mandatory emergency evacuation…of course the police are going to need to kick in your doors and steal your legally owned property!

    “Shot for owning guns while white”

    And don’t worry, there will be no mostly peaceful protests over this. Baaa.

    1. Have the RCMP begun booting in doors of the flooded and not flooded homes in BC, looking to protect the guns they might find?

    2. Wasn’t some black woman shot and killed during a no-knock warrant? Hmmm? What’s her name? It’s right on the tip of my tongue …

      Black victims = martyrs
      White victims = meh

  5. Toronto Police? Looking at the map, way out of their jurisdiction. Why were the local police, who would have known him well, not involved? Gross incompetence or gangland hit?
    In today’s news Toronto police learn that apple farms have apples…..

  6. making a few assumptions but it seems like this “customer” was likely an undercover officer. Apparently Toronto police have been watching too many Hollywood movies and they figured this could make for a sensational takedown story for their Christmas Party. Most likely this is just extreme incompetence and the officer who shot him got scared when he saw a gun. Another big assumption but even if this gunsmith was being investigated for performing illegal modifications or any other improper act clearly there are much safer ways to handle this.

    1. “there are much safer ways to handle this.”

      Like have two cops walk in the front door with no visible guns and say, “We are the Toronto Tonton Macoute and we have a warrant to serve.” The guy had to have a totally pristine and non-violent criminal record or he would not be a licensed gunsmith. It was simply an execution.

  7. If you think these people will not kill you for other things, diversity, global warming, covid, you’re fooling yourself. All they need is a pretext to satisfy the believers and there are plenty of thugs willing to carry out their orders.

  8. Apparently Toronto police have solved the daily gun fights in the city, so they have to find new territory.

  9. Did the cops play rock scissors paper during their 150 kilometer drive to see who got to murder a gunsmith?

    From now on I’ll consider every Toronto a cop a murderer. Fucking shithole city.

    1. From now?

      Yes, I know you have been on the good side of the fight for a long time. Just pointing out that this is nothing new.

      People need to understand that they are never safe when confronted by JBTs. Act accordingly, avoid confrontation, hands up, loudly claims you’re not resisting. Maybe, at least one of their cameras will not malfunction.

      Welcome to police state.

  10. How is this possible in this country?
    Are there any rules for the police or they follow the gestapo/KGB rule books?

    Yeah, they are reading this as it is being written, will let you know of visits.

    One more thing, there is more to the story, where is it?

    1. SIU announced that they are going to take 4 weeks to investigate and enable the coverup of the murder…

      1. I wonder if the big police van took away all the evidence, like supplies, gun making equipment, safes, money , gold….
        Family will never see that again.
        Sometimes it is good to have a boating accident, always be proactive.

    2. “How is this possible in this country?”

      Lol seriously?
      Ask Myles Gray, the Kawartha toddler, Robert Dziekanski … oh you can’t. Then ask Suzan Zreik.

  11. When I was living in Toronto in the early 2000s, one of the things I frequently heard was “Toronto is run by the gangs, and the biggest gang is the Metro Toronto PD”. One of Harper’s biggest errors in judgment was giving Fantino anything but the inside of a jail cell; he was a thug who condoned and outright encouraged not just abuse of power, but actively criminal behaviour by his officers. Soi-disant conservatives loved him because he talked tough. They couldn’t be arsed to look at what he actually did.

  12. My guess is that the gunsmith had incriminating evidence on the criminal police and had to be eliminated.

    1. That was my thought..was he being asked to participate in gun running? Moving hot firearms confiscated by the police?

      Whom did he have the goods on?

      Bringing your own ambulance screams that he was expected to die.

  13. “The family is devastated, they’re heartbroken but they’re also outraged and they’re fearful … the police are supposed to serve and protect, not surprise and kill,” Smitiuch said.

    Welcome to the Trudeau Liberals’ post-national police-state. This may have had nothing to do with guns, maybe he was refusing vaccination or they heard he was planning a group of 12 for Christmas dinner.

    Let’s Go, Brandeau!!!

  14. And there you have it boys and girls.
    How a State eliminates opposition.
    This will probably be all we ever get to know,about this execution.
    For the lack of local police is a real tell.
    No one will be responsible.
    Not the 4 hitmen,nor the office morons who primed them.

    We need a new label for these gangs,for what they do,is not policing.

    Vancouver Airport has shown us all what these minions really are and what they will get away with.

    1. “We need a new label for these gangs,for what they do,is not policing.”

      Allow me to suggest “The Gestapo.”
      …or the Stasi or the Cheka.

  15. Not much to add to this; hell of a way to start my day though. I was going to say, “obvious execution“ but was beaten to it. Sickening and scary.

  16. Here are some facts about that area.
    The riding is currently held by CPC MP Leslyn Lewis.
    It also comprises a good chunk of those that question the vaccine mandate
    The area is under OPP jurisdiction and being one of those small town communities just an hour away from larger centres (quality of life) these are considered golden postings for the force. So they get comfortable with the locals and work on good relationships in the community.
    So why would a police force that had such notable individuals as Bill Blair in their employing the past, be doing raiding a gun smith without a warrant?

    Let me premise a theory that if someone wanted to get accurate records of who in the area owned a gun what would happen if they tried to take any such information from the local gun smith, especially if they came in without a warrant?
    Would he resist?

  17. It’ll be stuffed down the memory hole, just like the RCMP’s role in the Nova Scotia mass shooting last year.

  18. Defund the BATF, FBI, DOJ, IRS, NSA, CIA… ah Hell, let’s make it simple – Defund D.C.
    Drain the Swamp!
    I’ll take my chances with the terrorists and street criminals.

  19. “Some officers were wearing plain clothes while others wore tactical gear, according to family, friends, neighbours and Michael Smitiuch, the family’s lawyer, all of whom CBC spoke with this week. ”

    Have some unidentified rando in plain clothes kick the door in so that the uniformed guys can shoot the home owner when he reacts to what looks like a criminal attacking him.

    Why else would you have plain clothes guys there?
    Put on a ‘POLICE’ vest if you’re normally in plain clothes.

  20. Unrelated, but I’ve been wondering if there has been any progress in the investigation of the double murder of the pharmaceutical billionaire and his wife?

  21. I don’t have much on this one. I have never trusted the police in spite of needing them at times.

    1. The only time I can remember anyone I know “needing” the police was to sign a report so they could file an insurance claim.

  22. The “out of jurisdiction ” thing.
    Are these Toronto Police Officers still “peace officers” outside the city?
    Or are they actually private citizens?
    Especially if operating without the Agencies having Jurisdiction?

  23. Cops murder people all the time. In Turdholeland its almost a past time. Myles Gray was savagely beaten to death by Vancouver “cops” for watering his lawn. The whole world watched four sadistic RCMP thugs murder a defenseless disoriented man at Vancouver Airport.
    3 things here…1- corrupt OPP cops murdered a man while he was working in his shop, and 2- they will get away with it, like they always do. and 3- the public and the Family will be kept in the dark as to why the OPP murdered an innocent citizen. My heart goes out to that Family. What is the recourse for holding murderous cops accountable for their actions in Turdholeland ? There isn’t one. They murder with impunity, they could burst into anyone of our homes for any specious reason or no reason at all murder you and your dog and then walk away scott free. In Turdholeland you have no rights and freedoms. This country needs a Constitution or a “Charter” that protects citizens from the State, not that that will happen, but if any country needs protections for its citizens from the State its, Turdholeland.

    1. Small point Sean.
      That they could possibly weasel around.
      My read was this hit was done by the Toronto City Police.
      150? miles outside their own territory.

      As for “this country needs a charter”.
      We have one,we all just learned what that is worth.

      We need open carry by all tax paying citizens and all tax taking citizens to be disarmed.
      Thus no government thug can be allowed to use lethal force against a taxpayer.
      But a tax paying citizen shall be entitled to thin the parasitic overload at whim..especially if caught packing,stealing or destroying.
      This would give “public servant” real meaning.

      1. I am of the opinion that all citizens should be free to open or concealed carry, and that only the police should be subject to capital punishment when found guilty of murder.

        1. Yes, moreover any overreach by police needs to be immediately investigated by an independent body, … let’s call them Police Inquisition (fuck SIU, they are useless). Any attempts at holding the blue line and not incriminate oneself ought to be considered an admission of guilt and punisher accordingly… according to mythical* inquisition standards.

          *Inquisition was historically very humane, they deserve less.
