73 Replies to “December 1, 2021: Reader Tips”

    1. Was anybody else cheering for the police horses to contribute while they crossed? It would have made my day.

    2. I adore Watson. He seems to have lost a little sparkle since his marriage. I hope that’s not the case.

  1. From RFK Jr’s Magnum Opus: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy


    Gibraltar The world’s most vaccinated nation, Gibraltar, aggressively inoculated its 34,000 inhabitants, achieving 115 percent coverage (officials also vaccinated Spanish tourists) by July 2021. In December 2020, prior to the vaccine rollout, Gibraltar’s health agency had experienced only 1,040 confirmed cases and five deaths from COVID-19. After the vaccination blitz, the number of new infections increased fivefold—to 5,314—and the number of deaths increased nineteen-fold.

    There follow additional summaries of injection injuries and death in several other countries. Someone here speculated that the “health” criminals want every person injected in order to eliminate a control group of injection decliners. This is exactly what RFK Jr. posits

    1. M N D…. This is happening everywhere. In Canada as well, Canadians for some reason are better at hiding the facts.

    1. roaddog…say whaaaa.?

      Sounds to me like said researchers are Breeding among themselves..??
      “Potatoes” all right…

  2. Last week, I posted links to two British TV mini-series. Here are two more, this time science fiction.

    Moonbase 3:


    It’s not bad, but I found the last episode rather ridiculous. Keep in mind that it was made about 50 years ago, soon after the environmental movement started.

    Star Cops:


    This one’s much better, in my opinion. It was made in the late 1980s and it speculated what life in space would be like 4 decades later, in other words, a few years from now. Many of the facilities shown were actively considered by NASA and the European Space Agency when the series was produced, adding to its authenticity.

    1. Used to watch Star Cops back in the day.
      It featured a great tune in its opening and closing credits by a famous rock star.
      ” box ” was a stand alone AI intelligent computer of immense power having access to all of Earths databases , much like our tablets today and about the size of a small 5 inch cube.
      It was used by the shows lead in investigative sleuthing, who was sorta like an outer space Columbo on Earth’s first UN space station and moon base.
      Wasn’t a bad show .

      1. I was introduced to the show courtesy of Spokane’s PBS channel that’s available on cable here in Edmonton.

        I liked Box. It was like a smartphone before anybody ever thought of smartphones. As I recall, it was a one-of-a-kind device, designed and built by the lead character’s father.

        One thing that many SF shows don’t touch on is what everyday life on board a space station or a lunar base would be like and that crime might eventually become a problem. It’s a pity that only 9 episodes were made as there was a lot of potential with that concept.

        By the way, here’s an extended version of the show’s theme song:


    2. Thanks for those. There’s absolutely nothing to watch on Netflix, and Prime is increasingly placing legacy series behind pay walls so effectively reducing their watchable library to slightly above zero. I do find obscure series on BritBox and Acorn but they’re brief in terms of numbers of episodes and seasons. Thanks goodness there’s reading.

    1. Not to mention that word is starting to leak that it might not be so harmless… markers for 5-year heart disease 11% in unvaccinated (and have been for a long time) and 25% in the double-vaxxed.

      this is referenced in a story about how big medicine is self-censoring to keep the big pharma dollars coming (video at link).

      1. C. Miner

        They have GOT to be raking it in: $ 19.20 USD per shot..??
        We can thank Teflon Tony (Fauci), and his Buddies: Peter Daszal – Ralph Baric.
        3 that really deserve a noose.
        Preferably one provided by a NUREMBERG Court.

    1. DB

      Do we have that many…?? I think we should send our overload of GENERALS…they can shout/sing jingles on Woke Culture while waving the LGBTQ & Trans Flags…that’ll stop any ZULU..!!

  3. Dreams are generally nonsense but I just woke up in the middle of the night and had a thought.
    Alberta recently rolled out a new vaccine passport for travelers, this new version was supposedly in French and English and, unlike the initial passport download, included the carrier’s full name (including middle names).
    After about a day and a half it was shut down because they said there was a security breach.
    The days go by and not a peep about this new traveller’s passport being available again. I would think they could quickly patch the security problem, surely it’s an easy fix, there was no security problem with the initial Alberta passports downloads.
    Then I realized, oh yeah, the powers that be probably had secret meetings and directions from on high to hold off, maybe wait until they figure out how to make a booster mandatory for the new passport.
    Am I nuts?

    1. yop, you are not nuts but most Canadians are. They don’t like the truth, they love being sheep and lab rats.

    2. Sadly, it’ll be coming to Alberta thanks to our milquetoast premier. If he doesn’t do it, his successor/predecessor will see to it once she takes over from him.

  4. We do let retards vote. How else can you explain electing a black-faced potato as Prime Minister 3 times?


    ‘Amelia Penney-Crocker, a 16-year-old from Nova Scotia, got involved in the challenge through Children First Canada, the youth charitable organization backing the effort.
    Penney-Crocker told CBC News that with the planet at a “tipping point” because of climate change, young people must have the right to weigh in on what needs to be done to tackle the crisis.’

    She sounds like a reGreta. Somebody should ask smarty-pants if she knows why the ice sheets that covered Canada disappeared.

    1. ” And the young shall rule the old in that day.”
      Where have I heard that line before.
      Ah right, the dusty 2000 year old writings in some book that used to be in every hotel and motels night table back in the day.

    2. So ya think yer old enough to vote, huh? Well, I’m not in favour of it but if you insist…

      Now you get everything that comes along with that responsibility, not limited to but including:
      1. Income taxes
      2. Conscription
      3. Adult court
      4. Luggage for Christmas in your 16th year. No more living off the folks. Your an adult now, right?
      5. High school is now a 12 year program condensed into 10 years. No more summer holidays. Gitcher ass to work or post-secondary.

      Enjoy being an “adult”!

    3. Exactly. A really nice gal I walk with occasionally is from New Hampshire so her world view is truncated and leftist. But, she’s very nice. She started going on about the energy industry and climate change, et al. I try hard to keep my mouth shut so there are at least a few people with whom I can socialize, but I had to ask her: How was Otzi able to stumble around the Italian Alps 5,000 years ago, but wasn’t found until recent glacial melt? While that example seems easy to conceptualize and increase skepticism, she sidestepped it and remained on tangent.

    1. The goal is very clear, and this is just part of the UN’s Agenda 21. The elite honestly believe that they will maintain a god like existence with the rest of the population as slaves when it collapses.

    2. He is correct.
      And by adding graphene hydroxide to the ” not vaccines ” you essentially are injecting millions of tiny razor blades that cut up the blood vessels lining everywhere in the body.
      These tiny one atom thick structures go everywhere blood flows doing damage over time.
      If your blood flows fast, as in athletes, the damage is quicker then in a sedentary person.

      This mechanism may be the more destructive action in the Clot shots than the spikes themselves.
      Think about it, why do clots form.
      They form from damage done to the body to seal up holes.
      Scabs are basically clots formed to stop you from bleeding out after being cut on the outside.
      What happens if you are cut on the inside, especially inside your blood vessels.
      Same thing happens as clots form to plug the tiny holes but this happens everywhere.
      Enough clots form and you get blood flow blockages.
      Blockages result in dead flesh , no oxygen or nutrients or waste disposal, which later lead to serious body injury and death if not removed.

      Dr. Andreas Noack figured this out and after publishing his findings died a mysterious death.


  5. Breaking on BNN-Bloomberg: EU Commision President Ursula von der Leyen says that, given the onset of the Xi-variant, the time has come to discuss mandatory vaccinations.

    1. She needs a mandatory vaccination as well, but with something of a slightly larger bore than an ordinary syringe.

    2. Oh, oh. I think the WHO said something similar the other day. They are quite transparent about their plans, and sadly, I don’t see any world leaders who are likely to resist.

  6. The new Rivian R1T electric truck is coming to Canada.


    Range is 480 km, wading depth is 3 ft, 0-60 mph in 3.0 seconds, and a starting price of $90,000 CAD. This only gets you the “vegan leather” trim (aka leatherette). They won’t even mention that the upgraded trim is leather.

    So if you have a lot of money to virtue signal, assuming these trucks will even be available, 2022 could be your year.

    The company expects to have 1,100 vehicles on the road worldwide by the end of 2021 and could be cash-flow positive by 2152.

    1. I like the idea of being ” cash flow positive ” in 131 years.
      As an investor my great grandchildren will never see a dime on my investment.

      1. The 2152 “cash-flow positive” was my spin. I don’t expect them to be around in 10 years. But I do love their “vegan leather” spin on what is probably an oil product.

          1. Heh. You can spin anything these days I guess. How about this from PETA…

            “What’s so great about vegan leather? Only everything. Number one, it’s not made from the skins of dead animals. Plus, it’s eco-friendly—and très chic. But what is vegan leather? Vegan leather is often made from polyurethane, a polymer that can be made to order for any designer’s whim.”

            So polyurethane is eco-friendly. An oil-based product. My vegan wife is huffing and puffing as I write this, mumbling something about coconut husks.

          2. it’s not made from the skins of dead animals

            Polyester is–ahem–made from dead dinosaurs, skin and all. Petroleum is a feedstock.

    2. Absent is this information.
      1 empty weight of device.
      2 Maximum carrying capacity.
      Very important information for a work truck or playtoy on some of our roads.

  7. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has abruptly abandoned her federal court case aimed at shutting down the cross-border Line 5 pipeline.


    “We’ve had enough of this Canadian corporation and the Canadian government itself tying up Michigan’s efforts to protect our Great Lakes from a catastrophic oil spill”.

    Those pesky Canadians…

    1. They abandoned the federal case to concentrate on the state case which has a better chance of shutting down line 5. So, no, they didn’t back off line 5. I would welcome the shutdown of line 5 as the backlash would put many of the enviro friendly politicians out of office and would emphasize the need of an all Canadian energy corridor from salt water to salt water.
      Note O’Toole, that’s from salt water to salt water with no veto to special provinces or interest groups.

  8. Jimmy Dore, still kicking the establishment’s ass all over the place when it comes to their bullshit COVID-hysteria narrative…

    Media Scare Mongers Over Omicron Variant


    At times, it is easy to forget that Jimmy is a leftard, himself. He has been relentless in fighting back against so many bullshit leftist narratives, including Russiagate, the Fauci/COVID lies, Rittenhouse, and other woke, lefty, sacred cows.

    The DNC probably despise him more than any Republican.

    1. Will it prevent the alphabet people from trying to convert us normals to their habits?

    1. OK, so I won’t refer to them as “blacks”. How about “un-whites”?

  9. Today in the fake question period at the fake parliament, Liberal MPs continued to rant about conversion therapy.

    1. Does that “conversion” include going from pureblood to contaminated?

  10. No comment about the Civil War between the election fraud liars? Wood, Byrne, Powell, Clements, etc.

    I find it hilarious how they accuse each other of being deep state/cabal and stealing people’s money under the guise of fighting election fraud.

    They’re all grifters and liars.

  11. Quote of the day:

    Paul Penna
    35 MIN AGO
    When people do their own research before purchasing a house or a car, they’re considered a smart consumer. When you do your own research before putting something in your body, you’re called a conspiracy theorist.

  12. Young lady, I donated via Paypal and the bastards used Canadian dollars instead of U.S. Still, it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye, I suppose. Everyone else: Cough up.
