35 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

    1. It’s been theorized that a majority of netizens are actually bots. Under other circumstances, I’d think it somewhat far-fetched, but your posts tend to do a rather sterling job of arguing to the contrary.

      1. sooooo someone is booking a flight. check
        someone wants to make changes. check
        who typed the ‘no problem’ part? a travela gent? an automated system?
        who is Add dog?

        ah, hold on, l get it. ‘Add dog’ is NOT a pseudonym, its the *change* requested.
        now the confooosion REALLY kicks in.
        yo, SDA, NEVER say or type ‘Add’ or ‘dog’ in public ever again or at least until the teslas stop steering into cop cruisers:

  1. Too bad if it’s a guide dog, I guess… Trying to tell the computer you’re blind (if that’s the case in a similar situation) is probably also using ‘inappropriate language’, you hater and social reprobate, you…

    Reminds me of a great and extremely funny scifi short story called “ALLAMAGOOSA” by the incomparable Eric Frank Russell; and I make no apologies for all of you who are about to become addicted Russellites thereby…!!!

    1. HAL was a WAD (Works As Designed).

      The old joke about computers is that they never do what you want, but only exactly what you tell them.
      With AI the problem, as we found out in 2010: The Year We Make Contact, is trying to figure out how what the hell they did has anything to do with we told them.

  2. Pretty sad when even the A.I. in 2021 needs a safe space. I’d like to upgrade the thin skin on my computer please.

  3. From what I’ve experienced with WorstJet in the past two years, most displays of intelligence from that outfit are artificial.

  4. “You’ve exceeded the advisable speed limit, Kenji. I have reduced your engine speed to that which The Speed Bureau of Health and Safety has deemed … ‘safe’ “.

    1. “Please indicate your vaccination status before opening door.”

      Any bets that’s going to come?

      1. That’s what the new QR codes are for. Must scan to unlock. Not up to date; staying home today.
        Praise analogue vehicles.

    2. “I have now taken operational control of the vehicle and will immediately deliver you to the closest Health and Safety Board retraining camp. Please do not try to escape, Kenji, manual control has been disabled and your seatbelt and doors have all been locked.”

      “Have a nice day.”

      1. I assure you I would become … the poster-scofflaw … for the Federal Auto Safety Division of Mines and Labor Camps.

    3. “John Spartan, you have been fined 100 credits for violations of the Safe Driving Statutes.”

  5. I cant tell if I’m more perplexed by the imagined offense within “add dog” or that the chat bot’s sensibilities can be offended at all. Why spend effort, time and money to program things this way…?

    Is this a Millennial Turing Test?

    1. Couple of outback farmers chatting in the pub, one remarks “gunna do a trip from here to Alice Springs next month.”
      Oh yeah, what route are you taking?
      Geez I reckon the missus, she stuck with me during the drought.

  6. Its difficult to get a real person on an audio call, navigating past the web AI interface.
    Telus offers better phone rates on pay as you go, versus internet monthly which is horrendously expensive for basic service.
    Thanks to US Black Friday penetration of Cdn market, Shaw offered a better two yr deal than Telus on renewal. Now if they can just deliver the connection kit, LOL. ADSL/cable interweb anyone? Primus can’t deliver to address. Musk Skylink competes with Telus rate. Can we rewind to 2010?

  7. Perhaps the AI bot was upset it could not take part. From a scan of the internet it found that flight attendants of all 3.681 gajillion genders want it doggie style. Or, a St. Bernard unloaded its bladder on the main frame server. It was just acting out it’s frustration with the customer.

    As for dealing with digital call answering services. I keep repeating “human” until it gives in and transfers me to a living person.

  8. WestJet now has a deliberate strategy of making it impossible for customers to reach anyone in the company. One can’t phone or email them and the service they used to offer whereby customers request a call back has been withdrawn. Their AI Chat robot is utterly useless, as this post demonstrates.
