57 Replies to “The East German Womens Swim Team Called”

  1. One of the arguments for allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports is that there has been little evidence of them dominating in their fields, thus bolstering the argument that it’s fair.

    It’s taken longer than some expected, but I think domination will come.

      1. I can’t WAIT till ONE Brazilian male soccer players join the Brazilian women’s National Team. Just ONE. The US Women’s team would never win another Title. Ever. Again. All the purple-haired Dykes in the world wouldn’t matter.

        1. They don’t matter now. Ask the 15U boys team that thrashed them without breaking a sweat.


      2. *
        it will be an interesting day after some tranny mma
        fighter beats a woman to death in front of 50,000
        screaming fans.


    1. sooooooo what does the swim suit say? (if ya know what l mean, trying not to be explicit)

  2. Well … the gals have been whining for years that they are … “just as good as the men”.

    And now they are. Without a genetic doubt.

    1. Aside from figure skating, gymnastics and synchronized swimming, nobody gives a fig about women’s sports. The only reason they exist at all is that activists protested until colleges were forced to fund women’s sports at legal gunpoint.

      I have no sympathy. None at all.

      1. I am attracted to women’s curling. There is something compelling about attractive women yelling “Hurry, hurry, hurry harder”.

        1. Seems to me that I followed The Swedish Women’s curling Team … hard … at the last Winter Olympics.

  3. Heh,…good on the journalist for not bowing to the PC brigade…and referring to this guy as a man (he, him, his).

    I found the swimmer’s biggest concern about being transgender amusing. He said he feels alone. Well, that is likely a byproduct of other people not wanting to hang out with someone who is mentally ill and delusional. Those aren’t what I would call attractive traits. A complete lack of sound judgement and awareness won’t bring in the crowds either. I’m sure all that is offset by a growing collection of trophies and medals, however. Follow your dreams, I always say….right over the cliff.

    1. Indeed. The human psyche’ is finely tuned via millions years of evolution to detect DEFECTIVE humans. Why? Because they’re dangerous and unpredictable. Hint: that’s why “diversity first” is fundamentally anti-human … anti-evolutionary.

  4. “Feminism” has now come full circle, forcing little girls to want nothing but become homemakers and stay at home moms.

  5. I suspect the alumni of E. Germany’s women’s swim teams are also jealous that this dude is much prettier than any of them were.

      1. Heike Dreschler (track & field, not swimming I admit) wasn’t too bad looking either, despite all those muscles.

  6. I fully agree with the trannygender swimming with the women, ONLY if he has 2 footballs duct taped to his chest. i mean, fair is fair. Agree?

    1. I see where you are coming from, but in all fairness, the ladies should then have to duct tape a couple of racquetballs and a banana to their crotches.

      1. duct tape a couple of racquetballs and a banana to their crotches

        Why should that be unusual? Don’t we have a prime minister who does that while adorning his skin with black shoe polish?

  7. Soon, it will be a criminal offence in Kanuckistan to tell that idiot he is not a woman. Lieberals reintroduced the anti Conversion Therapy bill.

  8. No dog in this fight so have at it.
    Just a cursory look at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial tells me that women are still blaming men.

  9. Why not establish another category that man to woman, woman to man, steroid use and abuse is all ok, let them compete!

  10. I was 12 in ’72 when Munich hosted the Olympics. Watching two East German women swimmers on my mom’s 14″ B&W TV prep side by side for a backstroke event, I was amazed at the build of their backs and shoulders. Even at 12 I knew that wasn’t right. Sprinter Ben Johnson would have been envious.

    1. The German women just looked like dudes – they weren’t really dudes. Like the Chinese swimmers that had a Ben Johnson builds they were on steroids.

      1. LAST course l took at brock u in ol st kitts ontariowe was a
        phys ed.
        the prof couldnt boast ENOUGH how successful east gerMANy (get it?!) woMEN’s schvimingk team was.

  11. I want to thank you Kate for the wonderful title for this thread. It nearly made be blow my beer through my nose.. As for cinderfella there…like an earlier poster, I was 12 during the 1972 Games and remember the rather statuesque East German Swimmers. They certainly did not look like the female swimmers I used to ogle down at my YMCA.

  12. They most likely voted for this crap. Let them stew in it.

    It’s the only way they will learn.

    1. Bingo. I never miss an opportunity to gloat how much better men are in women’s sports these days.

      I may not agree with wokeness but I am damn sure getting my fill of laughs and “I told you sos” out of it.

  13. Serious question – why isn’t this “gender appropriation”?

    I’ll tell you why. Because the short term goal – destroying athletics – is more critical to the larger, long term goal which is the destruction of Western Civilization.

  14. I am eagerly anticipating the day trans people start playing women’s hockey, especially if it is trans people from any nation BUT Canada or the USA, who usually outscore the opposition by double digits in games that are as exciting as watching grass grow.

    I’d love to see the entire male Estonian or Belarus hockey team declare themselves trans at the next olympics and watch them beat the hell out of the Canadian and American women, who are enjoying their dominance in this sport far too much.

  15. Well, if this person has had the full transition surgery, then the good news is it won’t be procreating and passing those genes on.

    1. My theory is this is not genetic (gay, lesbian, transgender) otherwise it would have played itself out millennia ago. It’s a software issue.

      1. 95% of male sexual dysmorphics and effectively 100%v of female dysmorphics were sexually abused as children or teenagers. The most likely explanation is that the dysmorphia is a dysfunctional coping mechanism for the resulting complex PTSD.

        It used to be cutting and abusing drugs. Now it’s cutting off your nads and abusing hormones.

  16. There is an easy solution to this self-made problem, but in the meantime I support this transgender’s right to compete against “other” women. I won’t be there cheering her on, but she has my full support. Of course I don’t watch sports – women’s, men’s or integrated. Something about bringing the lunacy to a quicker end.

  17. Athletic scholarships are worth something in the States, I’d be a lesbian trapped in a man’s body if they had a worthwhile program.

  18. Perhaps there should be an additional sport division, trans division. That way there wouldn’t be questioning about unfairness among the competitors. It seems that there aren’t many trans males who compete in men’s sports.

    1. We should just open everything up in sports.

      Any gender, any age. Compete in whatever event you want.
      25 year old NFL linebacker wants to play in the 16-year-old girls soccer league. Sure! Why not.

      Take any drug and blood dope as often as you want. No limits. No testing.

      Lets play this out to its inevitable end-point… where all sports become completely unwatchable and all professional sports go broke.

      Then we can start again from scratch.

      1. bulls eye. and speaking of bulls eye, perhaps target shooting being EXCLUSIVELY skill based and NOT strength,
        perhaps that one could be the start of multi-gendered sports categories.

  19. In 1970, American women were claiming that they could do anything as well as a man. They now have their chance to prove it, and they don’t like it. They can cry me a river.
