32 Replies to “In Space No One Can Hear You Drill”

  1. She would hardly be the first NASA female astronut to do stupid shit for love. It’s almost as if…

    1. One would think our FEMALE Space Cadets would be focused ENTIRELY on “science”? You know … all the science she doesn’t understand, it’s just her job – 5 days a week … Rocket Layyy ayyy ayyy dyyyy … Rocket Lady.

      She likes the Red’s Rocket.

      1. And then there was the time Heidimarie Stefanyshyn-Piper lost a tool bag during an EVA more than a decade ago. One could see on camera how it drifted out of her grasp and away from the ISS.

        1. Well … you saw those Space Kids, err Space Actors, that “excitedly” met with VP Kamellallalla … something tells me we have many, many, space mishaps in our future. Neither CRT, nor LGBTQq+/-, nor AA is any way to run a Space Program.

          1. Don’t forget President Dinglefritz’s mission that NASA needs to “reach out” to the soldiers of Allah.

    2. And she wouldn’t be the first female astronaut with marital troubles. The best known case was that of Lisa Nowak as it was all over the news.

      Two or three years ago, Anne McClain had a dispute with her wife (yup, one of those!) over their personal finances and the squabble continued while McClain was on board the ISS.

      1. And then there’s our former GG the space cadet who killed someone in a traffic accident.

  2. Baseless? There was in fact a hole drilled in a Soyuz. It was initially blamed on Russian workers. That’s the basis for the accusation.

  3. Horse puckey.

    The fact of the matter is that there have been quality control issues with Russian boosters and spacecraft for several years. In addition, there have been allegations that the space agency Roscosmos is corrupt.

    This accusation of her is merely an attempt to deflect attention away from what’s likely the real issue.

    1. Nuh uh, the photos clearly indicate the hole was sabotage using a power drill. The only question is who did it?

      As the article says it couldn’t have happened on the ground, because the module would have failed pre-flight pressure tests. I assume the Russians discovered a clandestine relationship was taking place up there, so I wouldn’t call the accusations “baseless”.

        1. “The hole would have had to be drilled from inside as the exterior of the crew module is covered with insulation.”

          Um yeah, that’s the argument the Russians are making. Presumably there’s a set of power tools onboard for simple maintenance tasks, and you don’t need a PhD to operate a cordless drill.

          1. Again, when could that have been done, assuming that it was drilled while in orbit? I don’t know how thick the crew module wall is, but I’m sure that it wouldn’t be a trivial task with a cordless drill, particularly in weightlessness.

            The “evidence”, let alone the motive, is rather thin.

  4. Something in the way you float

    attracts me like no other lover,

    Maybe she took the wrong meaning from “time we hooked up,”

  5. I guess when there’s no other choice she would be a port in a space station to use a sailor’s expression

  6. The pictures of the dents, false starts, skidmarks and ultimate hole proves a woman and probably fwench, drilled it.

  7. On the other hand, there are female astronauts like Eileen Collins. She flew the space shuttle several times and even commanded two missions, including the first one after the Columbia mishap. That was the first mission which had the pre-docking pitch-over maneuver which allowed inspection of the wings and tiles.

    1. The point of the “NAWALT” meme is that it doesn’t matter if you can find an isolated exception. Enough of them are, in fact, Like That that it’s the safe way to bet.

      I suspect that like Kara Hultgreen, many of these cases are a result of pressure from above to get women into these positions and damn their competence ratings.

      Fun fact: “Kara Thrace” from the 2003 BSG reboot was named after Hultgreen. For obvious reasons.

      1. Col. Collins didn’t affirmative action to get her position. She was an experienced test pilot.

    1. Mr Teach, “In space, no one can hear you fart.” Ahh, but it could be used as a propulsion method inside the spaceship. Short burbles for minor moves, but let er rip for end to end transport.

    2. I propose we send this country’s quantum computing expert into space to find out if that’s true. That experiment must be conducted indefinitely to continuously ensure that the results are verified.

      I’m sure he’d be pleased to make such a significant contribution to science. Maybe we can persuade him by convincing him that there may a Nobel Prize in it somewhere.

  8. “Ivan, I think people are beginning to suspect we are lovers. But I think you are seeing other astronauts behind my back.”

    “Yah, there’s Mike, he’s right behind your back.”

  9. I’ve only known one female astronaut (candidate) and she was batshit crazy. Developed a bit of an obsession with one of the other department directors and pursued him relentlessly despite the fact that he was married.
