41 Replies to “Justin’s Favourite Country Spreading Misinformation”

  1. I dont know what it is with that sick f*€k Trudeau and his love of the Chicoms and his disdain, nay,hatred of his own race of people

    1. At the end of the day I’m not interested in understanding why Justin Sinclair hates Jews and Englishmen. He’s not that important. If he cares to give us an explanation himself, let him deliver it on the scaffold.

    2. Yeah he certainly doesn’t hate the Quebecois. The ROC is a experimental playground for all the French intellectuals’ dystopian fantasies.

  2. Here is a little misinformation for you all. VAERS
    If you add together every report of a vax associated death that has has ever been reported for the past 30 years, for all vaccines, the total is less than the deaths reported for the “covid” vaxxes- 30 years folks.
    VAERS reporting through Nov 19th.
    19,249 vax deaths reported.
    97,561 vax hospitalizations reported.
    913,266 vax adverse events reported.
    More than half the deaths reported, 56%, occurred within 48 hours of being vaxxed.
    Feel free to belly up to the vax bar folks.

  3. So far, every time our collective politicians have tried going ‘Green’ and Electric, it’s been a hell of a costly disaster.
    But still, put in a fleet of charging stations anyways…maybe the future technology might change.
    So far as I’ve seen…nope! A disastrous venture of house fires and other vehicles too close igniting as well.
    How many buses have been destroyed by fires currently as well as the framework cracking from the extra weight?
    Poorly designed concepts of costly mistakes that our governments and politicians will follow no matter what, even when they have fueled generators in the bush for charging stations as our power grid wasn’t designed for the added electricity flow.

  4. I see a nifty bit of rewording of Saskatchewan’s Employment Act prevents employers from being sued for following government mandated vaccine policies.
    Got everything going their way.

    1. Unvaxxed are unpersons.
      Unperson payth no taxes.
      Just as I am told I have no rights or freedoms separate from those government minions shall grant me.
      I am forbid civilization and must obey the mindless minions.
      From the “State’s” POV I am a savage..
      Me savage ,You prey.
      In this fractured and demented “Genocidial State” of post national Statism,what civilized citizen can ,in good faith, continue to support a State so deranged?
      If this is a state of affairs you desire and support,then pony up.
      If you oppose such evil?
      What way lies your duty?

    2. Well maybe….but I doubt the Act is going to stop lawsuits.

      Here’s an interesting tidbit….and don’t forget, the India legal system is based on the British system.

      “World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

      World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court. [Kiran Yadav Vs. State and ors.Criminal Writ Petition (St.) 18017 of 2021]

      Petitioner has sought prosecution of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) manufacturer Bill Gates, his partner Adar Poonawalla and other Government officials and leaders involved in the murder of a 23 year old man, who lost his life because of vaccination. The deceased took the Covishield vaccine by believing in the false narrative that the vaccine is completely safe and also owing to the compliance requirement set by the Railways that only double vaccinated people would be allowed to travel.

      The Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has recently admitted that the death of Dr.SnehalLunawat,was due to side effects of the Covishield vaccine. The said report has exposed the falsity of the claim made by vaccine syndicate that vaccines are totally safe.”


      1. Read about that a few days back. Hopefully India’s legal system isn’t as corrupt as ours & the American’s is and they get what they deserve.

    1. Aren’t we supposed to be telling the CBC what words they can use?

      And to that end, shouldn’t we be telling Trudeau what anti-COVID measures we want?

      IMO, the major political parties, with the help of their media buddies, have already ended democracy in this country…. they just haven’t publicly announced it yet.

  5. I had a terrible dream that Justin was going to shut down Canadaland out of revenge for reporting on the WE “charity”.

    Is China giving him ideas on this and other things?

  6. Billions of vaccine doses given and less than a rounding error in bad reactions or deaths. Thank you for confirming what is happening.

    1. “Billions of vaccine doses given and less than a rounding error in bad reactions or deaths.”

      And the “vaxxes” are still in trial until 2023, with no long term effects known. And the evidence is piling up regarding cardiac issues.

      That pinch you feel in your chest…is that fear or spike proteins at work? Had your booster yet?

      Soon enough, my friend. Soon enough.

    2. Except nobody knows what the long term effects will be. Try to remember that the next time you walk into a room and forgot why you went in there. And pay special attention to your heart palpitations. It would also be very interesting to know how many in the 70+ age group died from the vaccine within 28 days of receiving it. Of course all such deaths would be considered to be the result of “existing conditions”. Boy you are a sap.

  7. At the children’s vaccination sites they have animals to pet in cases a child is afraid of needles. This also needs to happen at the regular vaccination sites for the Anti-vax crowd. No need to cry anti-vaxer. Pet a dog. It will be okay. Be a big boy.

    1. Hey lover boy. Wanna get together later and make out? I can pet your dog if you pet mine *wink, wink*

    2. Unlike you, “big boys” can judge risk and are not bedwetters. And with survival stats like these, there is little reason for a large part of the population to be “vaccinated”. (Oh….and these “vaccines” do not stop transmission of the virus).

      New Covid Pre-print: Drs Ioannidis & Axfors at Stanford

      Age Infection Survival Rate

      0-19 99.9973%
      20-29 99.986%
      30-39 99.969%
      40-49 99.918%
      50-59 99.73%
      60-69 99.41%
      70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)
      70+ 94.5% (all)


      1. I think Mark Friesen saw those numbers and said ” I have an immune system”. We all know what happened to that loud mouth.

        1. You are quite the “scientist”, aren’t you? That’s your “data”, is it? Dumb as a pick ax.

    3. Seriously? This is your “science-based” argument? How the mighty have fallen.

      There are people on this blog who are willing to discuss the actual issues with you. If all you want to do is troll…

      1. I think you are the troll. Posting garbage day after day and not doing any critical thinking.
        The moral of the story has always been, Don’t everyone get sick all at once. Maybe you didn’t get the memo.

        1. “Posting garbage day after day and not doing any critical thinking.

          You mean, like this:

          At the children’s vaccination sites they have animals to pet in cases a child is afraid of needles. This also needs to happen at the regular vaccination sites for the Anti-vax crowd. No need to cry anti-vaxer. Pet a dog. It will be okay. Be a big boy.

          You got the jab. OMG, you are gonna die. You are gonna grow an extra leg, or head, or arm. The morons posting here think the jab is poison. It’s all over for you.

          Pure bloods, bwaaaaaaa. Are you a vampire?

          Mr. Idiot has flipped his gizzard. He is on the edge. I thought we were talking Covid facts here. Mr. Idiot seems to be an expert on jacking off and porn. Whatever turns your crank Mr. Idiot.

          The only important fact is who is filling up the ICU and dying. The vaccinated or the unvaccinated. If the Unvaccinated get Covid and die I could care less. They are too stupid to tell the difference between real statistics and FAKE click bate on Sciencing sites like this one.

          You sound like a climate nut. Just wait for it.

          The vaccines are working. Case numbers in Sask. are down.

          BTW have you heard that no NHL, NBA, NFL or CFL players have been killed by vaccinations.

          You live in fear. Fear of the virus, fear of being wrong. Pure fear.

          I come with facts. What do you bring to the table.

          Did you think that up? Probably not. Cut and paste.

          If those in the Anti-vax crowd get sick there will be someone there to care for your sorry ass.

          The doctors here at SDA claim the vaccine gives athletes myocarditis.
          Back to the drawing board for you anti vaxers.
          The doctors here should stick to what they know, NOTHING. Bwaaaa

          Provable facts are the only thing that counts. When you post BS I gotta call it.

          A number of years ago in Moose Jaw Sask there was a place called Valley View Centre. It housed retarded people. The place closed a number of years ago and the people were put into group homes.
          Were you one of those people from Valley View Centre?

          With all the secret knowledge you have I’m surprised you are still alive.

          Please supply the names, medical reason and from what sport those athletes you say have been injured by the vaccine. You say the answers are out there now prove it.

          A lot of Nazi talk here
          Ko ko for Cocoa Puffs

          Wow, what a psycho thing to say.

          30 percent of the daily infected are children. They bring the virus home and infect their parents.

          …name the hockey players that have been injured from the vaccine? Come on now, be a man and back up your claim. There isn’t any so you are full of shit.

          Not a single fact or critical thought in the entire 4 day sample. Complete & utter garbage. All of it. Status: Troll.

          Convince me otherwise.

          1. “What’s your beef with this?”

            Because it’s bullshit. You throw numbers around, alleging facts, without providing any links to support the conjecture & we’re just s’pose to believe you. That’s not how it works in the real world. You make a claim, be able to support it.

            From this article:


            comes this quote:

            While kids are certainly not immune to COVID-19, with a rare few going on to develop an inflammatory condition associated with the virus, they’re generally not a major source of disease spread — even to people they live with.

            In a paper published earlier this month, University of Queensland virologist Kirsty Short and colleagues examined COVID-19 transmission in households to determine if an adult or a child introduced the disease to the home.

            “What we found across multiple countries at different times was that it was very, very rare for the child to be the one bringing the infection into the household,” she said.

            “Even in cases when the kids were going to school, they still weren’t the ones bringing it into the home.”

            Emphasis mine.

            The scientific paper referred to above is here:

            A Meta-analysis on the Role of Children in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Household Transmission Clusters


            That’s only two references out of dozens that have noted that kids don’t often get sick from Covid, and even rarely do they transmit it at home.

            It’s also why there is no, zero, need to “vaccinate” them.

      2. DJ obviously has mental problems…..they may be the result of him/her/it getting numerous mRNA jabs. Or we may be seeing “vax remorse” now that he/she/it may have been made aware that the chances of getting serious heart problems in the next five years has more than doubled as a result of his/her/its “bravery” in taking part in medical experiments. DJ would have felt right at home in Jonestown.

        1. Now it’s gonna take 5 years to developed heart problems. Just a few days ago this entire site was talking about all the athletes with myocarditis and dying. They claim it happens right after shot 2. What is it? Right away or in 5 years. You tell me Dr. Art.

          1. Meh.up your game,for you are real lame..Reading comprehension not one of your skills?
            Or is more than one idea at a time,more than your mind can manage?
            Want to actually discuss the source of your terror?

            What are you so threatened by here?
            What is it to you what other people think and chose to have injected into their bodies?
            What is it that so threatens your world view,that you come here to display such stupidity and arrogance?
            Why do you post on Kate’s Site,insisting that you and only you can see the light?
            You would not survive for long as a houseguest or visitor amongst my tribe.

            I will make a safe bet;Your contribution to Kate,toward the cost of hosting this site is the same size as your contribution to civil discussion here..

            Am I close?

          2. Look….I understand that you are probably pissed that you have been sucked into being involved in a medical experiment and finally realize you can’t “unvaccinate” yourself.

            But, no….it’s not gonna take 5 years to develop heart problems (to say nothing of strokes….perhaps you have already had one and that explains your low intellect. But your risk is now double what it was. Some people may die very shortly after getting their “vaccine”….others will take longer. You really don’t have the first idea what you are talking about. By the way, did you take a look at the EudraVigilance database? Likely you didn’t because it takes more than a Grade 2 IQ to do so. Tell me….do you think it will pop loudly when you pull your head out?

            By the way, here is some light reading for you. Have an adult help you with the big words. This is from a 42 page report in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, May 10, 2021

            Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19”


            Experimental mRNA vaccines have been heralded as having the potential for great benefits, but they also harbor the POSSIBILITY OF POTENTIALLY TRAGIC AND EVEN CATASTROPHIC UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES. The mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been implemented with great fanfare, but there are many aspects of their widespread utilization that merit concern. We have reviewed some, but not all, of those concerns here, and we want to emphasize that these concerns are potentially serious and might not be evident for years or even transgenerationally.”

