Pizzagate, Come Back!

All is forgiven.

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.

The revelations are contained in hundreds of internal agency reports obtained by BuzzFeed News through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

20 Replies to “Pizzagate, Come Back!”

  1. It seems there isn’t a day that goes by where, immorality, insanity, evil, destruction , foolishness and just plain stupidity are not on display. Will anyone start to use their brains and think critically, rationally and logically and take action against these people. Everything in government has become so corrupt in both our countries and damn near every other country, that it is time for serious all out housecleaning. Sex with children should get one hanged, shooting untested experimental drugs into children should get people hanged. We have become a nation of immoral fools who think government is our savior, well, it is not but they are working real hard to take all freedom away from us.
    The whu who flu and any mutations is not going to kill us all. We have to shut down this insanity and protect our children and grandchildren. There must be someone out there with enough intelligence and power to stop what government is doing.

  2. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.


    Read between the lines. The CIA, almost certainly, uses pedophilia to compromise targets which suggests that they actually encourage the practice in certain situations. I’ll continue to believe that Epstein was, indeed, a CIA sub-contractor asset to purposely set up his little island to gain extortion opportunities on parties the CIA wished to gain sway over. It’s why a presumed iron clad case against him in Florida resulted in nothing more than a loosely enforced house arrest.

  3. I touched on this before. There’s a sickness in the Intelligence community and I’ll go one step further to posit that the vast majority are Liberal/progressives.

    1. In the past, spies were always associated with the criminal underground, and a demi-monde of undesirables, particularly among seekers of the love that dare not speak its name. British authors like Ian Fleming and John Le Carre, as well as aggressive recruitment from elite public schools and universities in the UK, have salvaged the respectability of the secret government employees, at least among the typical unaware person.

      But no amount of propaganda can change the personality of the spy. Worse than the worst government bureaucrat.

  4. “CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.”

    …such as the fact that their staff are sexually abusing children?

  5. The CIA has created a mandate that it’s members are to do what’s necessary to protect the institution even if it means sacrificing the welfare of the nation (and it’s constitution) to do it.
    It’s the reason the founders enacted the second amendment.

  6. Well … they are called “Analysts”. Analysts gotta Analyze. Kinda like Pete Townshend … “Research”

    1. You remember that too? Funny how it got memory-holed.
      Like Arthur C Clarke moving to Sri Lanka to “pursue his interests in scuba diving”

      1. One of the reasons I got out of the SF Con scene in the early 2000’s was the elephant in the room of rampant pedophilia/hebephilia in the community and everyone actively, aggressively Not Noticing It.

        With regards to the OP, though, 10 members out of tens of thousands over 14 years is practically an ascetic priory compared to the public school systems.

  7. Unmasking the Deep State is very risky. Will BuzzFeed News now be raided in the same way Project Veritas was?

  8. “We got the power.What can you do?”
    Them famous last words..
    As I come to identify Liberal,Progressive and Social Justice with perversion,its get easier to deal with every day.
    Banishment works.
    Those who hate women and children,as our Progressive Comrades do,shall be driven from sane communities.
    Those who seek to defend them,hung along side their “friends”.
    The mental illness so common to Liberal women is a side effect of the evil they are trained to accept as normal.

    Of course the CIA pardons their own,what kind of person willingly signs up for a “Spy Agency” well known to be corrupt?
    Same kind of person who wants to be an FBI Investigator?
    If they did not have a bunch of inhouse perverts and deviants,how would they know to investigate?

  9. What? Did you think the Vatican’s monopoly should run forever?

    Get with it folks – it’s 2021!

    1. I had a Catholic priest tell me that 50%+ priests are gay. He had just finished blessing the house and we were having a vodka and cranberry juice when the topic came up. Being of the Eastern Catholic Rite, he could marry, (and was) so odds are he’s straight, I assume he was referring to his “full catholic” bros of the cloth. When asked what percentage were child diddlers, he hesitated but wouldn’t offer an estimate. Now that gay is cool, even the “gay but celibate” is looked upon favorably by church folk. Once pedophilia is redefined as a so-called “lifestyle choice” (and there are many hard at work to see this through), it’s still seen as a tad bit avant guard, even amoung the clergy, but give it a couple more years to be mainstream.

  10. So if the CIA didn’t prosecute any of its agents by the inane excuse that state secrets may be uncovered I’d like to know how much was hidden in Mena, Arkansas. Now there is a story that should be re-visited, and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

  11. Back in the late 80s someone tried to blow the whistle on a pedo ring of cops, judges, social workers, politicians, etc. The allegations even made the mainstream corporate news. The allegations ebbed and flowed in the public consciousness. The RCMP slow-walked an “investigation” and assured the public they could find no proof to support the allegations. And that was that.

    The Mt. Cashell horror was also prominent at the time. Even though unnamed politicians had been alleged to “visit” the institution regularly, the rank criminality was pinned on one fallguy who had a relatively lowly administrative function there. I believe he was already on death’s doorstep with some chronic illness anyway.

    And Canadians also remembered at the time Premier Hatfield, (close friend and political ally of Trudeau I), who plied young adult boys with drugs and had sex with them. I think Hatfield ended up dying from brain-rot or some such.

    This is Canada, so naturally everything that threatens the ruling “elite predator” class is swept under the carpet. Stupid Canadians are easily distracted over phoney disasters, ersatz plagues, and “systemic racism”.

    1. If one is forgiven for thinking smoke portends fire, there is the stubborn rumour of an inappropriate relationship by a person in a position of authority over a minor at an elite private school in Vancouver. When accusations can be silenced by money from a rich, powerful daddy and by NDAs brokered by daddy’s power-elite law firm, it’s difficult for normal people to discern prurient truths from calumnies. Nevertheless, the shoe would appear to fit. And if true, the activities alleged in the rumour would be enough to permanently sink any non-elite, normal person. But considering the party of Francis Fox is involved, perhaps one can’t be too sure of even that.
