22 Replies to “Public Enemy Number One”

  1. It’s a flag I’d never fly in public and I can cuss with the best of them when in certain company, but the F word kinda grates on me when kids can see it.
    That said – It’s her right to do so, so fly away.
    If Liberals like, I can bring up past examples when Harper was in office.

    1. To be fair, the average kid can probably cuss better than you (or I) can. I’ve heard stuff come out of the mouths of teenagers that would make their parents (well, some of ’em, anyways) consider the merits of retroactive abortion.

    2. The conversion therapy Bill should be called Re-Conversion

      As all those mentally Ill Queers have gotten converted into Queerdom originally, most likely by some faggot

      No on is born That way, no matter what some Lesbian sings on the radio

  2. First a point of of order: people please do not f*** any Trudeau. Ever. The threat that such action will produce offspring is too much to take it lightly, or to joke about it. We do not want impressionable youth to think that f***ing Trudeaus is ok. Put a wig on your partner if you have to,

    Normally in the sane times, I would support the city. I am opposed to signs like this, just like I am opposed the “save CBC” signs, the rainbows, the “hate has no place here” and all other political messaging outside of election signs. But since we no longer live in a country of laws, or in civilized times, I hope the sign stays.

    Let’s go, Potato!

    1. “Let’s go, Potato”

      Damn that’s good. Rhymes. T-shirt worthy even. Kudos and a slow clap.

    2. Doesn’t the Potato already have 3 tater tots ? Thus ensuring at least two more generations of fine Trudeau leadership? I expect his offspring will all have to discover their TRUE First Nations roots to be elected to the Sw’sh’swep Nation of Algqonquia by then …

    3. :First a point of of order: people please do not f*** any Trudeau. Ever. “

      …or any Castro.
      …or any Jagger.
      …or everyone in Studio 54.
      Come to think of it, maybe it was Maggie that should have been barred from f***ing.

      1. maybe it was Maggie that should have been barred

        As well as whoever copulated with her, particularly those responsible for her eventually reproducing. After all, isn’t Prinz Dummkopf a man with many fathers?

  3. Saw last night on the news, this “ban on conversion therapy bill”: PMs crossing the aisle and congratulating themselves. Really, this is the most pressing issue in Canada? So inflation through the roof, prices up everywhere and on everything, taxes over taxes, but hey let’s push this obscure crap. What’s next? Let’s vote that the wheel is round and water is wet.

    F*ck the Turd!

    1. Of course there should be a ban on conversion therapy. If all of the alphabet people were “straightened” out, there’d be no more pride parades, and Prinz Dummkopf would have to find something else to do with himself–like, maybe, his job.

    2. There is a personal reason why Justin wanted this bill but enough of that for now.

      Justin knows that as head of the Vichy government and chance after chance to unseat has proved unsuccessful, he can go full-on Kim Jong-Un and pretend that his little fiefdom is untouchable and better than the US.

      He will and can root out dissent because Canadians are retarded and the opposition is nil.

      China has what it wants.

  4. I’ve got a “F**k Trudeau” and Gadsden Flag sticker on the truck’s rear window. I’ve been thinking about getting a big “F**k Trudeau” flag & hanging it on the overhead door on the garage. Only thing is, neighbours directly across the street have a handful of young kids. I’m hesitant.

    1. There is a hit tv series Yellowstone with a famous line about taking someone to the train station. Flags are available with “ you need to take Trudeau to the train station” if little children are an issue…adults will get the message 🙂

  5. The coiled serpent and motto from the Gadsden flag also express the idea in a clear way that is both safe and instructive for the children .
