21 Replies to “Today’s Diversity Is Our Strength Stories”

  1. Muslim Association of Canada, just like the Muslim Students Association, has its origins in the Brotherhood. Just sayin’…all is going ahead according to plan.

    1. Lamb, Shh, you’re not supposed to mention that. Besides, What could be wrong with a “brotherhood”?
      Perhaps when the fundamentalists start removing heads on an industrial scale in the west, maybe TPTB might start to notice. Of course, by then, it will be too late.

    2. Yep, the Muslim Association of Canada must be laughing their asses off at us rubes.

      And, they know the entire propaganda machine of the left is poised to attack if any Christians dare poke their heads up to protest such a barbaric belief system being promoted in this country.

    1. After all Mohammad is considered a prophet and a saint, and is beloved by millions of people. Such a peaceful man.

    2. Warren, No, they don’t, not ALL. However, considering the evil that exudes from the fundamentalist side of that religion, any moral and intelligent person would divest themselves of such membership if they didn’t agree with what happens. I know apostasy of islam is punishable by death, yet if they were not complicit with such evil, they would not be a part of that religion. I realize your comment was sarcasm, but how our leaders can accept and defend such evil, even up to creating “islamaphobia” laws, to my mind, that too, makes our leaders complicit as well. They couldn’t defeat us militarily, so now they invade with the intent to out breed us, and take over by volume. Unfortunately it seems to be working.

  2. I have no hate for individuals that identify as Muslims. I despise Islam, and I view their practitioners with doubt because of Islamic doctrines like taqqiya, hudna, kitman, the goal of the worldwide caliphate through jihad, etc.

    1. Codex, I too, try not to hate individuals, but I abhor such a disgusting religion. Therefore it is not easy to differentiate between voluntary members and the religion itself. The fact that we seem to accept this “religion” as normal, when it clearly is not, is a paradox with a wide chasm.Or would that be schism?

  3. Islam = socio-political system masquerading as religion
    Leftism = religion masquerading as socio-politics

    And that’s why lefties love themselves fundamentalist muzzies

  4. Who knew that Ford would turn out to be not only a Fascist but an Islamist supremacist… geez, what a despicable feckless POS.
    I wonder why the Globalists in charge of every corrupt Government and Bureaucrat in the country are ordering their PMO and their Premiers to Islam Turdholeland ? Must have something to do with the new Fourth Reich. The NAZI’s are in charge.
    If only Canada was around to fight off the NAZI’s like they did the last time, too bad Canada is gone.
    Ford will look fine in a NAZI uniform, like a low IQ prison guard at Auschwitz… although, he has a lot of competition for the job as Turdholeland is chalk full of new NAZI’s just waiting to gas and burn their fellow countrymen ( peoplekind ) or is that ( Turdholepeople) whatever.

    1. It’s the latest hula hoop fad of the new millenium. Expressing your white guilt and submission to the most vocal minorities as a means to atone for the sins of others who have been dead for many years.

  5. Ford does resemble a fat Hermann Göring and acts like a fascist and now supports Islamic theocracy. I wonder what is it about modern Conservatives that makes them inhabit that crowded, mushy, ideological area touching on socialism, fascism and communism and in extremely rare instances and durations reaches a very little bit towards Libertarianism.

  6. For the last God damed time, Islam is NOT a race. Most of the idiots who equate Islam with racism wouldn’t know one if they tripped over them (assuming of course that the persons in question are not wearing any “ethnic” garb at the time). They come in all shapes, sizes and colours, be in the super dark black Somoli’s, oriental looking Indonesians, medium brown Pakistanis, pale skinnedm red haired and freckled Syrians and Lebanese and even plain old white guys who can grow healthy dark beards (i.e. Cat Stevens/Yousef Islam). And while we’re at it, being Jewish isn’t a race either. Like the word “gay”, race/racism/racist has morphed into an entirely different meaning thanks to the social constructionist and their adherants.

  7. “Islam is NOT a race.” – Neither is Christianity.

    Muhammad was white skinned with naturally reddish hair in his youth, he later dyed his beard red in old age to look more youthful. Most Arab scholars today agree that he was at the least brunette. Today fanatical Muslims will dye their beards with red Hanna to emulate Muhammad’s look in older age………His “whiteness” is not seriously debated as it was described frequently in many early Islamic texts.

