29 Replies to “Rabidly Transphobic”

  1. I have never totally been able to decide which as uglier… Whoopie’s insides or Whoopie’s outsides.

    1. Don’t forget the sweater … it’s in the running too.

      I believe wearing things like that is called … “throwing in the towel”

      1. Another aspect: I was unaware that Ms. Johnson is srill pre-menopausal, is she maybe not a fat old witch at all but just expecting and late aborting triplings for all these years now? Shouldn’t she otherwise not also shut the fuck up according to her “logic”?

        Yet another aspect: I also couldn’t breastfeed a baby, If a woman kills her infant and then sells the bodyparts to PP or Pfizer, should that also be of no interest to me?

        One last thing: Since woman are relatively ineffective and useless compared to men when it comes to heavy work and combat, shouldn’t they shut up about working conditions on oil platforms, firefighters, manslaughter and war in “Whoopi“‘s universe in which the sexes are apparently not cooperating and are not related to each other.

        Epiloge (somewhat out of topic): I hope she is a lesbian, because I don’t want to imagine the poor sop having to share a bedroom with this monstrosity of body fat and stupidity.

    2. “…which as uglier…”

      How about Whoopie and Rossie O’Donut being intimate with one another?
      Enjoy the mental picture btw.

  2. Yet again, best not to use the word T*********C.
    It represents something that doesn’t exist.
    People may pity the mental illness but nobody is afraid of them.

  3. Always with the question-begging. “How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do with my body?” Well, that’s the whole question isn’t it? Whether or not it’s just your body involved in an abortion. Otherwise, I could ask you the same sort of question, “How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do with my body? If I want to use my fists and my feet to beat Whoopi Goldberg to death, what business of yours is that?”

    1. Seriously, someone somewhere would want to do that to the commie libturd wopy?
      Shivers me timbers.

  4. The only problem is, it isn’t YOUR body, it is someone else. It is someone who is defenseless and totally dependent on YOU to sustain and bring it into this world.

    Call abortion for what is it, ending another person’s life.

    1. Agreed. It is absolutely vile and does not deserve a euphemism.
      Now a question: do we want liberals to stop killing liberals? I am not sure.

  5. Huh!? So she’s implying that the fetus may indeed WANT to die? Because my assumption that the Fetus actually wants to LIVE is an errant presupposition? This nasty old harpy may want to watch a Nature program … and then tell me about all the fetuses that WANT to die. That TRY to commit suicide …

    This is what CRAZY people say when they have NO argument left

    1. If I was her baby, I’d tie a noose in my umbilical cord!

      Hey, beats waiting for the coat hangers..

  6. Didn’t Clarence Thomas say something about woman’s rights the other day when he wondered if her rights extend to taking drugs while she is pregnant. Is everything in play? Your right extends to damaging the unborn or abort?

  7. So what is the biological difference between a baby at 1 hour old and 1 hour before it’s born? What makes it ok to kill a baby as long as it is attached to an umbilical cord?

    I am ok with abortions at 1 day into gestation, maybe even several weeks, but unfettered access to abortions anywhere along the gestational timeline is morally wrong. At some point before birth that clump of cells becomes a baby. Where exactly that cutoff lies, I’m not sure, but I think heartbeat is a good point to start talking about saying no.

    Heard on the radio that there are 7 or so countries that allow full term abortions, Canada, USA, China, N Korea, and a few others.

  8. As I have said before, every Liberal woman should have as many abortions as she wants, but Don’t expect me to pay for ANY of them!
    It will inevitably screw up the lives of those that choose to get rid of ‘the problem’ and will at the same time “weed the garden”, so to speak!
    Let the Lord deal with them!

  9. Yes, but what she said wasn’t “Phobic-Phobic”.

    So that makes all the difference.

    I have massive amounts of disrespect for that woman and some of her public comments excusing ‘correct’ people for their acts.

  10. Why do men always catch shit about abortions? Just as many, or more, women are against abortion. I am against all abortion but can concede a couple months of murder, mayhem, and mutilation to save the rest. The doctor and mother should both swing side by side for third trimester abortions.

  11. I’ve read, but have yet to see confirmed, that in the states of California, New Jersey and Washington children can sue doctors for failing to abort them. Anyone able to confirm this ?
    Ref: “The Idol of Our Age: How the Religion of Humanity Subverts Christianity” by Daniel J Mahoney, page 2. From the book preview option of Amazon Canada.
