Harm Promotion: It’s Coming To Your Town

Where they build it, it will come: Vending machines to fight drug harms in rural Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Health Authority is hoping to buy 10 machines to distribute clean needles, sterile water and the opioid overdose medication naloxone across the province, part of an expanded effort to make substance use safer as the province’s overdose death toll climbs.

Just ten? Why not ten thousand? SaskHealth could normalize intravenous drug use and “reduce harm” in every small town in the province, simply by sliding a needle/naxolone kit dispenser into every hockey arena. Right beside the Coke machine.

Think bigger, Government Doctor. Why just fail when you can fail harder?

In North Battleford, the vending machines arrived just as an HIV outbreak was declared in the region. Saskatchewan’s HIV transmission rate is double the national average. Unlike other Canadian jurisdictions, intravenous drug use — not sex — is considered the primary risk factor. Preliminary data from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health say there were 184 new cases of the virus in 2020 and 133 in 2021 as of July.

The machines the SHA is now looking to purchase will also dispense naloxone, a medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

Shower the province with a million naloxone kits. I’m sure you’ll turn this thing around.

40 Replies to “Harm Promotion: It’s Coming To Your Town”

  1. They might as well dispense fentanyl … these people want to kill themselves, why not help? Probably could partner up with the pro suicide groups (Hemlock Society) and the pro-euthanasia countries of Europe that like to kill off the elderly.

  2. Coming soon, once of course, there are in fact 10,000 of these spread across the Province….the inevitable switch over to MANDATORY Intravenous use.

    THX1138 (George Lucas), was prescient beyond all expectation.

    DRUG EVASION is a Capital Crime – (Along with natural procreation)
    The Penalty is molecular dissolution…for Both.

    What was it I read..? You won’t OWE anything & You won’t OWN anything..
    The Govt will own YOUR SOUL.

    THAT my friends is the ULTIMATE GOAL

      1. HIV ins Sask. Maybe someone should look at the science surrounding the vaxxes and the possibility of AIDS resulting from the shots that cannot stop a virus. One of the first concerns was the possibility of AIDS.

  3. “… simply by sliding a needle/naxolone kit dispenser into every hockey arena. Right beside the Coke machine.”

    Things go better with Coke…. or Meth.

  4. But my Type 1 insulin dependent son still has to pay for his daily needles/or insulin pump gear!

    Harms reduction…? In what orthogonal universe?


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Naloxone? Don’t most opiate addict’s deaths come from first falling asleep before their heart stops. Opiates don’t seem to me like a big social drug. I think people tend to die alone.

  6. Hand out those gigantic Pulp Fiction needles.
    And the little white medical books.
    And black markers.

  7. Imagine if they had vending machines for Ivermectin and HCQ! Moe has turned this province into a clown show but what could you expect from a closet climate cultist.

  8. EMT’s waste more time at taxpayer funded drug dens than anywhere else. Usually they have to treat the same addict overdosing multiple times a day. Liberals are very evil life-forms.

  9. I guess SK will be introducing HIV passports now, no?
    Or AB will require a test before travelling from SK.

  10. How about medical supply gift certificates for Christmas?! Huh? Huh? It’s expressed with love.

  11. Drug addiction is a self-resolving problem if we let it run its course. Just like COVID.

    1. The one angle though is that if it becomes more prevalent then more normal people try it.

      I don’t know though. Rewind the clock on most junkies and it’s probably not surprising who gets to the finish line.

  12. The important thing is, are the junkies double jabbed-can’t have junkies exposed to toxins right liberals?

    1. HA! The irony would be delicious. “I’m sorry. The Vaccine Passport number you have entered for your Naloxone purchase is not valid. Please try again.”

  13. It all comes together now.
    First you make the weed legal.
    Then you set up drug distribution centers.
    Then you make sure that all that want drugs are going to get it.
    Then you set up situation where you are going to do “harm prevention”, as they would say in Newspeak.

    In each step, there are vast amounts of money for every do-gooder in the chain.
    Never mind the poor druggies, they are just a collateral damage to be ignored.

    The cold hard cash is the king.

    Don’t really care if the drugs are illegal or legal, heh, it takes the bottom feeders out of the easy money.
    In any case the natural selection in action, regardless.

  14. Give them a few years and they will distribute – for free of course – bullet proof vests to make sure criminals are not wounded or killed by the police.

    I am not even kidding.

    Leftism is a mental disease and a degenerative disease ; over time the leftist becomes CRAZIER

  15. Doctor 1: This drug taking is dangerous and unhealthy; something should be done about it.
    Doctor 2: I know! Let’s make it less dangerous.

  16. I take it that you think supplying needles & naloxone increases rather than reduces the harm.
    Have you any evidence for that?

    In anything I have read, sharing needles is a primary way of spreading HIV.
    And naloxone can save lives.

    But I get the impression that some around here regard the deaths themselves as Harm reduction.

    1. -But I get the impression that some around here regard the deaths themselves as Harm reduction.

      Yep. Harm to society, that is. You know, that which keeps civilization going. One death is a tragedy, a lot of dead drug addicts is Darwinism in action. If you support pre-natal abortion on demand, you should have no problem with voluntary post-natal abortion. After all, a pre-born child’s worth is no less than a drug addled sack of protoplasm.

    2. d, after I posted above I hit the intertoobs & searched for any info on whether safe injection sites were effective. Nearly every resource I clicked on noted some combination of the following:

      Decreased spread of HIV and hepatitis C2
      Fewer drug-overdose deaths and hospitalizations3
      Improved understanding among users of addiction’s causes and treatment
      Reduced street crime and litter, such as discarded syringes and other drug-use paraphernalia4
      Increased probability that users will enter detox program or seek addiction treatment5

      I got this list from:


      None of them mentioned how much success they’d had with detox. This indicates to me that it hasn’t been very successful.

      Now, while these may be admirable accomplishments in their own right, why do 4 of them completely & entirely miss the cause? They’re all chasing the effect. If the addicts were no longer using, the first 4 problems would disappear entirely. Shouldn’t we be putting all of our resources (time, money, whatever) into the 5th point?

      Years ago I dated a prescription drug addict (uppers in the morning to offset the downers she took at night to offset the morning speed), alcoholic and recreational marijuana user. When she decided to enter detox she had to quit, cold turkey. Immediately. We spent 3-1/2 years together. I saw her about a year ago, she’s been clean since 1983 when we started dating. That program, while painful, works. It’s the same type of program that needs applied to needle users: cold turkey. As has been noted, all safe injection sites do is enable. In order for success, we’ve got to stop enabling and focus on point 5.

      1. The best thing about supervised injection is that the people who support and lobby for them get to put them in other peoples’ neighborhoods. Pity the poor bastard who owns property there. Nobody ever includes those costs in their progress reports.

        Across the street from the Vancouver Insite location on Hastings, from Sept 2020 Google street view.


        Clearly, everything is working as planned.

  17. Got to agree with the sentiment of providing Naloxone to smaller communities though maybe not with the method. These people are someone’s sons or daughters, even if they are total fools. Save their lives, then kick their asses for being so stupid.

    1. “Save their lives”

      Why? They clearly don’t want to live and allowing them to remove themselves from a life they can’t endure is a mercy.

      As to “these people are someone’s sons or daughters” so are the victims of drug crazed rapists. I know for whom I have no compassion.

  18. “save their lives”.
    How dare you.
    These are adults?
    They make their choices?
    Our insane Human Rights Commisheners will fine us all to hell,if we dare infringe on the poor druggies right to poison themselves..
    But government mandating an experimental drug for all is just fine..
    What kind of society will force a “recovery drug” into an overdosed persons arm,put them in hospital and force them to heal,yet recommends old people voluntarily chose death?
    What are we saying here?
    A druggie is courting death,that is what they choose to do,who are we to breakup their love affair?
    As for these Vending machines,are they selling these things?
    Or giving them away?

  19. This is easy to solve and covid has provided the template. Drug test everyone and anyone that tests positive for illegal drugs gets put into “quarantine” until they’re clean. Once out of quarantine you have to get tested by the govt every week for a year or you go back into quarantine.

    Pretty hard to claim this is an abuse of liberty now. Who said slippery slopes aren’t fun?
