60 Replies to “History Repeats Itself In Europe”

  1. “Beware the self-righteous man, for he will destroy the world many times over before he sees his folly.” (Stewart Stafford)

    1. “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” ~ H. L. Mencken

      1. “Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats.” – H. L. Mencken

  2. I’m pretty sure i saw tender documents for construction of Covid internment camps for Canada many months ago, any readers have any additional iinformation?

    1. We now have a needle for that too.
      Brain liquification in a convenient vaccination location near you…
      The snake oil business is REAL GOOD this past year.

    2. Do Chairman Moe and the Saskatchewan Segregation Party support covid segregation facilities? Yes, and they have also created a special covid compliance police force. The Saskatchewan Party, all of them, have chosen to be on the wrong side of history by supporting medical apartheid and blantant medical coercion.


      “Saskatchewan is recruiting former police officers to help enforce COVID-19 public health rules, and is also planning a “secure isolation site” in North Battleford, according to an official with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.”

      1. Yeah, and “the other Larry” who posted here yesterday believes he can successfully hide from them behind his herd of livestock.

  3. Your choice right now boils down to this:

    1. Defy the government. Refuse the mRNA and viral vector vaccines. Get covid. Have a 99.4%-99.997% of recovery if you’re under 70. Have the best immunity to covid19 and covid19 variants. Be relentlessly persecuted and punished by governments but maintain your right to bodily autonomy and the principles of informed consent.

    2. Comply with government. Get the mRNA and viral vector vaccines. Run the gauntlet of “rare” vaccine injuries and vaccine death every 4-6 months. Probably get covid anyway because the vaccines are not sterilizing vaccines so they cannot prevent infection or transmission Still have to endure masking, lockdowns, travel restrictions, etc. Permanently give up the right to bodily autonomy for being granted slightly more freedom than the unvaccinated….but limited freedom, subject to digital surveillance and politicians moods, whims, media pressure, peer pressure. ulterior motives, political ideology/activism, lobbyists, influence of corporate donations, and other career or financial interests.

      1. Once government can make medical treatments compulsory, in many ways citizens (adults and children) become a tradeable commodity for corrupt politicians. Corporations develop a product and the government takes away all of your civil rights until you “consent” to use the corporate product. Both the government and corporations have given themselves absolute immunity from liability and prosecution for any adverse reactions, even though they are forcing people to use of the product. All profit, no risk.

        Given the massive financial interests of such an arrangement for government officials and corporations, what are the odds that this type of mutually beneficial alliance and collusion continues, and not just for covid19? What other types of corporate products and medical treatments will become mandatory?

      1. Vell apparently I vas a raving Nazi since I vas 5 years old in ze neighborhood sandbox growing up in Canada.
        Bullying…? …take a number.

        I am immune to Covid and govern”mental” idiocy!

        Various governments, including Adolf’s, have offered the last six or so generations of family a variety of methods to experience a short life and a shallow grave. We stopped listening to those conflicted jackasses a long time ago!

        The government “cares about you”! Sure in some other orthogonal universe…but not in this one. 🙂


        Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

        1st Saint Nicolaas Army
        Army Group “True North”

    1. In Ontari-owe the cumulative infection rate is at 4% over 22 months. An annual infection rate of about 2.3%.
      It would take 12 years (with nothing changing) to get to a cumulative rate of 25% of people having being infected.
      It would take 30 years (with nothing changing) to get to a cumulative rate of 50% of people having been inflected.

      Obviously things change including immunity. So LC Bennett, you don’t necessarily “Get covid” either way.

      1. Those numbers seem low compared to other research.

        “New Delhi (CNN)More than two thirds of India’s population may have Covid-19 antibodies, according to a new serological survey released Tuesday, providing yet more evidence the virus may have spread far more widely than official figures suggest.
        About 67.6% of Indians surveyed above the age of 6 showed antibodies, according to the nationwide study, which was conducted between June and July by the government-run Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The survey covered 70 districts in 21 states, with 28,975 participants…The majority of survey participants, 62%, had not received a vaccine; about a quarter had gotten their first dose.”


        1. Numbers are from the testing. Not antibody testing. There are going to be more infections than the reported cases because some infections don’t know that they are infected.

          1. Exactly. Thanks for confirming my point. Exposure to covid is widespread after 2 years. Many people are asymptomatic or experienced mild illness…but they will have antibodies and naturally acquired immunity. Or they have partial immunity due to previous coronavirus infections.

          2. If you don’t know you’re “infected” doesn’t that mean you have no symptoms? So this is more fascist doublespeak bullshit.
            Natural and herd immunity is the reality fascists refuse to accept, pretending to “represent science” while wielding power.
            Political science fiction, nothing more, never has been, just self-serving and cynical scientism and fear mongering.
            Vaccines protect individuals from sickness and death, not from spreading the virus. Enough scientism brinkmanship.
            But admitting that would mean admitting their measures were unnecessary and counterproductive from the get gol.
            More from the BC fascists, due to the common cold, aka the omicron mutation, churches attendees must mask up.
            They consistently let ridiculous ideas of perfection (no cases) become the enemy of the good, an open, healthy society.
            In fact the go past good to very bad, with missed medical procedures, hamstrung economies and abusing children.
            Unless and until we remove these collectivist morons from power over us, they will mask and lock us down forever.
            Because they believe it enhances their power, pretending no new science which shows inefficacy of masks and lockdowns.

  4. Jordan Peterson’s observation of several years ago now makes perfect sense. He claimed that Fascism arose out of a sense of revulsion over “uncleanliness” usually in the form of “the other” who were deemed “unclean.”

    Sound vaguely familiar?

  5. I have been opposed to this shit since day one. I have a problem and that problem is that I really cannot take the vaxxes because of three underlying medical conditions. I am old, so what will “they” do? Just kill me? I won’t lie down and take it.

    1. I didn’t take it at first due to an underlying medical condition. Now I won’t take it because I feel a duty to resist.

      1. Since the first “leaked” images from China in 2019 fear and panic have ruled. I had a wait and see attitude. Thinking that the drastic dystopian measures used in communist China would NEVER fly here. I was wrong.

        I feel as all of you, Friendly, VeryOldWhiteguy and Canadian Observer. Noncompliance, is my small stand against TYRANNY.

        I do not wish to contribute in any way to enslavement of future generations; by a corporate elite aided by medical “experts” and flakey politicians (similarities can be seen in history- if you care to look). I will risk an encounter with a virus and authorities as I still possess a backbone.

        Three great uncles fought in WWII and died on foreign soil to STOP Totalitarianism, I believe I can muster the courage to say NO!

    2. I’m 78. I’m where you are. I know of five, count em five people my age who went and got vaxxed and now they’re in the personal care homes unable to walk. I know of three who died from heart attacks and strokes within six weeks of the vax. If I need to go to the hospital for something other than a broken finger or an ear infection, I intend to shoot myself first. I’d rather go on my own terms than risk dying in their slaughterhouse by myself, on a ventilator, all visitors banned because I’m unvaxxed. I’ll take their damn vax when they tie me down and stick it in my arm while I’m screaming “I will not comply.”

  6. Below is a link to the Free North Declaration.


    If you have not already seen this document and signed it, I would encourage you to read it and then consider signing it. Further, if you have a group of people you text or email regularly, I would ask you to forward this email to them as well.

    It is one small way to show others that you support the fundamental freedoms that have been a part of western democracies since the signing of the ‘Magna Carta’ by King John of England on June 15, 1215. Freedom is not the norm in most of the countries around the world. So, the signing of this document is a means for you to show the government of the day and the bureaucracy that our fundamentals freedoms are important and need to be respected even in these difficult circumstances.

    Thank you for considering this request.

    1. Thank you for the link. Excellent essay by Paul Kingsnorth. Can’t wait ’til part two is posted. In the meantime, have forwarded to members of the family in hopes that they will read and forward as well.

  7. We live the age of reality catching up and surpassing satire. The text below from BabylonBee:

    German Health Minister: ‘We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps’

    BERLIN—German Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced his aggressive plan to fight COVID, which will include gathering all the unvaccinated people and putting them in special secured areas where they won’t bother anyone.
    “Ze key to fighting ze COVID iz very simple,” said Spahn. “Ve must concentrate all ze filthy undesirables into special camps with very tall barbed-wire fences all around, where they will not infect us with their filthy anti-vaxx presence anymore.”
    Unvaccinated Germans will also be required to wear highly-visible markings on their clothing, so everyone will know to stay away from them, or turn them in if they attempt to buy food in a public market.
    “Zis iz for ze good of ze German people,” continued Spahn. “Ve vill not tolerate zis disgusting unvaccinated in our presence anymore. Heil Science!”
    Spahn then gave a very special pro-science salute.

    1. The head of Babylon Bee was interviewed by Dan Bongino on this very issue last night.
      It’s a sad day for liberty when satire sites provide the most accurate predictions.
      In fact, the Bee Boss said they are having trouble keeping up with their satirical predictions later coming true.
      The time between the two events has moved from years to weeks, soon to days, and sooner still the Bee will be a news source.

  8. What gets me about the crowing and carrying on about the German lock down is if you look at the actual details of the lockdown it’s no worse than what we unvaxxed in Manitoba have been living with since August. In fact in one way it is a lot less because if you have had the bug, you’re considered as good as vaxxed. Yet no one on screaming or satirizing Manitoba.

  9. Back in the summer, my neighbor suggested I should make caskets (coffins). I didn’t brush it off but kept it in the back of my mind. Did a bit of research…found out for Orthodox Jews, there is to be no metal used in its construction. Anyhow, it seems that the double/triple jabbed walking dead seem to pretty well set in their ways, I figured I should make a family package and put it up on Kijiji and target them.

  10. The two or three days of mild discomfort that the “OmiGod” variant presents is truly frightening to the ideologically pure.

  11. Ah that smell of circa 1930’s Germany, one of the first things Hitler did was issue healthcare passes with a photo on it-to ensure Jews were denied healthcare. Why did we help that nation rebuild it’s new form of fascism?

    1. Why did we help that nation rebuild it’s new form of fascism?

      Don’t forget that the country was divided for 45 years. Communists infiltrated the Bundesrepublik Deutschland with ease. That infiltration continued after re-unification. Mutti Merkel was one of them.
