Our Government At Work

The Dept. of Foreign Affairs is building a three million dollar monument to itself. Well, all the statues that have been torn down have to be replaced with something. It seems the throne speech from Justin’s token Indian didn’t impress some MPs. And the Liberals are silent about loans to coal companies after ranting about how evil coal is.

14 Replies to “Our Government At Work”

  1. “Well, all the statues that have been torn down…”

    I needed a bit more context for this story, so did some basic research. Here is the only comprehensive list I could find, keeping in mind Wiki’s insidious history of rewriting history…

    Monuments and memorials in Canada removed in 2020–2021


    Looking back over the last couple of years, I think it is realistic to believe that this attack on Canadian heritage was also a direct test to see the resistance us “normies” would offer against tyranny. Ottawa elites must be excited as hell at how quickly and quietly we knuckled under.

    For even more context, here is the American list. Same caveat as above about the source…


    1. All I can say is – have any of these animals read any of our colourful Canadian History? They might learn a thing or two instead of just “Gang Rioting”. Our history is not transferable or erasable. Learn Learn Learn!

  2. “Daily Sacrifices”? of Diplomats? You mean like when the Diplomatic cocktail Party runs out of Sweet and Sour Shrimp? Yeah … monument-worthy “hardship”

    Oh, OK … and all that bending over and spreading the cheeks for the ChiComs … that’s hard work too.

    1. ..or the courage of the diplomats and Global Affairs staff who ran from Afghanistan as fast as they could at the first sign of trouble, abandoning their much vaunted “Whole of Government” approach and letting the military soak up needless casualties for the next 10 years until the Liberals decided to just give up a walk away? Those hardships and sacrifices? Monument to cowardice is what it will be.

    1. Eating dead animals kills the planet. Watch a spike in the price of Soylent Corporation shares.

  3. Didn’t like the throne speech ?Could that be because she wasn’t the best pick to actually do the job as opposed to picking someone to show just how diverse Justin is

  4. Story behind paywall. Not paying $345.00 per year, for a peek at stories.
    Having said that, the Librano’s never quit fluffing their nest.

    1. The Libranos never quit fluffing themselves, as in the “cinematic” sense.

    2. @tewchip – Me neither, but there’s enough above the paywall to get the general idea:

      Plan $3M Monument To Self
      Cabinet yesterday invited taxpayers to vote for their favourite design of a multi-million dollar tribute to the Department of Foreign Affairs. The monument will commemorate the “daily sacrifices” of diplomats, said Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly: “It is essential.”

    1. Those statues provide means by which pigeons can show what they think of those tyrants.
