57 Replies to “Drinking The Bleach”

  1. The hypocrite who cancelled me didn’t like being brought up to date on the bleach drinking hoax.

    1. The hoax stuff is all by-the-way. Yeah, the media and the entertainment industry and academia and every single Democrat hoaxed and lied and gas-lit about Trump and Republicans and conservatives for 4 years, constantly, and too many people fell for it and still fall for it (witness the trolls on this comment thread). Yeah, Biden and other Democrats have said and done far worse things and far more idiotic things than Trump, and it’s not covered so it falls through the cracks (e.g.: 1. Hunter’s laptop contents that prove how much he and his dad and his family engaged in money-for-access corruption with China and other nations; 2. Hillary’s actual collusion with Russia that no one ever bothers to look into … guess cuz they don’t want to be suicided).
      Set all that aside and look at the quality of life under Biden vs under Trump.
      Life under Biden: Astronomical gas prices. Inflation. Co-Vid deaths higher than under Trump. Millions of undocumented invaders over the southern border … vaccination status for Co-Vid or anything else in these undocumented people: unknown. Lack of workers for available jobs, because of Stimmies (which also cause inflation). Turmoil in the Middle East again. Russia and China getting more and more aggressive toward the Ukraine and Taiwan. Supply-chain issues. Growing violence and theft and murder and destruction in almost every city … especially Dem-run cities.
      Believe the hoaxes are hoaxes, or don’t believe the hoaxes are hoaxes … whatever. Let’s look at reality on the ground.
      Life was better for ALL when Trump was President. All. Everyone. Even for the trolls on this site. Better for minorities, too. It really is that simple. Democrat and left-wing rule sucks for everyone stuck and forced to live through it … except the the elites profiting off the corruption.

  2. Facebook censorship makes people stupid.

    I read about Heal Light doing research in the US last year.

    Lots of people can’t admit that the MSM and social media fed them lies about Russia collusion, fine people, bleach, and other obvious lies.
    I guess they would feel dumb if they admitted that they believed stuff so utterly ridiculous.

    When the MSM howls “The President of the United States says that Nazis are the good guys!” then normal people say “Hmmmm, that doesn’t really sound true.”
    Other people are too simple minded to question anything that they want to hear.

      1. Is this an admission that you’re still on Facebook and believe their censored nonsense?

        The NYT and WaPo have admitted that they lied to you about Russia.
        I realize that it takes time for you to process that.
        Cult deprogramming is time consuming and stressful.

        Any thinking human being knew that there were no reasons that Putin would want Trump to win and dozens of reasons that he would want Hillary to win.
        That’s how thinking people analyze information: Does it make any type of logical sense? From day one it made no logical sense that Putin would want Trump to win.

          1. By Marik von Rennenkampff, Opinion Contributor — 08/25/20 03:30 PM EDT
            The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

            Opinion pieces are not fact. The Hill disclaims this piece at the very start. This von Rennenkampff also writes a lot of blather on UFOs.

          2. Hahahaha … this Troll believes everything (he chooses) on the Internet. What a fool and a tool. Dull in both cases.

          3. A journalist’s lie filled narrative.

            You will never get it.
            You will never understand the term ‘useful idiot’.

  3. That’s the way I heard it the first time. Trump is not the most articulate person in the world but he’s still miles ahead of Brandon.

  4. Trump advised the drinking of bleach in the same way Palin said she could see Russia from her house.

    Both were words spoken by other people, then wrongly attributed by liars.

    1. You are, as expected, eliding the point by missing the forest for the trees. Trump had a typically incoherent blather-spiel blue-skying abou treating COVID with ‘UV light’ and ‘disinfectant’. He didn’t exactly say ‘bleach’ but it doesn’t change the nutty substance of his blather, which was incoherent enough for people like you to read whatever you want to into and out of it.

      1. “…which was incoherent enough for people like you to read whatever you want to into and out of it.”

        Pot, kettle.

      2. “ which was incoherent enough for people like you to read whatever you want to into and out of it”

        Like believing he told people to drink bleach. Which you affirmed.

      3. YOU, are the one missing forests for trees. What Trump was communicating is that SCIENCE was throwing the kitchen sink at creating treatments for C-19. Anyone who listens and reads FOR CONTENT … understood this. Nobody, except a crazed ant-Trump woman poured bleach down their husbands gullet. UnMe sounds JUST that crazed.

      4. It would have been so much less offensive had Trump read it off a teleprompter, leaned over and whispered it.

        You’re fun UnMe, I like 350 lb trolls. You have a lot—and I mean a lot—to add!

  5. Trump calling Gen. Milley a “F***ing idiot”?
    Fact check: Oh yeah, he sure did.
    He gets it right most times.

  6. I had a doctor who recommended disinfecting nasal cavities with salt water. I had always assumed that’s what Trump was talking about. I ignore everything that doctor said. He died young. I am old.

  7. That Cortes hack got dunked and debunked.

    “Cortes claims that “Trump’s ‘fine people on both sides’ observation clearly related to those on both sides of the Confederate monument debate.” In other words, it was just a vague, general observation that good people can disagree on the issue. But as we’ve just seen, that’s not what Trump was saying. He was referring to a specific group of protesters present in Charlottesville on the night of August 11. And this was the context in which Trump denied that he was talking about white nationalists.”


    1. The bulwark?

      Hang your head in shame, boy.
      You still don’t get it?
      You still don’t understand how you form your opinions?

      “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

      1. Yes, The Bulwark, and if you had read the article you’d see why that quote is worthless except as misdirection.

        1. And you believe what you read in the Bulwark?
          Serious question, why?

          You don’t see the misdirection or illogical nonsense?

          “I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them. So I know that we weren’t there that night. Only the white nationalists were there.”
          Do you see the logic error in that statement?
          Hint: He wasn’t there.

    2. A lot of people were just ordinary citizens protesting the taking down of statues. I watched a lot of it live. Faith Goldy did a lot of interviews and I don’t recall hearing anyone espousing hateful views. I saw some peaceful old rednecks get hit by rocks and I saw police deliberately running hostile crowds into each other. Faith got footage of the guy in the car launching a body. She seemed very concerned with what was happening.

      1. Ah, you mean the racists. Because that’s the people who get upset at taking down statues of Confederate traitors and then get interviewed by other racists like Faith Goldy.

        1. And yet the guy in your Bulwark link says he is opposed to taking down the statues.
          By your logic he’s racist.

        2. You use the word “racist” like a Puritan says “fornicator”. The idea that only racists can object is the stuff of religious fanaticism .

        3. Just curious … does UnMe believe that; The Parthenon, The Coliseum and every other Roman monument and artifact be razed … because the Romans were … Colonialists? They colonized huge swaths of Europe, Africa, and The English Isles. Or how about The Alhambra? Because those evil Muslim Emirs Colonized Spain? And did those cultures hold Slaves? Of course they did.

          But UnMe singles out The Confederacy for cancelation. Typical inconsistent leftist ideologue. Can’t THINK their way out of a paper bag.

          1. For most societies slavery ended less than 150 years ago starting with the English 189 years ago. Slavery isn’t gone yet in parts of Africa and Asia.

          2. Kenji, not to step on your excellent point, but the Parthenon was built by the Greeks.

            Though to your point, how do you describe the Greeks vis-a-vis the Romans. The Greeks had already created one of the largest empires in history, yet they were overtaken by the Romans. Do the Greeks ultimately deserve victim status for having been succeeded and enslaved by the Romans? Who knows how things would have ended up if Alexander had gone west instead of east.

          3. Pantheon… Parthenon … *sigh* … my fingers type what my brain tells them … sometimes without the proper focus. To err is human. Yes, I do know the difference

        4. Lee, Jackson and just about every Confederate soldier had more integrity in their scrotal skin than you could ever begin to appreciate, let alone possess.

  8. The point missed by most liberals is that their opinions are formed by what they hear and see in the media.
    That becomes their truth.
    When confronted by a contrary opinion they naturally assume it to be false.
    The idea that their initial opinion was based on falsehoods does not occur to them.
    They don’t have the intellectual depth to think it through and understand that.

    To be fair most people are not complete liars like those in the media so they don’t expect to be lied to.
    But they are lied to by the media, every day.
    Thinking adults have figured that out.

      1. Well, if it true then how is it projection?

        It sounds more like simply an accurate observation.

      2. “ That is both true and the very definition of projection.”

        A hamfisted attempt at the tu quoque fallacy.

    1. Stan, pace the troll:

      This is both true and TRUE.

      And for this reason I have ENDED my long term (addictive) practice of sending dissenting opinion links to my tiny circle of liberal friends.

      1. An online friend of mine would agree with you. He said, “When I know I’m wasting my time, I don’t waste much.” When I asked him why he gave a short answer to a dissenting (and obviously false) view.

  9. Above we see a person (or two but I’m betting it’s two sock puppets stroking each other) who gets all his information from approved sources. Sources which inject bleach into their minds on a daily basis. Rinse and repeat. I certainly hope they are paid by the post and not the effectiveness of the effort.

  10. Liberal logic:
    It’s acceptable for the media to lie to us about Trump because he’s a horrible man.
    And we know that he’s a horrible man because the media told us he was a horrible man.

    Oddly though he wasn’t a horrible man until he ran for President as a Republican.

  11. From the beginning the narrative created by the opposition and media was false. There have been companies researching the use of ultraviolet and disinfectants since before the covid outbreak. This fact was easily verified with a simply google search when the campaign of disinformation began. As for the 40million dollar investigation and contention there was nefarious activity between Russia and the trump campaign I will point out this undisputable fact. The democrats were unable to begin an impeachment case against Trump based on any evidence produced in the whole clown show. This in spite of their stated goal to impeach him, stated before he even took office. It was based on a conversation with the Ukrainian President in to investigate highly suspect activities of Joe and Hunter Biden.
    The greatest tragedy is the continued resistance to early and alternate treatment protocols put forward as possible solutions put forward by Trump and many other credible people. As the vaccine narrative continues to fall apart fully expect it to morph from “safe and effective” to “Trump created a dangerous and useless vaccine.” And again the tragedy is many innocent people may well have needlessly died.

  12. “As the vaccine narrative continues to fall apart fully expect it to morph from “safe and effective” to “Trump created a dangerous and useless vaccine.””

    Yeppers. Been waiting for that one myself. Ran across an article a couple days back about Brandon, Heels-Up Harris & others early on saying they wanted no part of “Trump’s” “‘vaccine'”. The point of the article was to mock the Progs because of their current position on “vaxxes”. Watch that get turned around to, “We told you so!”

  13. I really appreciate this post, and smalldeadanimals always, because I had never seen this original source quote before. It is pretty much a given that if something is attributed to Trump (or anyone, really) that appears to be nuts, then it will eventually be found out to be just a fabrication. Now that I have seen the entire quote, and note that the word “bleach” does not appear in it at all, the only thing larger than my surprise, is the lack of surprise.
