Hawaii travel policies: Not based on science, not based on data

I just spoke with a friend in the SF Bay Area. She told me that she’s going to Hawaii in a week. She added that because she’s vaccinated, she doesn’t need to get a Covid test or to quarantine.  I found this hard to believe but confirmed it here and here.

How does this make ANY sense given that vaccinated people can contract and spread Covid?!?

We’ve known for a long time that this insane push to get everyone vaccinated is more politically motivated than anything else.  But I find it truly astonishing that governments like those in the State of Hawaii are enacting policies that they must know will not limit the spread of Covid.

35 Replies to “Hawaii travel policies: Not based on science, not based on data”

  1. “We’ve known for a long time that this insane push to get everyone vaccinated is more politically motivated than anything else.”

    No, ‘we’ haven’t known any such thing. You want to believe that so you do. Informed people know that the vaccinated are vastly less likely to develop severe disease or transmit the virus to others.

    Honestly, we should give in-flight antigenic testing a chance. I think the higher rate of false negatives would be outweighed by the speed and convenience.

    1. Well YOU haven’t known that the vaccinated are just as likely to spread the virus but anyone with an IQ above that of a fire hydrant knew it. The vaccinated are just as likely to spread the virus and in fact are more likely to produce more dangerous pathogens. That much has been proven in many countries around the world. If the real goal is to try to stop the virus from spreading (impossible, by the way), then EVERYONE needs to be tested. EVERYONE.

        1. Please don’t link nonsense “science” articles. The CDC NIH and WHO all admit that vaccinated can and do carry/ spread the virus. It is established evolutionary theory that suggests vaccination will , through selective pressure encourage mutation ( which is not necessarily bad). If you cannot argue the science from your own knowledge you must be careful of citing ALL sources. I am surprised that people still use questionable links like they are proof of something.

        2. You obviously don’t understand evolution. Doesn’t matter if Delta appeared in India before large numbers of people were vaccinated. The vaccines didn’t “create” Delta. It’s because Delta was able to exploit the extremely limited and transitory protection produced by these therapeutic prophylactics to become the dominant variant. In layman’s terms this is a mechanism often described as “survival of the fittest.”

          As for the NewScientist article you refer to, I had a look at the publication it was based on. Did you read the comments on the article? The more interesting ones deal with how the authors didn’t take into account natural and acquired immunity, which was the first thing I noticed while reading it. But there are other comments that absolutely slam the design and point out where the authors introduce bias into their numbers. All in all, not that convincing. You might want to try again.

      1. Things like Unme aren’t human, there’s no point engaging it. Good on you for trying, but really, it’s like arguing with a pigeon.

    2. Unme … look at the current Alberta Govt data on new cases, current cases and hospital admissions and your claim of “vastly” is an obvious lie.
      New cases are pretty much a 50 : 50 split and hospitalizations are running 1/3 vax’d and 2/3 unvax’d.
      All data is in this chart https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#vaccine-outcomes
      As to transmission who knows … the vax’d are running around with the virus and if symptoms are reduced they likely aren’t being very cautious and so might effectively be super spreaders.
      The vaccines are far less effective than folks like you think they are. See this gem from that site “67.5% of COVID-19 deaths (1,165 / 1,727) since Jan 1, 2021 were unvaccinated or diagnosed within two weeks from the first dose immunization date” … what is unsaid is that 1/3 of the deaths were vax’d folks.

    3. Yes, the double jabbed, boosted, DEAD victims certainly agree with you.

      Their Covid had lesser complications, LOL!

  2. It makes perfect sense.
    They appear to be doing their Covidian hysteria part but want the all-important tourist revenue.

    Robert, you seem to be a lot younger than me and probably have not been exposed to 40 years of gubmint regulation.

    “How does this make any sense?” is never the right question. Everything they do makes sense: follow the money, follow the power. In this case the former.

    And as most of us have been saying, this isn’t even remotely about health.

  3. I would disagree. The push for universal vaccination and the refusal of authorities to acknowledge limitations of vaccines and possible dangers is clearly political.
    Further, it is foolishness to state that the vaccines clearly work at reducing severity, yada yada. For one, such facts are not in evidence for all age groups,. For another all “facts ” concerning covid are scientifically suspect , as evidenced by their dynamic nature over the last two years.
    It does appear that vaccinated people carry covid , perhaps more effectively spreading it due to lesser symptoms. Given this I would think testing would protect the vulnerable better than universal vaccines.
    For the record, I got pretty sick, unvaxxed. The people beside me got worse, double vaxxed.
    I understand folks on both sides want an answer here so they can get over all this fear and craziness. But whatever answer there is is not going to result from politics and entrenchment.

    1. The answer is simple, the only passport anyone needs and should have to participate in life…
      Is the one that says Covid negative less than 48 hours ago… tested by (insert health testing agency here).

      Demand that from our masters and this sillyness will end abruptly.

    2. We went to Maui in May. We just needed vaccination and COVID test within 72 hours of departure. The signs at the airport emphasized that even on the beach masks were required. We saw none on the beach.

  4. “She added that because she’s vaccinated, she doesn’t need to get a Covid test or to quarantine. ”

    I went to Hawaii a month ago and most definitely needed a (slow) COVID test within 72 hours of departing. Either she is wrong or Hawaii has changed policy in the last few weeks.

  5. It was true when I travelled to Hawaii this past Oct. No pre-flight testing for the vaccinated … however, a really screwed-up, and intrusive system by which you had to “validate” and “register” your vaccination. The kind of system that could ONLY have been designed by a team of “women’s studies” graduates. Utter rubbish BTW. Only a very few businesses had any kind of restrictions; masks, vaccinations, or otherwise.

  6. Inge seems to be pretending he is relevant. His rules now only apply for fights from USA mainland.

    We went to Maui in November. Did not have to register with Safe Hawaii. Were given passes upon landing and had to show it before renting the car. The condo did not ask for it at check-in and did not enforce the face diaper indoors rule except in the office. The office staff only pulled them on when someone went in.

    We received negative results every time we were tested for WhuFlu. Had no issues getting there or back home.

    The CBSA officer in secondary explained how ArriveCAN worked. The APP developers were idiots and provided little information other than it was mandatory.

  7. This is not a conspiracy theory just a what if. We know that the china plague was developed in China. What if all the variants were also??

    The Chi-coms won’t let any one investigate and the Can-coms, U.S.-coms, UK-coms, Euro-coms etc are all sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.

  8. Money talks and BS walks…the tourism industry was damaged by “covidity and ideologically stupid, hypochondriac, nannystate tyrants” (TQ: Dan BC) and these Sunshine States need cash like everyone else.

    1. Governor Inge still doesn’t get it. Restaurants were all take out only. Bars, where sheep registration was checked, had to close by nine P.M.
      There was a push to recall Maui Mayor Victorino. It should have been expanded to include Inge.

  9. “But I find it truly astonishing that governments like those in the State of Hawaii are enacting policies that they must know will not limit the spread of Covid.”

    You a visitor from 2019 or something?

  10. Why do the pro. overlords crowd always claim that the vaccinated will have milder symptoms?
    This is not knowable! There can be no personal data to compare it to!
    I have friends both vaxxed and un- vaxxed that have been sick with covid. Their level of sickness ranges from mild to extreme for both.

    1. There have been numerous double jabbed Deaths, so, despite the usual idiots stating otherwise (Blackie, Nazi Bonnie, Tricky Dixie, Terry the ManTam), the jab is not protection, in fact, in the long run, the jabbed are likely in greater danger of a failed immune system, or worse.

    2. Apparently their deaths are less painful,or something milder than regular death.
      I am sure the Delusional Jerk will be along to explain,as soon as it gets its talking points.
      The absolute certainty about the safety and efficiency of these Magic Vaccines,defies all previous knowledge and medical advice..
      Yet they “Know”…For true they are safe with no long term effects..
      Or Evil?
      Does it matter?
      The only individuals I know personally to suffer the Dread Covid,were both double jabbed.
      Inside my rather large tribe,not one with covid..Truly weird,is it real?
      For we are worldwide and mostly unvaxxed..
      Of course 80% of those known to be exposed,show no reaction,so thats some virulent novel virus..One the average healthy person shrugs off without even knowing.
      Mass Hysteria is quite the thing.
      Observe it well,for we are being provided great insight into who are the most gullible and easily panicked amongst us.
      Persons who signal their unfitness for any position of authority..
      Ever again.
      We have 20 months of evidence,they cannot learn from their mistakes.

      Actually I am quite amazed by their stamina,for running around with your hair on fire,usually exhausts the victim,very quickly.

    3. Everyone I know who came down with COVID had been vaxed when they became sick. Three had mild symptoms and two were deathly ill. One of the real sick ones is still suffering the effects.

      Yeah, the brain dead jackass who cancelled me is one of the true believers. First he preached the poison jab was going to stop COVID. When that didn’t happen, he was adamant that it would mean lessened symptoms. Just like a bleating sheep he was.

  11. “Getting the COVID sniffles and testing positive is different than going to the hospital and dying from COVID.”

    So, what day were you resurrected? And were you without oxygen long?

  12. The Progressive control freaks have attained the mindset that 1) Their goals are noble and good; 2) If their efforts save just one life, it is worth the effort; and 3) ANY unintended consequences, no matter how serious, are trivial and to be ignored.

    1. Duh.
      “We must save you from the dread covid.
      Even if our cure kills you”.
      Why are they still pretending this is a pandemic?
      All I see are “Cartmans” Everywhere,chanting “Respect Muh authority”

  13. Been here in Maui a week now from Toronto.

    Had to get an antigen test before flight , have to get full PCR test to get back. Have a mask but it’s only for inside and duh, it’s Maui…most stuff isn’t inside

  14. Expecting the government to do something that is actually effective? That seems a little off, unless you haven’t observed anything that’s happened in the past 20 months.

    Thank goodness Biden implemented his racist travel bans. OhmiGod variant has now only reached 15 states…
