35 Replies to “The China Virus: You Will Be Assimilated”

  1. Anyone who uses the risible and pejorative term “anti-vaxxer” to describe someone who is opposed to taking the covid shots has no credibility. Calling such an individual an “anti-vaxxer” is akin to calling someone anti-water because they don’t want to drink out of the toilet.

    1. Never was before an anti-vaxxer, but I am now because I’m against jabs that needlessly harm and kill children and healthy people.

    2. Yes funny thing, I’ve had a ton of vaccinations in my lifetime with no issues whatsoever, my problem is THESE vaccines fanatically pushed on me by proven liars and thieves.

      The lying and thieving Trudeau Party, the lying WHO, the greedy corrupt Big Pharma corporations who have paid out millions for past atrocities, and the lying Government Media who daily push obvious and provable lies.

      1. PAUL

        You can add the Pharma paid FDA, CDC & NIH officials to that list ….along with every scumbag Dr. in this country & others pushing the “flu vaccine”.
        All of them, Lying Greedy Bastards.

        Did time in the Military: on our 2nd day while in Basic Training…Each and every one of us in our recruit platoon went through a gauntlet of injections – to prevent contraction of pretty much any & all viral – bacterial pathogens known to man….at that time.

        But this Anti Vax Bullshit over some injectable Bio Weapon ..?? it’s a lot like sucking a dick…What do they remember ya for..???

  2. This isn’t the first time that Merriam-Webster has adjusted a definition in response to the current events of the day. Dictionaries are chroniclers of the language not overseers.
    They may be safely ignored.

    1. Yes, they had to recently adjust the definition of ‘vaccine’ because the mRNA Covid vaccines are so spectacularly ineffective.

  3. About 30 years ago I red the book “This Perfect Day”. At the time, I rated it as “okay”.
    I am sure that I have forgotten much, but it seems we are getting closer and closer to the way they lived. Weekly confessions to ‘counsellors’ about our offenses to our brothers and sisters, everyone looks alike to avoid racism (everyone is slightly brown, has slightly slanted eyes, brown hair and brown eyes. None of those horrible white people). Movements and behaviours all tracked by a central computer.

    And now we move into the best part weekly covid booster shots.

  4. Sure but then synonyms for anti-vaxxer must include :

    Pro-medical ethics,
    Pro-bodily autonomy
    Pro-informed consent
    Pro-human right
    Pro-civil liberties
    Pro-Nuremburg Code
    Pro- Hippocratic Oath
    Anti-medical apartheid
    Anti-government abuse of power
    Anti-medical coercion

    *Pro- Declaration of Geneva*

    The Physician’s Pledge

    I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity;

    THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;

    I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;

    I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life;

    I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;

    I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;

    I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice;

    I WILL FOSTER the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession;

    I WILL GIVE to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;

    I WILL SHARE my medical knowledge for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare;

    I WILL ATTEND TO my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard;

    I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

    I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.

      1. The problem with honor codes is that the people taking the pledge have to be honorable. One merely needs to observe the “honorable” members of the Canadian Parliament or “honorable” members of all provincial legislatures to see the problem with relying on the honor system. “Honorable” professions like physicians and judges are no different, apparently.

        1. Subject to change…
          Follow the money, honey…follow the money.
          And stop imposing that were racist and want to desperately be queer.
          Every show now is bi-sexual and interracial.

  5. The science is settled.
    Anti-vaxxers is just a variant of the deniers thing used by Global Warmers.
    About as scientific as the rest of it.

    Myocarditis Deniers say what?
    I’m sure if they had real arguments they would be using them.

  6. I guess that proves it, I am an “anti-vaxxer” now. Who would have thunk it by my comments here?

  7. BORG…
    YOU WILL BE VACCINATED…Ops sorry, assimilated.
    Our idiot politicians have no clue and governance is by the mainstream media narrative of the flavorful few that enjoy creating misery.

  8. If you have any concerns about “mandated” vaccines, you are dismissed as an anti-vaxxer.
    If you have any concerns about “illegal” immigration, you are dismissed as anti-immigration.
    If you have any concerns with the word “marriage” being co-opted by gay couples, you are labeled a homophobe.
    If you think the mentally ill shouldn’t be encouraged to indulge their illness, you are labeled a transphobe.
    If you ask a scientific question challenging an official dogma, you are dismissed as anti-science.
    If you love your country and embrace it’s heritage, you are slandered as a white supremacist.
    And so on, and so on…

    I am so sick and tired of the left controlling public discourse. This truly is a social civil war, and too damn many conservatives are happy to sit back and just wag a finger.

    If anything concerns me about 2021(and crikey, there is a lot), it is the apparent LACK OF URGENCY from the vast majority of our Con/Rep leaders. I think they are sleepwalking us to our extinction.

    1. CO

      “..of our Con/Rep leaders. I think they are sleepwalking us to our extinction…”

      In this country they have publicly gone over to the LEFT 100%.
      Only bright REAL Conservative voice is MAX Bernier.

      All you MORONS who continue to bash your empty brains against the wall by continually voting for this CPC EMPTY SUIT of assholes can kiss my White Anti Vaxxed (_i_)….

      MAX has our two votes in perpetuity.

  9. From the same online dictionary:

    CHINK: (noun or adjective; offensive)—used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a person of Chinese birth or descent

    “Anti-vaxxer” is offensive, insulting and contemptuous too.

    The difference is our betters owe the chinks money.

    1. Chink: a narrow opening or crack, usually admitting light.
      E.g., a chink in the curtains.
      I guess it depends on which dictionary one uses.
      My Oxford Shorter two volume set may be somewhat dated, but most additions to the language since my 1990 edition are “urban” or politically correct bullshit words.

      Ok, time for me to quit being so niggardly and throw another faggot in the hearth.

      1. Yeah, that’s pretty racist, so it is a term that I have decided to no longer use…

        “My opponent thought he was invincible, but I spotted the small Chinese person in his armor.”

  10. Me in court :” Your honor I object to the term- anti-vaccinater, what they are currently injecting into the people are not vaccines and have not been approved as legal vaccines.” Start taking those extremists to civil courts and make them present their vaccine science, they won’t last long?

  11. It turns out I’m an anti-vaxxer who’s had three shots and would glady take a booster to those.

  12. I’m not an “anti vaxxer”…
    How can you be “anti” something that doesn’t exist ?
    There are no vaccines and no one on the planet has been vaccinated against the CCP/Globalist virus.
    There are no vaccines.
    I am anti holocaust, anti globalist, anti Concentration Camps, anti psy ops, anti tyranny, anti coercion, anti lawless Governance, anti Governance by dictate, anti dehumanization, anti NAZI ideology, anti fascism disguised as ‘health.
