59 Replies to “Best Health Care System in the World”

  1. While I get the tripe that our socialists spout endlessly about “the greatest health system”, pointing this out, can only result in one solution from their point of view.

    MORE GOVERNMENT REQUIRED! I’m not sure that’s the solution, considering how inept government is at everything, but it’s THEIR ONLY SOLUTION.

    Let’s not give the morons any suggestions

    1. From one perspective, Trudeauland is a moronocracy. Government of the morons, for the morons, by the morons.

      From a more subtle perspective, Trudeauland has a hybrid governance structure, a kleptocratic moronocracy, where the morons dominate, mostly for the benefit of the thieves.

      The thieves are a diverse group made up of:
      (i) the “free shit army”
      (ii) “workers” drawing a government paycheque (including the medical and educational government cartels)
      (iii) the private sector corporate contractors, whose biggest customers are government
      (iv) “private” industries that are protected by government cartelization, (such as the banking industry)
      (v) crony corporacrats that siphon off billions from governments; all these used to be known historically as the Chateau Clique and Family Compact; (the Westons receiving hundreds of millions of government dollars to buy new freezers for their grocery empire so that they could reduce “carbon dioxide” is just one small example)

      The current level of public and private sector indebtedness, combined with rising levels of massive s-hole immigration and falling real economic productivity will result eventually in a collapse of Trudeauland.

      The new governance structure, however, probably won’t be any better, since the morons, the s-holers, and most of the thieves won’t be going anywhere. It might be even worse, but at least it will be different.

      Probably it will not involve any Trudeaus, who will have fled to warmer, less dangerous locales with their wealth intact. Probably some tropical tax-free haven.

    2. FWIW, the ratio here in San Diego County is 2.8/1000 at least from what i could glean from the ‘net. I suspect the reasons for complaints of decling health care quality in Canada result from socialism. But give us time and we’ll catch up with you. We now have “Bidencare”. I kid you not.

  2. As the number of bureaucrats (and their salary) increases, the number of hospital beds decreases.

    an immutable law of liberalism/leftism.

    1. That is exactly the problem. It wouldn’t surprise me if the bureaucrats were heading to the US for medical treatment, complaining all the way about the sorry state of funding in the Canadian health care system.

    1. I disagree….they aren’t short of staff they are overburdened by “managers” and horribly inefficient bureaucracy.

      1. Very top heavy with managers. Especially at AHS. Also assistant managers. And assistant to the assistant. And on and on…..

        1. AHS, if you are a shitty nurse you become a manager, if you are a shitty manager, you become a director, if you are a shitty director, you take your pay out. Doctors are god and empire building is all that goes on. Worked there for 5 years, most disfunctional place I have ever seen.

    2. With faulty pcr, where no test over 24 cycles is infectious, (as per Dr Jared Bullard head of Cadham lab under oath in April court case) yet all the nurses with tests from 25 to 40 cycles need to stay home and isolate- creates a nurse shortage.

  3. I foresee a massive spike in Cuban health tourism … as Canadians flee to Justin’s spiritual birthplace for cardiac care. The cockroach entrees are FREE!

  4. I see that Canada’s population has grown about 65% over the same period. So, I think that means that the supply of hospital beds has remained basically fixed while the population grew. That’s socialized medicine: supply is decided by government rather than by demand.

  5. And they want to kill off the most expensive patients as quickly as possible to reduce the costs and increase the availability for those in their earning years through forced ventilation, denial of early treatment, jabs that produce disease and are
    particularly bad for those with existing co-morbidities. Die now, because the elite need your bed for those that can afford them.

    1. When our politicians kill the golden goose, it doesn’t come back to life magically…
      Massive structural changes are coming as things break and can’t be fixed.
      This current shit-show is a prelude to our society closing down is imminent and irreversible.
      Just be aware and prepare as this plays out.

  6. And the reason for the unbelievable drop in bed spaces in hospitals across Canada is because of decade after decade after decade after decade of massive unfettered, unchecked, wide open borders non-stop immigration, at rates never before seen in the history of the world.

    1. Totally disagree. Most immigrants work their butts off and put more back in than they take out on arrival. (Legal ones I means.) The problem is the giant top heavy bureaucracy of administrators who ever expand their cohort and their salaries while cutting things off at ground level to pay for it.

      1. Totally disagree with your disagreement. I know multiple families where the anchor immigrant works hard, and then brings the rest of his or her extended family over so the grandparents can take advantage of the free elder care and the kids can get free or discounted schooling before returning to the mother country.

        You cannot – cannot – have a welfare state and unfettered immigration. It’s not sustainable.

      2. I like Justin (Justin Burch I hasten to add). But I don’t think his personal experience with immigrants is true of Trudeauland’s immigration effects en masse. There have actually been some honest studies that have shown immigration is a net loss for first world countries with socialized everything like Trudeauland. And if those studies took into consideration where the immigrants have been coming from in the last 20 years, the results would be even more damning.

        Some people are naive enough to think that the immigration is completely “merit” based. The truth, of course, is that it is a system managed by bureaucrats according to government policy objectives where politicians and bureaucrats, mostly bureaucrats, define what “merit” means.

        As we all know, government policy objectives are only cosmetically economic. Almost always they are nefarious, and antithetical to real-world economics.

  7. If we increased the number of beds, we would have to make massive cuts to Doctors or Nurses to balance the budget,


    We could cut the fat that lies in the area of Co-ordinators, Managers, Liaison Managers, Team Leaders, Directors, Task Forces, Vice Presidents.

    Just sayin…..

    1. The “Yes, Minister” scenario occurs whenever government bureaucracies contemplate budget cuts or cost-efficiencies.

      It takes more time and more money to reduce expenditure or make spending efficient.

      Because more senior bureaucrats are required to determine who should be fired or re-deployed or how things could be done more efficiently.

      And it was funny in the show because it is timelessly true in the world of government bureaucracy.

      1. And ultimately such budget reductions and spending efficiencies are doomed to fail, because the bureaucrats managing them intend them to fail. So they can return to their putative superiors, (either mandarin or politician), and say “well, we tried it your way, (brilliant idea btw), and look what happened! Things are worse than ever! Here’s a new plan to get us back on track…”

        The “new plan” will always involve more resources, more money, more bodies, more vague success criteria, no accountability for “failure”, however defined.

  8. Not defending socialized medicine here, but I believe this is more about shitty management than the system, itself. Many areas in the US are not much better off… the commonality being decades of ideological leftists in charge of our medical systems.

    1. No. It’s the system. There are two basic ways to structure the health care system.

      Canada: Cap the amount of money in the system.

      USA: Charge what the market will pay.

      In the first system you treat everyone and minimize the cost per treatment. In the second system you focus on who has money and maximize the quality per treatment per paying individual.

      In the first system you are always under-funded because nobody wants to pay for the system (until you get sick). In the second system you don’t worry about the cost (until you get sick and don’t have insurance).

      If you listen to people who know about health care in Canada they know it can’t be changed. It would make sense to take the simple stuff and privatize it. This is already happening but we pretend it doesn’t. But it can’t get very far because it would show Canadians what good health care looks like (kind of like opening a Whole Foods in Russia during the Soviet Union days).

      When you listen to Americans who want to open their health care system to everyone they only talk about access – never about the drop in quality of care or who would pay to have 28 million more Americans getting “free” health care.

      It doesn’t matter which system you choose. They both have problems. One is crappy and the other is expensive.

      1. Steve, “It doesn’t matter which system you choose. They both have problems. One is crappy and the other is expensive.” Yup. I imagine the answer would be to join both systems, and then it would be expensive and crappy. My thinking is that if you have both systems, then those that can afford to pay for quicker/better treatment, thus it would allow the remainder to have an improved “free” system due to less individuals draining the reserves of the “free” system. However, our all knowing government couldn’t allow that because as you say, it would show the peasants how good it could be, which might be the death knell for the “free” system. That means the government would lose power and control, and they can’t allow that. We have allowed ourselves to become slaves to the state.

  9. Most health regions in Manitoba currently have a 20% vacancy rate for nursing positions. There’s a solution to this, but no one wants to consider it.

  10. Don’t remember the details but Milton Friedman did a seminal study on government spending on hospitals. He found that as $ inputs increased health care output declined. I may have forgotten the details because I found the result unsurprising; merely confirmational.

    We all know the answer to this problem and why this answer will not be entertained. Think of vet and dental care.

  11. I read that Canada has 1/2 the ICU beds that the US has per capita.

    We’ve known about the critical shortage of both ICU beds and the staff to man them. Have we done anything about it? Rhetorical.

  12. We don’t have healthcare, we have rationed medicine. My elderly neighbour had a stroke two years ago, she’s on the list for a nursing home but there are 1500 people a head of her. People have no idea how bad it’s become, more admins than needed, and half the nurses needed?

    1. How could there still be a line up, if all these old people allegedly died and freed up all the spots?

      Asking for a Friend

      1. LOL yea I thought they cleaned up the backlog via non-treatment of Covid patients but I guess the elderly keep aging.

        1. Trudeau-era chain migration, (aka “family reunification”), means that theoretically it’s possible to bring in one “productive worker” for 5 non-workers, four of whom could be sick and elderly.

          This has been going on for decades. I personally know of many immigrants who selected Canada specifically because of free government health care for their aged parents. And I don’t put free in quotation marks since these elderly foreigners have not contributed a penny to the government medical cartel. To them, it really is completely free.

          Not to mention that these elderly foreigners do not contribute anything all (even non-financially) to a society that they consider foreign to themselves. I really can’t even say the immigrants I know personally have gratitude to a system that they have grifted off of. They seem to quickly feel entitled to their free entitlements.

        2. Nurses are quitting on mass as the system degenerates even worse.
          Nursing homes are the same with staffing shortages that too will be their closures as well with government regulations and restrictions threatening fines.
          It’s already killing off the logging and mining industry as our governments have no clue in how products are made or produced.

  13. No surprise to anyone paying attention.
    1. Ties in precisely with data that came out months ago comparing ICU beds in Alberta hospitals vs American hospitals in cities of comparable populations.
    2. Add the above-noted top-heavy management issue.
    3. Throw in the above-noted nurse shortage factor, et voila! The recipe for the best healthcare system in the world.

  14. If I take my cow to the vet for treatment…he gives the bill to me, the owner.
    If I go to the doctor for treatment ….he sends the bill to the owner. Government.
    The problem with our system is that when you enter through the door of a hospital and present your Health Ration Card they view you as a cost, as opposed to a customer.

    1. Years ago, an angry commie phoned up the Dave Rutherford show. This dork was livid that Dave referred to people as “health care consumers”. He likely was a member of the union brass. Them and management seem to be the only ones that benefit from the Marxist/Leninist healthcare system.

      1. They and management seem to be the only ones that benefit from the Marxist/Leninist healthcare system.

        The Natural Governing Party aka The Liberal Crime Syndicate also benefits.

        Whoever the leader of the syndicate is at any particular moment he will always say:

        “They want to steal your health care away from you! They want granny to die. Your sister to die in a back alley. Your sick baby to die! I will never allow it! Free health care is what makes Canada, Canada.

  15. Ontario has 34,700 hospital beds, serving a population of approximately 14million people, or 1 bed for every 403 residents…

    There are 33,927 hospital & public health employees on the sunshine list, so almost 1 per bed, though that does include doctors and nurses, along with all the other bureaucrats

    1. The government of Switzerland has just officially sanctioned the use of high-tech “suicide pods”. The idea is like something out of Soylent Green and the famous scene with Edward G. Robinson. Which was also fittingly Edward G.’s final scene in movies. But in reality he died from natural causes.

      The next question is, will the government soon re-define “suicide” to include offing the unwilling, and the unvaxxed?

      I’m confident the true believers in Omnipotent Government will urge this “necessary” next step…

        1. “dissident conversion devices”

          NB how the victim dies from oxygen deprivation with the use of nitrogen.

          The corpse can then be “returned to mother gaia” as harmless compost. It’s totally green!! (The practice of liquid sodium pentobarbital and other lethally administered drugs precluded such deposition.)

          Build back better! Green new deal! Die now, so we can import 10 s-holers to replace you!

  16. Quelle surprise!!!! NOT!!! Most of us have been aware of this problem for decades, and it all started in the Seventies. For those of you born in the last fifty years, you should realize that the big push to get educated in Medieval Basket weaving, Quadruple gender studies and the multitude of other moronic degrees that lead to nowhere but a government job because you’ve got some letters after your name is the real reason that Canada is in the state of decay that exists today. The topic is far too vast to expound on it here, but realize that there is an old adage that goes like this “Those that can, do; those that can’t do, teach; and those that can’t teach become lawyers and politicians!” Nuff said!
