December 6, 2021: Reader Tips

With the ever increasing oppression of once free citizens going on throughout the world, the 2000 mini-series, Nuremberg, presented here in a single video, seems apropos.  If you’d like to learn more about the Nuremberg trials in a more abridged format, click here.  One can only wonder if those doing the oppressing these days have ever stopped for a moment to question their actions?

Your most sober tips of the past day are welcome.

51 Replies to “December 6, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. “Crimes against humanity” were just the socially acceptable excuse for liquidating Nazi officials. Nobody gave a damn about dead Jews. If that had been all Hitler had done, our masters would celebrate him as a hero to this day. His real crime, in their eyes, was stabbing them in the back.

    Of course, nobody who helped finance German re-armament ever meaningfully answered for it. So nobody in a position to prevent the rise of fascism with Chinese characteristics lifted a finger to do so, having learned that the consequences of

    They’ll go on admiring the basic dictatorship until Chinese warships are shelling Vancouver and Los Angeles.

    And Xi Jinping, unlike Uncle Adi, will know better than to give Russia a reason to do more than sit back and watch the dragon eat her globalist rapists alive.

    1. What I think more likely is that Russia and China will coordinate their attacks; Russia will retake the Ukraine while China invades Taiwan. They may have been waiting to do so the moment Harris took over, but the slight uncertainty there might convince them that doing it now will be equally risk-free if not as satisfyingly humiliating to the West…

      I don’t know about L.A., but Turdeau is more likely to GIVE Vancouver away to anyone… And the Chinese can already technically clam Melbourne and Darwin here…

      Who’ll stop them?

    2. China will not be shelling anything in Canada, it is not necessary as Canada and Canadians are all in favor of communist control and will gladly kill their fellow citizens who want freedom. “Covid’ tells you all you need to know about what Canadians believe about freedom. There are very few like me and some of the others who post here, who know what freedom really is.

    3. TATruth.

      “..Of course, nobody who helped finance German re-armament ever meaningfully answered for it..”

      That my friend is for Goddamned sure:
      I see Krupp is still in business as it has been for decades.
      I See Ford Motor Company is still in business
      NAZI Financiers: Rockefeller, Warburg, Montague Norman, Osborn, Morgan, Harriman or Dulles… oh and the Bush Family..and how many others that are still around..???d

      Those are the ones who should also have been brought before Nuremberg.

      1. And don’t forget IBM, whose pre-computer punchcard technology allowed the Nazis to identify their targets very precisely. Have a cousin whose spouse worked for IBM back in the day. We happened to meet at the local grocery store, where they went on at us about being in a “bad” industry (spouse a petroleum geologist). My response was to ask about IBM’s role in the holocaust, which prompted a retreat on their part. Was sorry it went that way, but at least I had some ammunition.

  2. People used to get colds and call it the flu, now they get the flu and call it “covid”.

  3. The media is outraged that the religious fanatic Ontario education minister, wants Catholic teachers to let students celebrate Christmas. As part of their work to rule campaign, teachers have been told by their union not to participate in Christmas activities in schools.

  4. “YouTube recently disabled the comments on the trailer for Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman’s new Christmas TV show titled Santa Inc. following an intensely negative reaction from viewers and complaints about antisemitic comments. The only information presented to the viewer by the video is that the trailer has been viewed more than 700,000 times and has received approximately 3,500 thumbs up. With the Return YouTube Dislike plugin installed, the viewer learns it has received approximately 107,000 dislikes, an overwhelmingly negative ratio between likes and dislikes’

    A link for the plugin, if you so desire.

    1. After watching PJW’s video, which I posted earlier, I looked up that show’s rating on IMDB. I think it’s the first time I saw something rated 1/10. Even some of the trashy movies I’ve seen scored that low.

      1. Even some of the trashy movies I’ve seen scored that low.

        That should have read:

        “Even some of the trashy movies I’ve seen never scored that low.”

        Serves me right for posting on SDA before breakfast.

  5. This current ‘Pope’ has sold out ‘Christianity’ into a business model…

    Since the Vatican is going broke, they’ve sold their souls for worldly goods of globalization.
    Politicians and political activities are what this ‘Pope’ has turned Religion into now where it’s no different than Politicians and their goals.

  6. Breaking on BNN-Bloomberg news: pro-China bootlicker (and ambassador to China) Dominic Barton to step down at the end of the year. So says the Bong in a press release.

  7. The Prime Minister of New Zealand NAZI’s Ahern’s net worth in 1 year went from 800,000 to 25M. How is that possible on a salary of 470,000.
    All Politicians should face a Forensic Audit yearly. Can you imagine if we find out that all these Greasy Assed Politicians have been getting Kick Backs From Big Pharma.
    Of course Trudeau and Kenney and Moe etc would never do that now would they.

    1. Apparently they’re all asymptomatic. Have had a couple of run-ins with a virus over the past year or so but there is no way I’m getting tested unless I absolutely have to. I suspect I may now have natural immunity.

  8. CNN fires Cuomo. His ‘crime’ pales by comparison with those of FNN and Hannity.

    Both are described as journalists. What a joke.

    1. Given Cuomo joked with his bro even as said bro was forcing seniors’ home to take in Covid-infected residents, I don’t get your point. Didn’t see FNN and Hannity joking with anyone forcing Covid-positive residents into vulnerable homes.

  9. The Nuremberg code only applies to conservatives.

    Democrats are above the law and above rules.

    get with the program !

    1. The public has been brainwashed by politicians and media to see unvaxed as a threat. It’s deceptive and deliberate. If I had not taken time to carefully research the issue, I would probably see unvaxed as a threat also. You can’t even get a letter to the editor published that questions this narrative, but many letters are published that promote this misleading claim thst the unvaxed are dangerous to vaxed. I have given up on getting a straight story from our main stream media.

      1. I view this as the perfect screening device for people one needs to excise from their lives. Inexpensive & 100% effective.

  10. Late to the discussion this morning and I haven’t read all of the comments so forgive me if I’m stepping on some one else’s toes here but I’d recommend that you all look at the Capitol Punishment movie.
    This gives a bit of what the media will not cover. The producer doesn’t cover everything that happened last January but he does cover enough to at least present a small glimpse of what actually happened.

    1. This just occurred to me. How long before “A Canadian ith a Canadian ith a Canadian” is modified with: “but onwy if you’ve had the vacthine. Anybody who wefutheth to take it wiww be un-Canadianed.”

      Does anybody think that’s not coming soon?

      1. I brook no issue (ithew?) becoming un-Canadianed. Of course, my version involves secession and leaves Prinz Blackface Groper-Elbowgate McSelfisox to the hog trough.

      2. Long past.
        Except the modifier is “But onwy if you’ve given to the Party,Anybody who wefutheth is un-Canadianed”.
        Damn hard to write in Turd Speak.
        Canada,as this Dread Covid Theaatre,Restore CSA and our magnificent Parasitic Overload …all prove, is a lawless mess.
        We have so many Rules,Regulations and Dishonourable twits using these against us,that we have none.
        When some citizens are more special than other citizens,the consent of the unspecial gets withdrawn pretty damn quick.
        A State this Stupid and Evil cannot be tolerated.
        It will self destruct,because “The State” is nothing without the individual.
        And a State that seeks to destroy the individual rights freedoms and luxuries is not a nation,it is always a cabal of greedy,evil and very stupid individuals.

        These days,we are witnessing the death of civil society,as too many Canadians took the cynics advice.
        When the State destroys all private enterprise,do not fight it (For short of deadly force you cannot win and using deadly force means you lost already that what you sought to defend).
        Do not fight the Bureaus,for that is a sure way to lose.
        Get a government Job,hasten the end.

        So many of our Bureaucrats are truly super patriots as they have FUBARed Canada beyond all hope of salvage.
        Small wonder they steal everything they can ,by whatever means available.

        With a little creativity you too can see blatant incompetence,staggering stupidity and herd beast normality as “Creative genius”..Or “Good Government”
        “Shut up and Obey!”

  11. Woke up kinda mean this morning,while I have been at work this thought has been perculating.
    Those detention camps..
    Are they real?
    Are they built?
    For if they are,everyone involved in this massive waste of public money and totalitarian abuse of free citizens has a new home in the near future.
    As retribution swells ,these poor “helpers” will have to be put into “protective custody”.
    Where better than these insane compounds they have planned for the disobedient citizenry?
    How better to “reward” our current politicians,bureaucrats and State Thugs?
    I feel a strange sense of Justice,for the Just Us Cretins.

    However,I am not opposed to a lamppost and a rope.
    A line has been crossed,from which there is no retreat.
    Whether you know it yet or not.

  12. Mark Warner @MAAWLAW

    Dominic Barton’s resignation removes the embarrassing spectacle of a sitting Canadian Ambassador being potentially called to testify at Congressional hearings to his actions as head of
    – things that won’t appear in Canadian puff pieces today.

  13. “Diversity is our strength” surfaces in Ottawa again. Two people were shot overnight, one of whom, a 16-year-old, died of his wounds. And how do we know it was diversity at work? From the comments provided by the police force. They never mention gangs because then the public might ask the police for more information about the gangs involved, which the police know all about, but will never say because it would upset the official diversity narrative. The police code for a gang shooting is that the shooting was “targetted”. And for this overnight murder, the public has to be satisfied with:

    “The suspect is always (sic) at large,” he said, “but it was a targeted attack and we have no worries for the public safety.”

  14. Just learned that Mark Steyn is now in the heady ranks of GB NEWS with Neil Oliver. Seems that GB NEWS is running the same program protocol that put SUN News off the air. I wonder how GB NEWS will fare in the coming months when they have such right wing personalities and format.

  15. How easily and negligently we forget history, doomed to repeat its painful lessons, histrionics and revisionism negating clear warning signs.
    Today is the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbour attack which threw off US isolationism to, as in WW1, save the world from despotism.
    And now her government uses the same tactics as those we fought with sharpened shovels to defeat, as Hayek warned to blank stares.
    Scant coverage on Fox, well down in the articles, zero that I could see on CNN. Yet its lessons are more prescient and relevant than ever.

    “Eighty years on, the prodigious history triggered on the “day which will live in infamy” is being revived in increasingly ominous ways.”

    The blood-letting finally ended with the war’s greatest mass-casualty events of all, the US atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in August 1945.”

    There’s no question the US and the UK are returning to the Pacific at levels not seen since the second world war. The AUKUS agreement, initiated by the Morrison government, encapsulates the escalating tensions due to China’s troubling acts. These include its rhetorical and trade war with Australia, aggressions towards Taiwan, military expansion in the South China Sea and its deepening influence in the Pacific islands as a suspected veiled means to project its military power.”

    Australia, the US and Britain were all woefully unprepared for Japan’s belligerence from late 1941. Securing Australia’s defences now is sensible, if not overdue.”

    The brutality and devastation sparked by the Pearl Harbour attacks should not fade from the minds of politicians from all sides. Eighty years on, there remain powerful lessons to be learned.”
