Don’t Forget to Call Jilly B “Doctor”!

Hey Democrats, all that Americans want for Christmas is even a tiny hint of competence. Can you manage that? Asking for a friend.

20 Replies to “Don’t Forget to Call Jilly B “Doctor”!”

    1. Indeed. She was the most gracious and charming First Lady since Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

    2. I hope that some day, leftist media is made to pay for their abhorrent treatment of Melania.

    1. Too late…
      Anyone in politics showing any sort of backbone is thrown to the curb and spit on by the media and the current power structure.

        1. In all fairness, Ahmed, I don’t think 85% of Canadians even have a clue there is a party leader named Maxime Bernier out there. Ottawa and their media toadies have done everything in their power to keep Bernier from communicating with Canadians. And those that have the motivation to “spit at him” are the hardcore “establishment supporters”, and they just hate everybody that doesn’t think like them.

          It was quite sad how many CPC supporters here turned to attacking Bernier to defend their own shitty choice, but then you don’t get much more “establishment” than supporting today’s CPC. That’s my take, anyways.

          1. I don’t think 85% of Canadians even have a clue there is a party leader named Maxime Bernier out there.

            Yup. My elderly aunt in Nanaimo didn’t even know who he was when I mentioned him in a message to her during the last election.

            Then again, I get the impression that she gets all her news from the MSM.

          1. Thanks to our pussified Premiers, we have not one single province challenging Trudeau’s blatant tyranny in any meaningful way.

            America elects the Trumps, the DeSantises, the Youngkins and the Pauls, and we opt for the O’Tooles, the Kinney’s and the Fords. It is hard to argue that Canadians aren’t purposefully voting for their own demise.

  1. Canada’s national animal is the beaver which makes sense because its become a nation of majority pussies.

  2. Jill Biden was put in the White House by people whose goal is to blot out the Name of Christ completely.

    You’ll see genuine competence when the Emperor arrives in “liberated” DC to inspect his new North American dominion. That will be a flawless production—starting with the long-overdue removal of all the urban trash from DC. When company calls, the Chinese are quite good at cleaning house in a hurry.

  3. Michelle is a dude.
    Melania is class and speaks four languages.
    Jill is crass and an opportunist.
    God bless us everyone.

  4. Donald Trump promoted American excellence in his unique way as JFK did in his, with a positive message, get it done attitude; and results.
    Well that’s bad for DeMarxist business and collectivism in general, who want society dumbed down, unable to detect their miscreance.
    Let it decay away as they pretend to borrow and spend $trillions on infrastructure and pretend to be on the side of the citizens.
    Nope, those peasants are quite revolting. Once their vote is nullified by a packed SCOTUS they own it all. 2022 is the US Berlin Wall.
    When the progressives regressing to Marxism finish the institutional wall around their power, they’ll care even less than they do now.
    They must destabilize society with false narratives, massive overreach with nasty outcomes, everything canted to consolidating power.
    That’s why everything looks off. We’re not reading from the same song sheet of freedom. Rancor and emotion is their stock in trade.
    Civil society must be torn down, brick by brick, block by block, Soros DA by Soros DA, city by city, until the whole country is captive.
    We can all very sure they will stop at nothing to continue to increase their power. Only midterm voters can check their megalomania.
    Canadians have no such protection with a co-opted and impotent opposition, the centre-right stubbornly refusing to get their shit together.
