36 Replies to “Omicron Variant: Problem Or Solution?”

    1. Your obviously an Omicron DENIER, and much much worse if we think about it hard and long enough. You should now owe $1,000,000.00USD to help fight climate change.

      Please send First Class to Free Barbados’s Bank c/o J. Trudeau

    2. Yeah, Health Canada and CBSA say this is serious. (sarc.)
      You must be detained if you have been to these countries. Despite that Omicron is a non-issue, the government – politicians and bureaucrats – must make sure the sheeple stay compliant. Besides, the CCP owned hotel chain needs some return on its rent seeking.

  1. Could the low severity be due to Ivermectin or HCQ use in South Africa? I am very hopeful that the low severity of the cases will be a worldwide effect.

    1. Can’t seem to find corroborating stories about this, and I’ve heard from other sources that this is an unfounded rumour.

      72-hour rule probably applies. Not that most people will actually wait that long before offering their hot takes, but, well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

      1. The Medical Community has the numbers. The question is will they share them? I realize they will present numbers in a format that does not do statistical justice to the question at hand, but the trend can’t be hidden.

        Follow/Observe the trend.

  2. It looks like everyone will get it one way or the other so whoever survives this variant (likely > 99.99%) will come out of it with some good old fashioned immunity and Omicron will become the next flu strain. The only question is how long the Wuhan Stalinists will justify their Stalinism.

  3. I for one, believe Omicron is the perfect vehicle to introduce herd immunity, which is the (why) part of the hysteria we are witnessing of/by banning its entry into the western world.

  4. That hysteria is trying to hide the fact that 2/3 of Africa is covid-free through the widespread use of over the counter anti-malarial drugs.

    1. And anti parasitical like Ivermectin. Even more used in some areas than hydroxychloroquine I’ve heard

  5. I previously posted that this is exactly the variant of Covid for which we should not attempt to check the spread. I agree with him completely that having a highly contagious strain with low virulence is exactly what we should be hoping for and barring hard evidence to the contrary is exactly the strain of virus which we should hope will spread amongst the population. In doing so, with low risk of serious morbidity and mortality, it will help to establish a more robust immunity than vaccination alone can confer. Viruses mutate constantly. It’s what they do. And locking down every time there’s a new variant out there in an attempt to check the spread is a fool’s errand without end.

    1. DrD – I’ve been telling all who would listen the same thing since I learned it is a weak version of the original bug. We get herd immunity from COVID with very little loss of life or even illness. Nature wins over the gain of function crowd.

  6. So he goes on about how serious it isn’t, then tells young people to vaccinate with a vaccine that isn’t designed for this variant anyway? What did I miss. No polemics here, I actually want to know what I am misunderstanding.

    1. John:

      I too have trouble with this cat.
      A while back he was suggesting that the problem with the leakiness was that the innoculations were done improperly – were not asperated (sp?) from which presumably we were to infer that the spike protein only travels throughout the body because of the improper innoculation method. It sounded phony to me and I’ve not heard any other expert make this claim. I think he’s a subtle shill.

      He gets a lot of play here.

      1. MND, I’ve read a couple articles that noted if the syringes were not aspirated to check if they were in a blood vessel then the spike protein could be injected directly into the bloodstream. I don’t recall anyone correlating that with leakiness. A vaccine is considered “leaky” when it doesn’t eradicate the virus in the host, thereby allowing you to get infected and/or allowing you to transmit the virus to others and/or allowing the virus to mutate.

    2. I watch quite a few of Dr Campbell’s videos. In part he supports the jab because that keeps YouTube on his side. He gets a lot of his information by reading studies and reports, so he doesn’t have the same perspective as a front line critical care doctor, nor as someone who is more aware of complications from the jab than from covid itself.
      I do appreciate that he highly recommends ivermectin and other treatments.
