Simple, cheap and effective

I had not heard of South African doctor Shankara Chetty prior to this interview, but since the beginning of the pandemic he claims to have successfully treated over 7000 Covid patients with widely available and cheap antihistamines and steroids. What stands out in the interview is his basic approach to the pandemic: see the patient in person and take time to understand the progression of the disease. This stands in stark contrast to the approach in Europe and North America where we are suffering from an obsession with data and randomized clinical trials while completely ignoring the efforts of medical innovators like Dr. Chetty.

23 Replies to “Simple, cheap and effective”

    1. Dr. Mengele call your office…there are CHILDREN to be EXPERIMENTED on!

      As my father, once remarked “Maybe they are all just a**holes…”

      Vaccination of the planet, to keep exposing the population to the cytotoxic effects of the spike protein.

      see: Dr Byram Bridle who sounded the alarm bells some time ago…


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. In enjoyed Dr Chetty’s parallel to taking up sky diving…as my grandfather had to bail out of his burning plane without /sans parachute Oct 1916 when such things were not fashionable. My grandfather survived with a broken thumb, the burnt wreckage, still had 8 unexploded bombs in the rack. Keep polishing yer halo…

        The government is not there to facilitate your success…and rest assured they ain’t coming to save you.
        The government is just as useless today as it was back then… 🙂

        Isaiah 35:3-4
        Strengthen all weary hands, steady all trembling knees
        and say to the faint-hearted, ‘Be strong! Do not be afraid.’


        Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

        1st Saint Nicolaas Army
        Army Group “True North”

        1. “…such things were not fashionable.”

          That’s an important point. Practical examples of parachutes (and body armor) were available by the outbreak of WWI but were not issued to Allied combat personnel because it was thought that increasing the fighting man’s chances of survival would discourage “courageous action,” an attitude not shared by the Germans, oddly enough (German troops expected to be exposed to high volumes of fire, like trench raiders, frequently wore armour into battle as the war dragged on, and many German pilots, including Herman Goering, were saved by parachutes).

    1. No there is some sound realism…because unlike your liver, the heart muscle cells DO NOT REGENERATE.

      “The heart is unable to regenerate heart muscle after a heart attack and lost cardiac muscle is replaced by scar tissue. Scar tissue does not contribute to cardiac contractile force and the remaining viable cardiac muscle is thus subject to a greater hemodynamic burden. Over time, the heart muscle eventually fails leading to the development of heart failure and 500,000 patients are diagnosed annually in the United States with heart failure. Thus the inability of the heart to regenerate cardiac muscle, coupled with a predominant fibrotic injury response remain major fundamental obstacles to treating heart disease.”

      ie for the rest of your life your heart has to work harder.

      Why do you think they put the myocarditis/pericarditis risks on the label of the cytotoxic pseudo non sterilizing vaccines?

      Try a little introductory reading and you won’t sound so uneducated/ignorant.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

  1. I don’t know for sure if the Coof vaxx causes myorcarditis, but it sure as Hell causes unhinged Commies to lose their shit.

  2. Looks like JD is the latest incarnation of the Branch Covidians who go by many names, all of them hiding a rancid soul who knows it’s been conned by the government and a medical establishment in thrall to genocidal depopulators. I wish I could feel sorry for JD, UnMe, AllanS and the rest of the rabbits, but I’m a trapper at heart. Rabbits make good stew and good hats.

  3. How is it OK for you, JD (and others) to demand that I put something into my body that I DON’T WANT, but you on the other hand, get to refuse me access to something I DO WANT. (Full disclosure: I’m double vaxxed…but that’s it. I’m done.)
    “Why is it always some other country where some obscure thing is happening”
    a) it’s “obscure” because the MSM has obscured it.
    b) India, Japan, and Indonesia are hardly “obscure”…massive population base.
    You want to see how effective Ivermectin is? check out the current Covid stats at Worldometer or Our World in Data, both of which use the stats from Johns Hopkins. Japan, India, and Indonesia have each seen massive reductions in cases since Ivermectin was made available. India and Indonesia have fairly low vaccination rates; Japan is pretty much equal to N. America in vax rates.

  4. So what is the difference between mandatory Vax Shot (Long term side effects unknowable) and mandatory abortion?
    Does a government minion or any group of minions actually have the authority to mandate either?
    Not in my world.
    Mandatory “treatment” is government claiming they own me..
    So why must I pay taxes to repay the money they borrow and waste?
    A line has been crossed here.
    A bunch of useless and clueless people have laid claim to authority.
    Authority over us all.
    They have decided that they really know,better than you and I how we shall live..

    Amazing claims,when you look at their accomplishments.
    Actual abilities?
    Sadly lacking.

    There will be no “Oh sorry we over reacted,in our panic.”
    These people are unfit for any position involving authority over other men.

    Fire them all.
    Hang them if they refuse.
    No loss to civil society either way.
    So sad.
    Too bad.
