32 Replies to “101 Uses For An Old Fridge”

  1. That’s a great idea! We can get a whole row of them at the unvaccinated detention camps!

    1. I would encourage a majority of your PM’s to … do the right thing. Play God in the ULTIMATE way …

  2. I recently heard a comment on a podcast that Belgium with a population of 11 million ingests 300 million doses of antidepressants yearly. You can well imagine how the rest of Europe is in such a state to actually market something like this.

  3. A sci-fi cliche for stories set in a soulless, dystopian future – the suicide booth.
    Futurama played it for laughs, but it’s not as funny in the present.

      1. Overkill … Hahahaha … what’s the oxygen level for THAT?

        Level: “nighty-night … sleep tight”
        Level: “No Oxygen for YOU!”

    1. They can install them right next to the water-jet massage pods!
      You can off yourself while gazing at the full-size Pirate Ship adjacent to the Old Navy outlet!

  4. Strange days indeed.
    If you try suicide and mess up,the government demands that medical aid saves you.
    And then locks you up for psych evaluation.
    But if you check all the boxes,the very same government will assist your dying.
    And not one minion or elected nitwit sees the problem.

    How does it work?
    Un-approved and un-permitted suicide is madness?
    But if you fill in the proper forms..A OK.

  5. A $500 solution to a five-cent problem. There are countless quick and painless ways to kill yourself, if death is genuinely what you want.

    This contraption has no conceivable use beyond abuse—bluntly, to put old people to sleep whose daughters-in-law are sick of waiting for their payday.

    Even as an execution device it would be inferior to a cyanide gas chamber. When a dangerous criminal goes, he should not simply go to sleep. He should get his first taste of what eternal punishment has in store for him.

    It should be agonizing for him, sobering for anybody tempted to follow in his footsteps—and enormous fun for anybody who likes to see the wicked get what they deserve. More fun and less embarrassing than watching the Leafs getting their helmets handed to them again.

  6. At first, the government says it’s forbidden. Next, the government says it’s tolerated. At last, the government says it’s mandatory.

    1. You just reminded me of the Bob Hope joke from the 70s.
      “I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”

  7. Wouldn’t a plastic bag and rubber band accomplish the objective?

    Seriously, if someone wanted to take themselves out without poison or making a bloody mess, could they not bag themselves and go to sleep?

    I do find it annoying when people want to give more power to physicians.

    1. Plastic bag on its own does not work very well. Carbon monoxide asphyxiation is very distressing — the body realizes that oxygenation is dropping and the reflex is to panic.

  8. (from the article)
    “Individuals are asked a series of questions before they can press a button”
    (end quote)

    Well… we all know where this is going…

    “Can you provide proof of your vaccination status?”

  9. Sorry folks. I’m a bit on the fence here.

    My Aunt had pancreatic cancer. Lots of pain. Lots of hardship. She fought for about 3 years. She didn’t want to suffer.

    She spent about 2 month at Glengarda end of life care in Saskatoon.

    She had arraignments with MAID. Medical assistant in dying.

    She beat cancer. Went out on her terms. Told the big C eff off and went with family prepared and by her side.

    So back to the fence. Yeah I agree this could and likely will be abused. I know that. My son at 15 was a moment away from not being saved by my wife from taking his life. Stupid health region had him at a mature minor so we had limited access to his mental health care. Yes he might get access to this fridge.

    But it saved my Aunt from being treated worse than my dog.

    It’s a high fence with barb wire if anyone is wondering.

  10. For some strange reason Robyn Williams springs to mind…
    Something about creative use of a home closet..
    Our fearless helpers are proud to tell us what they are,when shall we take them at their word?
    And respond accordingly?
    There is little difference between total stupidity and evil.
    They are of the same family.
    “Just following orders”.

  11. Wait – didn’t they prove in a Harrison Ford movie that inside of a fridge was completely safe? So safe in fact that they were recommended as nuclear bomb shelters.

  12. Assume they just pump in nitrogen and the lights go out. As we breath mostly nitrogen we dont react to a excess of it.
