Bieber Balls

Up here in the Great White North we’re currently being subjected to a non stop marketing campaign of the apocalypse featuring Justin Bieber.

They’ve got snazzy merch and everything.

As lame as it all is, there’s something strangely satisfying about pulling up to a drive through window and having a long drawn out conversation about Justin Biebers balls.

34 Replies to “Bieber Balls”

  1. I can’t remember why I stopped buying McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches and switched to Tim’s breakfast biscuit. I will however always remember that I switched back to McDonald’s directly as a result of Tim’s inane Biebermercials.

    1. For me it was the biscuit. If I needed to eat a prefab breakfast and they were located close enough to each other, I’d go through the McDonald’s to get coffee and then to Horton’s for breakfast biscuit. (And the latter was a bit more reliable at with my request to leave out the plastic cheese.) I’ve never been to Wendy’s for breakfast nor tried coffee there but they are advertising a breakfast biscuit, that’ll get an audition eventually.

  2. Bieber balls…..? Ayeyiyiyiyiyiyiyi!

    Then again, our prime minister is a Justin Bieber wannabe.

  3. “there’s something strangely satisfying about pulling up to a drive through window and having a long drawn out conversation about Justin Biebers balls”

    I did just that the other day. I asked them who Justin Bieber is. They were dumbfounded and you could hear the eye rolling over the drive through speaker. But the interesting thing was that they could not tell me who or what he is. All they could say was “OMG, you don’t know? OMG!” Not one of them said “He’s a hockey player”.


  4. Justin Bieber is SO 2010. Question: how long can a lilywhite dude … Canadian Euro trash … get away with his wigger act? Until age 27 – evidently.

    Hint: those neck tattoos are painful to remove

    1. how long can a lilywhite dude … Canadian Euro trash … get away with his wigger act? Until age 27 –

      The other Justin is still able to wig it and he’s already an old man pushing 50 now. But considering the other Justin is the son of the deified Pierre and was born on December 25 he has been endowed (so he thinks) with immortality and eternal youth. If not, then there’s always Just For Men.

      To be honest, though, both acts have long since lost whatever appeal they might have had with the witless and are suffering a crisis of relevancy.

      1. Funny, how I was wondering the same.
        Must be who you blow…
        Ops, sorry, know.
        He’ll be road kill should he start politicking like the usual stars that fade and can’t make it to the life they so desired before.

        1. He belongs on Hollywood Squares…where all the washed up derelicts of Hollywood squirm to…

  5. We get GoldenArches coffee cause the BieberBalls lines are too long. And that’s only after the home brew is gone and bladder full.

    1. Sorry. I’ve never envisioned Bieber’s balls. And certainly not when he was a 12yo … I’ll leave that for his male *ahem* … “fans”

  6. Their marketing campaign worked, we’re doing nothing but talking about Bieber’s bits.

    Yesterday, I skulked into Tim’s with my unvax buddy.

    After ordering our coffees the 19 year old at the counter mumbled through her mask and asked me if I wanted; “a couple of Bieb’s balls.” My; “Ummm, never.” made for a more awkward moment than the when they asked if we were staying or going; “…well…we would like to stay…but you know, we’ll just head back out to the truck to expose each other and discuss Bieber’s weird balls at length.”

    BTW I hope that he stays rich, that neck tattoo would probably be massively career limiting, you know like his lack of talent.

    1. Alec

      “..…but you know, we’ll just head back out to the truck to expose each other and discuss Bieber’s weird balls at length…”

      That near made me spit me cafe all over me phone..!!

      Never a dull moment on this, the planets greatest Blog EvaH.!!

  7. Well, the two famous Canadian Justins have a few things in common.
    They are both talentless sellouts, narcissistic boys, and attention seeking whores.

  8. Wife says, he’s a pig showing kids how to be on top of a dining table.
    Being disrespectful to where you put food on the table.
    Nice role model for kids.

    I know a Muslim dude who’d absolutely freak if he saw this…
    He doesn’t even allow groceries on the dining table in the bags as he deems it dirty and disrespectful.

  9. It’ll be a Biebteabag next…when all i want is more real apple in the apple fritter. Sheesh.

  10. I don’t support Tim’s or Rotten Ronnie’s so it’s all lost on me. I also mute the ad when it comes up on TV and preoccupy myself with checking SDA or something else important.

  11. In my apartment building, the elevators have video screens which play ads and news clips. I saw that ad the other day and I was wondering, “What on earth is that all about?”

    Now I know. Now I wish I didn’t.

  12. Hmmmm., last time I stopped at Tim’s, I ordered the raspberry injected Bismarks (l think) and there was no injection in them!
    Lucky SOBs proclaiming injections without actually having been injected at all!
    I smiled!
