92 Replies to “December 7, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. The following is a link to Vlad Tepes , a video, showing exactly what happened to several people that died soon after getting jabbed.
    It is about 1 hour long and very dry and tedious but it shows hard pathology science, after a body has been autopsied to see what killed that person.
    There are numerous disturbing slides showing major vascular, lung, organ , brain damage.
    What got my attention was an aorta that was completely chewed through and it was demonstrated that the ” vaccine ” was the cause.
    There are other disturbing insights.
    These pathologists know their stuff.

    ” Pathology conference in Germany: First speaker, Dr. Prof. Arne Burkhardt
    Posted on December 6, 2021 by Eeyore — Leave a reply
    This isn’t fun watching. Its a meticulous and scientific look at among other things, the tissues of people who died after getting the various mRNA/DNA injections allegedly for Covid19.

    For those who want the hard science on this, well here it is. ”


    1. Seems to fit in with the claims of the just- killed German chemist who indicated that the shots contain graphene hydroxide which he described as razor blades.

      1. Don’t worry Buddy. The police say the murder was “targetted”, which in translation means it was a a cultural event between people of diversity.

        1. Didn’t even need to see the names when I saw the headline this morning to know it was black on black. Most murders in this stupid city are, even though non-whites are a small minority. But hey, let’s defund the police, as mostly black anti-police activists want.

      2. “Maybe they just didn’t like rap.”

        You owe me a new keyboard. Is there a word yet that the victim “was turning his life around”?

        1. Colonialista: that isn’t used much anymore because it suggests the deceased was something other than angelic in earlier days. Now it is: “he was such a (pick at least two): great guy, great athlete, great son, great friend, great father,…”

  2. I did an unscientific review of the death announcements of various area funeral homes for the month of November 2021 compared to 2020, plus 35%. 2021 compared to 2018 through 2020 plus 20% the 3 year average. No analysis on the causes or demographics. Just the totals.

    1. Yesterday it was safe and all who disagreed were morons because science.
      Today it is not safe and all who disagree are morons because science.
      And we have always been in war with EastAsia.

      Also a child 12 years old, should receive three times the dose a child 11 years and 364 days old should receive, also because science.

      1. The whole damn thing has been a fraud start to finish. Every death is a covid death and autopsies are not being performed. The fucking lies are so big the terminally stupid just can’t stop believing.

    1. There is no mask on the market that can stop a virus. Not one, anyone who says there is, is liar. Nothing short of a level four biohazard set up can do that.

      1. Nonononononono! I was told, by some holy terror working at my dentist’s office, that believing that it’s a scientific fallacy (which it is, by the way) is an “opinion”.

  3. I’ve been obsessed with vintage Vespa scooters since my youth, I’m sure that Quadrophenia had a lot to do with it. I recently retired to a scooter-friendly beach town in SWFL, and I swear I will someday own one of these beautiful machines:


      1. I’m hoping to rent one for my self-directed tour of the hills and streets of Florence, ITALY. After that … I’ll just look at pictures of them.

        Yes, I will buy the insurance … in case one of the lovely migrants wants to “borrow” the scooter at gunpoint

    1. Oh yeah. Saw a couple of them when I was in Florence Italy and I’m all like “How cool is that??”.
      Good luck. Keep us posted, Rebel.

        1. Your post brings to mind an old Star Trek episode, ‘ A Taste of Armageddon’.

          Two planets engaged in a war, waged only by computers and not real weapons, launch simulated attacks on each other. The deaths of those killed in the attacks are registered by the computers and those people must report to a local disintegration chamber. They step into the chamber and are disintegrated. Their death is then registered.

          It got me wondering how long it will be before the government comes up with a similar plan for COVID. Why even test people now that so many are afraid of getting it? Will the government soon be able to just send you a notice that you have been killed in a simulated COVID attack? Then you can just go to a booth, a disintegration chamber, so your death can be registered.

          There are so many obedient sheep in this country and others around the world this plan might just work.

          1. Not me, I’m Jim Kirk of the Federation, I change whole societies while obeying the prime directive and bedding local babes.

            Jim would never have survived cancel culture. A Romulan would get him banished over false accusations via a Rigellian dossier, paid for by a spurned woman who tried to steal his identity, sex and captaincy, ordering execution of dissenters.

      1. Chances are the sheep has done this before but it was probably thought of as cute or something,reminds me of a local dog it has bitten three people recently 2 of them children and the owner is fighting against it being put down.

  4. This covid thing has caused more mental illness leading to physical illnesses like hypertension due to anxiety and depression dealing with all the rules and isolation. These can be long lasting and have people taking medications for long term.

  5. Dr.Donald Livingston
    A lecture at the Abbeville Institute on the civil war, the south, and the difference of thought in the Jefferson model of governance and the Lincoln model.
    Controversial, and not the typical narrative. It challenges preconceived beliefs, and may inspire a need to read the literature of the time.
    I know it did with me.

  6. Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy

    “It is now apparent also that the president himself, even before the attack, had intended to order the U.S. armed forces to make a pre-emptive strike against the Japanese in the southwest Pacific in order to assist the British in southeast Asia. But the Japanese ‘jumped the gun’ on him by bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.”

    Greaves’s conclusion is dramatic: “It must be said also that the evidence revealed in the course of the several investigations leads to the conclusion that the ultimate responsibility for the catastrophe inflicted on the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, must rest on the shoulders of President Roosevelt…. It was thanks to Roosevelt’s decisions and actions that an unwarned, ill-equipped, and poorly prepared Fleet remained stationed far from the shores of the continental United States, at a base recognized by his military advisers as indefensible and vulnerable to attack…. Thus the attack on Pearl Harbor became FDR’s excuse, not his reason, for calling for the United States’s entry into World War II.”


    1. Like clockwork. All refuted last year or so I will not be bothered.

      Except for one,

      “indefensible and vulnerable to attack….”

      Can you please list all the subsequent attacks on Pearl Harbor? USN stationed there for the entire war and decades before for obvious reasons. I know of one such attack, it was so ineffectual Americans barely even noticed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJMT-ajff-c

      P.S. Remember you still owe me a list of those seven carriers you claimed US had stationed at Pearl shortly before.

      1. ‘Remember you still owe me a list of those seven carriers you claimed US had stationed at Pearl shortly before.’

        Your have resorted to false logic.

        1. Misattribution — Never did I say that the US had stationed seven carriers at Pearl Harbor. (Here’s what I wrote earlier. ‘In April 1941, four of the seven U.S. carriers were at Hawaii. By Dec. 5 there weren’t any.’)

        2. Changing the subject — The important point is NOT how many carriers the US had at Pearl Harbor in May 1941, but that there were NONE on Dec 7, 1941. They had been whisked away to safety just in time prior to the Pearl Harbor attack — because FDR knew when the Japanese would attack. It wasn’t luck. In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

        You can have the final word, as charity to you. He who resorts to false logic is not worthy of any more time on this important subject.

        1. You’re right about the first point. I did not remember the exact quote. Except that it is still bullshit. In April 41 US did not have seven carriers. Prove me wrong. I know exactly what they had. Very simple elementary fact. Hence your source is bullshit.

          “They had been whisked away to safety just in time prior to the Pearl Harbor attack”

          And that’s the biggest bullshit you have been consistently peddling. Whereabouts of each carrier with the Pacific and Atlantic fleet at the time of the attack are well known. Can you point out which one was “whisked away”?

          “— because FDR knew when the Japanese would attack. It wasn’t luck.”

          Conspiracy theory bullshit. It also assumes that Japanese would have sunk them or designated as priority targets over the battleship row. There already have been more important targets at Pearl present and Japanese barely scratched them. Massive fuel depos were of much greater strategic value and so were the dry docks. They received marginal damage, they should have been targets #1. CVs would have been targets #2. Everything else #3. Hindsight is 20/20. And yet your theory assumes just the right degree of competence with target selection that if CVs were present they would become the primary targets while the more important targets would still be ignored. Why? Because it is convenient?

          Do you know what was the assumed role of US carriers prior to Pearl Harbor attack? Did USN consider them the single most important naval assets? Nope. CVs were, at that time, considered a part of the scouting force. That is what Navy thought of them. That is what admirals and strategists thought. But the genius FDR, he alone, despite no qualifications, realized their strategic value and “whisked them away”. Bullshit.

          Oh, and you expect a scouting force to be busy when the threat of war looming. Much more busy then the main force.

          Furthermore, why did US installed the new radars over watching Pearl Harbor? That radar in fact picked up the incoming the Japanese air strike and Japanese were very lucky that the contacts from the radar station were misidentified. Don’t you think that military genius FDR wanted USN to be surprised he would have delayed the installation of the radar? How hard could it be, if he could silently shuffle carriers around the pacific doing presumably unnecessary tasks like delivering aircraft to Wake or Midway (you heard of those I presume) or (gasp), sending them away for routine maintenance?

  7. O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

    Staff shortages cited as reason Portland police responded only to high-priority calls


    “They announced that during “critical incidents” — referring to the carjacking — they were only going to respond to priority one and priority two calls.”

    “In response, people on social media were wondering: is it a good idea to announce that? Wouldn’t this give people confidence to commit other crimes?”

    I find it difficult to muster any sympathy for the citizens of Portland, these are self-inflicted, totally avoidable wounds. Totally predictable, too.

      1. Who needs a cart? Years ago, when shopping at a downtown grocery store, near McGill University in Montreal, I noticed an incident with a store manager and a young guy. The thief was caught stealing an expensive roast which was buried inside his winter coat. I guess the manager must’ve felt sorry for the student and let him go– minus the beef.

        People today are certainly more daring and bold. Just look at what politicians are getting away with.

        Love eh? …Means never having to say you’re sorry!

  8. 20/20: FDR’s Secret Plan to Bomb Japan Before Pearl Harbor (July 1941)

    It’s a Pearl Harbor anniversary story you probably won’t see anywhere else — the intriguing possibility that in launching a sneak attack Japan did to us what we might well have done to them.


    1. I read quite a few of the comments, and I have concluded that the herd needs culling. Most of these vaxxers are too stupid to be permitted to breed.

      1. L – Given the option few managers would turn away business. Those that did would be making a decision; that could to lead to a major jump in grocery cart/bag robberies in their parking lot. Food wars gets a new meaning.

    2. Cka:

      Is that correct?
      Isn’t it that New Brunswick ALLOWS food stores to require injection mandates.
      It’s bad but not as bad as actually forcing the stores to require it.
      Or have the goal posts moved since my understanding of the issue.

      1. Asked-Answered:

        Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons.

        Either / or.

        1. So it’s here.
          I am going to have to hit up my local farmers for some more grub soon.
          Wonder when it will be ALL shopping ?

        2. Yes, either/or. License to discriminate. The fact that they are putting it in official guidelines legitimizes and encourages it.

    1. This would be the Bronfman family that has been supported by the Liberal Party of Canada for 100-plus years in return for financial contributions to the Liberals:

      “For almost 100 years, the Conservatives—and other opposition politicians—have periodically been standing in Parliament to attack the Bronfman family, accusing them of violating tax laws while the Liberals cover for them and quietly take their money.”


      1. Is this the same Bronfmans that used to own Seagrams Distilleries .
        Makers of, correct me if I am wrong, that tasty vintage treat called ” Thunderbird ” ?
        Favorite among the drunks of yore that lived in the back alleyways of Wino Row, in a major city near you or the local housewife.

        Sure beat drinking aftershave lotion.

        1. One of the Bronfmans decided that movies were a better investment than booze. As a result they lost both the MCA/Universal conglomerate and Seagrams. They are renowned for their corruption, the best of which was Jean Chretien allowing them to export $2 billion of capital gains without paying about $700 million in taxes.

          1. Edgar Bronfman always was an insufferable twit. Let’s say he’s Juthtin Twudeau with money.

    2. First there was the DeLormier Stadium for the Montreal Royals, a Brooklyn Dodgers farm team, then there was Jarry Park which was too small, they claimed, then, there was the Big Failure, I mean the Big O. Yes, they lost the ‘Expos because the Big O was falling apart.

      They don’t have the money there, so they should just give up and enjoy their hockey and football teams.

      This is just another distraction from the big cull like the new Bieber Balls.

      Gimme a break and shut up with your requests Montreal.


      1. Was that retractable roof ever built?

        The last time I was in Montreal was in November, 1988 and I recall the flight path of our plane took us over the stadium. There wasn’t any roof at that time.

        1. I don’t think any attempts have been successful. As far as I’ve read, it’s a big white elephant, a blood sucker. Looks nice flying over it though, I also saw that same view from a plane, it’s surprisingly pretty impressive.

          (I was in it for a few Olympic events and one Expo Baseball game years later. Like sort of being in a… ahem…toilet bowl. My imagination goes wild at times!)


          1. Last time I saw it up close and personal it looked like crap.
            The Plaza around it had wobbly stone slabs, the concrete was literally falling off the support pillars and wooden 4 x 4s were strapped to the columns to direct falling water away from the base.
            Was not impressed.
            But that was in the 90’s, maybe it’s better now ?

          2. Wow, sad eh. I occasionally see it on TV, be it on the News, or Just for Laughs Gags, they always film it from the same angle, I guess that’s why, they pick the better view. In the link above, the piece indicates that it would be too costly to demolish. I believe it. I still lived in the City when it was built and I remember thinking at the time that it was too big and going to be a waste of money in the future. I was right.

  9. The state of Victoria will be the first state in Australia to have pandemic-specific legislation, giving the government in power the legal framework it needs to manage health emergencies, including vaccine mandates and face mask rules.

    Victoria’s pandemic bill officially becomes law after Governor Linda Dessau gives royal assent to legislation

  10. Blackie’s CBC reports that the Ontario Science Advisor is asking people to postpone social gatherings. No Christmas for you!

  11. Oh, the joys of masking…..

    I went to the local Home Hardware earlier this morning and I had a problem paying for the stuff I bought. The cashier, who was mumbling because of her mask, got annoyed with me because I understood her saying “fifty” and change, while she said “sixty”. This went on for a few minutes, though I could have looked at the screen above her register to see what she was so shirty about.

    Eventually, I pulled down my mask and growled that if we didn’t have to wear the *&&(^%$#!@ things, we could talk properly. She seemed a bit miffed, but that’s not unusual, as I have a habit of miffing people off.

    Oh, and by the way, the masking sign at the HH entrance was “awwww, how cute”, featuring a collection of doggies all with snout diapers on.

    Hello, Mr. Musk? When are you leaving for Mars, again?

  12. Lucky for us, Vice Admiral Nagumo refused to take risks. When there was no report of the carrier whereabouts he abandoned the attack on Oahu. Instead of sending out the second wave, or trying to locate and engage any of the US carriers, he ordered all vessels to return to Japan.
    Later, at Midway, his continued refusal to take risks cost the Imperial Navy its four best carriers. He was a total prick when it came to the treatment of POW’s but a chicken-sh*t when it came to real combat.

  13. It’s odd but as Evergrande moves ever closer to bankruptcy it moves further away from the news cycle.


    In American business news, I saw United Airlines debt listed by year. That company will be bankrupt by 2025 when $9 billion of the $31 billion it owes will come due. But nothing to see here. Good news is it will no longer have to worry about pension obligations.

  14. Widespread internet outage hits Amazon, many other sites.

    (And I could not post a link explaining the outage!)

  15. Dec 7th 1941 the Nips attacked at Pearl Harbor, everyone knows this date.
    How many Canadians know that on Dec 8th 1941 the NIPS attacked Canada at the Battle of Hong Kong.
    The dumb Canadian Military idiots put up 2000 approx green Canadian troops to defend Hong Kong against Japan for the British Inbreeders. The atrocities committed after the Bastard Gutless Brits abandoned Canadians is seldom talked about. The War Crimes Committed were as great as the NAZI Bastards in Europe. Only No Japs were punished and the servile Canadian SWINE politicians allowed it without hardly a word.
