Diversity Is Our Strength

In fact, it makes us so strong one pauses to wonder why our geopolitical enemies aren’t racing out ahead to grab it before we do.

12 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. I have tried to have sympathy for the Jewish community, I really have. But in Canada they vote Left/Lib and in the US for Dems. If they remain that stupid, or greedy as in they want government business more than they mind being hated, sometimes, well Karma’s just a bitch.

    1. “But in Canada they vote Left/Lib and in the US for Dems. If they remain that stupid, or greedy as in they want government business more than they mind being hated, sometimes, well Karma’s just a bitch.”

      So. Different from 90 percent of non Jewish Canadians in what respect?

      1. I think the general public is about 70% Left/Lib, 30% other, so not sure about the 90% figure. Different in that they are voting for a group that hates them as opposed to the rest to which they are merely indifferent.

  2. Wake me up when they stop voting for this themselves.

    ‘Don’t Give A Shit About Self Destructive Voters’ mode activated.

  3. Given the lack of link to any of the material she condemns, the
    tweets in response are no surprise.
    Some of them apparently know the material & deny her claim.

  4. Given the long-standing influence of the MB and their Palestinian affiliates on the institutional left, it easy to see the school board taking up the role of useful idiots for the Califate. While “progressive” parents have been busy outing the last vestiges of Christianity they don’t mind tossing the Jews in with them while they virtue signal by sucking up to Muslims feigning grievance according to the playbook.

    1. Just wait until the ” mostly peaceful ” cultural Enrichers come for the progs heads.
      That’ll be a realty check, unfortunately for them, too late.

  5. Can’t we just build a fence around it?
    Toronto is dying in an orgy of insanity.
    I see madness as contagious..
    Just look at Can Ahh Duh,destroyed by waves of insanity and mass hysteria..most of them spreading out from our urban centres..
    Isolated citizens show none of these same symptoms.
    And most of the madness has been spread by the usual suspects,whom seem to seek out and contract it from their brethern overseas.

    Our Progressive Comrades are insane,once their insanity spreads they dominate and destroy civil society.
    We must,for the sake of the children,quarantine them in their asylums.

    Fences .
    Reroute the trains.

    For,traditionally,when quarantine does not work,we move on..To fire.

  6. Defund public schools. All parents should be given vouchers to do whatever they want with. Calculate the current funding per student and give them a cheque.

  7. If your goal is replacing the white race and/or destroying western civilization, then yes diversity is your greatest strength.

    There is a reason why diversity is shoved down the throats of white nations ONLY.

    It is called a race replacement program.

    I call it a soft genocide of the white race, soft because they don t use guns and bombs, but the result is the same; a race is being exterminated

    think I m exaggerating? think I’m crazy?

    take a look at the last US census ; whites are a minority now and their number is shrinking fast

    that is a race replacement program in action…and they are getting the result they wanted.

    Canada is not far behind.
