22 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. Smollet just another Hollywood Inbred leftist pervert … in a very long line….what else is new..??

    1. Jizzie Smallset was just disappointed that the two MAGA-attackers refused his invitation to masturbate with him at his condo. He considers all men homophobic … if they refuse to touch his male member. Such pride.

  2. I bet the media will be all over anybody who dares to appear the tiniest bit judgmental about this behavior.
    This will mostly come as a shock to liberal white ladies, because i swear a lot of them imagine being gay as a non-stop round of dress designing and clever wit.
    They also believe BLM is doing good things for blacks.

  3. Yeah, I skimmed a couple of articles on this yesterday.

    The most amusing take was from a lawyer on Glibertarians called Ozymandias:

    Ah, yes, the ol’ IJOWANB (I Jacked Off With A Nigerian Bodybuilder). The criminal defense attorney’s go-to move. Should work out well for him. Why I — I can’t even count the number of times I’ve used that one.

    Seriously, though, what I love about this is he’s trying to harm the credibility of the government’s accusers by suggesting that they were even MORE intimate with him than they’ve admitted! Therefore showing exactly… how…um… uhhh… yeah.

    This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of in a criminal defense case.

    Not that it won’t work, mind you (at least, not given the number of truly boneheaded defense tactics I’ve seen over the decades…)

  4. I heard this comment somewhere, yesterday…

    “It is a crime against humanity that the Jussie Smollett trial is not on TV.”

    I would definitely find it far more entertaining than… say… any social parody SNL is willing to perform these days. BTW, I think the left is painfully unfunny these days, mostly because the very best of humor always has at least a nugget of truth at it’s core. Today’s brainwashed liberals couldn’t identify an entire vein of truth, let alone find a nugget.

    1. Agreed. Thanks to Chapelle, there are probably millions of us who now hear in our heads, ” Juicy Smool-yay” whenever we see the evil little bastard.

  5. What would a token lettered romantic fantasy look like?

    I could never get my head around that one. If you can’t express yourself to share feelings with others, are your feelings truly valid/valued?

  6. More heads likely to roll at CNN. Smollett fingered Lemon during testimony.
    Yeah, it was intentional. Felt like having some fun today.

  7. Something that I think has been is overlooked/avoided in this trial is Smollets association with Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Highly coincidental that Booker and Harris had been pushing anti lynching legislation, and lo and behold a black and gay associate of theirs happens to be targeted in an attempted lynching by rabid Maga hat wearing Trump supporters.

    What a perfect tie in – someone with a somewhat elevated profile that wants fame and fortune – that is happy to conspire to get that and in return Harris and Booker elevate the cause and as such demand for action by media/dems and support by republicans.

    And lo and behold – despite the very obvious fakery and staging – that most called this the fake that it was in about 10 seconds – thats just how it worked out.

    DA threw out the charges and we were supposed to forget about this – but fortunately law enforcement was a bit upset on being used and would not let it go. So here we are today.

    I cant imagine they will give Smollet any more than a slap on the wrist. Any more might inspire him to take others with him

  8. He is one of the stupidest people on the planet. All he had to do was admit it was staged, plead depression and drugs, and he would probably have gotten his job back, maybe after a suspension where the character was in rehab. I have no doubt pleading depression and drugs caused by Trump and homophobia would have accomplished this at the time.

  9. I’m as liberal and tolerant as the next guy, but how many deviant things can you describe in one sentence. I know, I know, there are gay people and I am ok with that. I know what people do when they are attracted to each other. Heck, I’m sure that I have done some of this myself when I was young, but go ahead and read the first sentence of that article:

    “Jussie Smollett has admitted to masturbating next to his alleged assailant in a public bathhouse in Boystown, Chicago, while high on various illegal narcotics, prior to his staged attack in 2019”

    The first part, fine. Next, in public? While on illegal drugs? Planning a felony?! This is all in one sentence. I couldn’t accomplish that in a lifetime of misdeeds. All that is to say that people lead much different lives than I know.

  10. One thing bothers me, when the cops told Juicy they had a couple of suspects they wanted him to come down and view he was all set to do so, then he found out who they were and that’s when he went sideways and lawyered up. Was he ready to go there and falsely identify a couple of white maybes?

    1. THAT’S why I want this creep to do some serious prison time… I think he would have happily pinned this shit on any poor white sod who happened to be in the area at the time of the hoax; and any white guy WOULD HAVE BEEN AUTOMATICALLY GUILTY AND WOULD HAVE DONE TIME…!!!

  11. It’s easy to laugh and mock, but it only takes one moron to hang the jury.
    It’s not just about false reporting and wasting police resources, this charade could have lead to riots, possibly lethal riots.
    Thankfully, JS was too stupid to carry out his plan. Fortunately, by insisting on following his time line, despite the polar vortex, he undermined his own credibility. But, it was a very close call; I shudder to think what could have occurred if he had been just slightly more competent.
