No Christmas For You

Oh Noooo!  Its the new Xi virus. Just in time for Christmas. Or as we say on Turtle Island, the “Holiday” before Ramadan. All the politicians and the bought and paid for media are ranting for more lockdowns.

6 Replies to “No Christmas For You”

  1. The Xi variant, or as we used to call back it in the days before institutional insanity took hold-seasonal flu.

    1. It’s comin’ round the mountain, here it comes.
      I like playing that tune on my guitar.
      Let’s all play now.
      She’ll be callin this all horseshit when she comes,
      She’ll be callin’ this all horseshit when she comes..
      She’ll be callin’ Covid horseshit,
      And all the jabbed, well they be horsewhipped,
      She’ll be callin’ out the truth now when she comes.
