24 Replies to “Something For Everyone”

  1. “What does ‘Fully Vaccinated’ mean?”

    That’s easy, sweetheart. It means the same shifting of goalposts that TPTB have been doing to every other aspect of their communication/orders regarding the L’il ‘Rona for the last 21+ months.

    You’re such an embarrassment to your Moral and Intellectual Betters™. Do try to keep up.

  2. I’m hoping Russia or China will put us the west out of our woke fascist misery. What choice does the citizens in the west have between the two, the Chinese communist party or the globalist communist party, who should ever be the winner in a conflict. It would be much more tolerable to watch a foreign army invade your own country and tear down your own culture than the brats in BLM or Antifa tearing down statues at the total okay by leftest politicians.

    1. “…the Chinese communist party or the globalist communist party…”

      I have some Ukrainian heritage. If the Russkies take over, at least the bastards will be able to understand me when I swear at them. The CCP? I know about a half dozen words in Cantonese and that ain’t gonna help much with the Mandarins.

  3. I read a tweet at Conservative Tree House that some doctor in Ontario said something akin to: We must keep the unvaccinated from the vaccinated. Holy Fork what is wrong with Ford, he’s morphed into a radical socialist right before my eyes? I am sick to death of the government abuse, where are the civil rights organizations? I am forced to pay taxes at three levels and rumors is NS is going to place me under house arrest until I get the jabba jabba-how the fork is that remotely legal? Now they are taking a page out of Stalin and allegedly threatening to starving us to death, these people are drunk on power. NS voted in a Conservative Government that turned into socialists the next day, I will not comply Huston take your jabba and shove it up you nose.

    1. I feel compelled to point out that Houston never for one minute ran as a Conservative. He emphasized the Progressive part of the party name, aggressively distanced himself from the CPC, and promised nothing that would be taken as a right wing policy. He is proving to be exactly who he said he was. Just another infernal Red Tory. The Maritimes are infested with the damn things.

  4. “Covid will look like a blip in the affairs of man in comparison with the fallout from this political and moral crisis of the European continent.” doesn’t seem thoroughly black-pilled to me. The scientifically created Spike-Protein as a measure for population control (to put it very euphemistically) forced upon large swaths of humanity wouldn’t be considered “a blip” by the greatest cynic, I am afraid. If you will find yourself in the middle of a slow holocaust of a thousand cuts you will likely not worry mostly about the philosophical repercussions.

  5. What else would you expect from the birthplace of Bolshevism, Fascism, and Nazism? Europe has always been in love with tyranny. Nothing has changed.

    1. Europe is also the birthplace of the Magna Carta, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment.

      1. Those 3 Movements ultimately brought about by The Black Plague and it’s subsequent revivals.
        By reducing the working populations , massively causing societal upheavals, pressure was brought to bare upon the Lords and Masters .
        The renters were not happy with their lot in life, ” you will own nothing and be happy serf ” , so they up and left their masters for greener pastures.
        Other Lords were willing to give more money and freedoms in exchange for work.
        Trades and Guilds flourished and with that so did talent and ideas.
        Then with ideas and more freedom came the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment.
        And here we are today.

        Perhaps sometimes, mass die offs are a good thing.
        Every species has one and we are no different, even if it is of our own making.
        Brings balance back into the equation.
        Yeng / Yang.
        Deja Vu.

      2. Which are more significant today? The events of less than 100 years ago, or the events of more than 500 years ago?

      3. England was the birthplace of the Magna Carta.

        Due to that wet moat sometimes referred to as the Channel the culture between the continent and the British Isles developed a bit differently.

        Then again, the NHS came from the UK… so… guess there is a little bit of WOKE in everyone…


  6. The white pill argument is terribly black. More echo chambers, more division, more disunity, more pressure on the psychos in the extremes to force conformity to their views.

  7. The Atlantic- Is it safe to hang out with the unboosted?

    NO! It is DANGEROUS!
    In fact it is SO very dangerous that you leftist bedwetters should never come around ever again! In fact what you really should do is give us our own continent! That’ll keep you safe! Or maybe you should pick a continent for yourselves and flee there. Australia seems to be doing things in a way that is dear to your tiny little black hearts. Why don’t you go there and get them to release all the Aussies that are chafing under their draconian Covid rules? Everybody wins!

    Oh I forgot. You’d rather everybody loses.

  8. de Villa of Toronto’s TPH is stepping away because of cancer. Good. Both stepping away and the cancer.
    Something I never would have written before 2020.
    SDA readers are historically knowledgeable and know everything about this is wrong. If twinkie-trolls don’t get it, I have no more f***s to give.
    I’m seeing some cracks but if there isn’t a full blown retreat by our “experts”, I’m afraid the doomsday predictions will unfold.

  9. How do I “socialize safely”? I studiously avoid all people who actually BELIEVE their rapidly failing C-19 vaccination will “save them” from anything.

  10. “Then they came for the double vaccinated, but I had the booster so I didn’t speak up…”

  11. So far 17 comments here. Am I the first to notice that the link to The Atlantic doesn’t work? What are the rest of you people reading anyway?

  12. ALL of this is a dual strike of provocation and oppression.

    The ENTIRE idea is to either suppress the peasantry and / or, to push less “disciplined” and/or more sentient members to go “off the edge”, thus, as planned, triggering spectacularly ruthless “attitude” adjustment across the “peasant” population. “Collective punishment” is a guaranteed way to get MORE “attitude” and thus justify MORE repression, including “executive action”.

    “Let a million flowers bloom”, as Mao said. And, when they did, they were “culled” in vast numbers. This is one of the oldest gambits in the totalitarians sociopaths play-book.
