72 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See @CBC”

  1. … because the VAST majority of the public gives thumbs-down to ‘normalizing’, nay ‘celebrating’ this mental illness …

    Democracy is just fine … until your “more enlightened” so-called superiors MAKE you shut up. Take away your voice.

    This is where I repeat that the Daily Mail banned my comments FOREVER … because I questioned WHY a lesbian kiss between a US women’s soccer player and her wife was newsworthy … but a kiss between heterosexual team members and their MALE husbands was not. Simply questioning the need for ‘gay publicity’ got me BANNED FOR LIFE. Pro Tip: this is NOT how Democracy works. This IS how Fascist Totalitarianism works.

    1. No different than having the Utter audacity to ask the Question: How many True Gender Dysphoria afflicted persons are there in our Country.


      TURFED Permanently from Twatter….No loss whatsoever.

  2. A muslim male shot and killed 14 women. I now know my observation that everybody is stupid, is 100% valid. Holy shit.

    1. If you try to post facts, even those Postmedia print in their articles, it will be taken down. You have to tailor your post to remove the FACT that Gamil Gharbi is a muslim male taught by his Algerian muslim father to hate women.

    2. *
      let me finish that sentence for you…

      “A muslim male shot and killed 14 women as a roomful of pussyfied men watched.”

      Or, as the inimitable Kathy Shaidle used to call it… “Never Hear the End of It Day”

      “When we say ‘we don’t know what we’d do under the same circumstances’, we make
      cowardice the default position

      Would the men who stormed Juno Beach have just sttod there and watched?

      Do yourself a favour… google “Gamil Gharbi”


        1. I understand there were subsequently a few suicides as the men who left the room realized what they’d done and couldn’t live with themselves.

    3. It wasn’t just that. The engineering profession got blamed for it for being, at that time, predominantly male. Nowadays, there are efforts such as “30 By 30”, as it’s called in some provinces, in which there has to be 30% women in engineering by 2030.

      I’m glad I’m no longer practicing.

    4. The shooter changed his last name legally from his father’s Algerian name to the French last name of his mother shortly before he went on his rampage.

      That gave cover to the Left so that they were able to convince people that it was a plain anti-women crime rather than a terrorist attack.

      Something that the media and politicians are aware of but never report because it runs against the narrative.

      1. 2014, rinse and repeat, meadia avoid the named killer.
        Wiki: “According to court documents, he was born Joseph Paul Michael Bibeau, but, in 1995, his parents legally changed his name to Joseph Paul Michael Abdallah Bulgasem Zehaf-Bibeau to better reflect the other half of his heritage.”

    5. After 30 years I have yet to hear a mainstream media outlet mention his real name and ethnicity.

      I think I can safely assume that if it was mutilated men (trans women) that were killed, the outrage would be deafening in our media but still no mention of his real motive. It’s a travesty that this eunuch is given such a platform

    6. Agreed, but both of my brothers wondered about the men in the class – what “pussies” they were. When asked by the shooter to leave the class, they did so and did not stand up for their classmates.

    7. Canadian named Marc Lepine is used to tar all Canadian males as mysoginists.
      Gamil Rodrigue Liass Garbi was the murderer working under an alias.

  3. Virtue signalling is beyond parody and satire would be wasted.

    It’s pure lunacy, degeneration and farce.

    On December 6th, 1989, some MUSLIM did something and people stood by and let it happen:


    Now, it is a convenient talking point for moral posturing and various other delusional freaks. It’s safe knowing that the dead cannot speak and cannot point out that not only did their classmates walk away but politicians and special-interest groups have made this event an industry.

    Besides, if people really cared about mass deaths, the people who blew up 332 passengers and crew on June 23rd, 1985 would be in prison.

    1. “people stood by and let it happen”

      Mark Steyn has in the past hammered on the point that there were several males in the classroom who were ordered by the gunman to leave, and they did so, meekly, tails tucked between their legs, to leave the women to their fates.

      One cannot imagine the terror those women felt as they watched those cowards abandon them. Had even two or three of them rushed the gunman instead, that day would have played out very differently. But such things are not spoken of in this nation of cowards. Instead those of us with Y chromosomes must submit to the narrative and repent of our sins of having that dastardly Y.

      1. It’s not as though the gunman said, “OK Bro’s – you can leave and then I’ll start killing the women”. If they had rushed the gunman and THEN he started firing, might not the headline have been “Toxic Masculinity Results in X People Dead” ? Don’t try to spread the blame – it all belongs on the gunman. Also, white knighting is stupid.

        1. Not only stupid but illegal.

          The best victims today do not want a hero.
          The police do not want a hero.
          The gov’t does not want a hero.

          Be a hero, go to jail.

        2. Right. Everyone on the landing boats should have said “Screw this. We’d rather live under Hitler and Tojo than risk our lives.”

          Those who left the room knew damn well it was not going to end well. They were the modern liberals with no balls who gladly saved their worthless skin sacks.

          I would rather be dead than be known as one of the pussies who slithered away.

          1. Or the hostage negotiator shows up, they cry it out and everyone walks away. You charging in trying to be a hero could be what gets everyone killed. We have the advantage of hind sight in this case so it’s easy to pretend we would have known what was the right course of action. But hey, play the hypothetical hero online if it makes you happy.

        3. Remember “Let’s roll” from Todd Beamer? Need more of that. The latest school shooting in US on young man did just that. Sacrificed his life for others.

          1. I always thought that Todd Beamer story was a cover story for that F-16 that shot down Flight 93:


            There was internet talk that 3 Mile Island was on the flight path of Flight 93. They weren’t sure that may be the target.

            You used to be able to find this stuff on the internet. Big Brother is good at burying web pages.


      2. *
        “One cannot imagine the terror those women felt
        as they watched those cowards abandon them.”

        what do you mean, you misogynist? are you saying
        that wymyn aren’t every bit as capable as men?


      3. Wait a minute, I get Mark Steyn’ s point BUT this class was filled with kick-arse, gurlz-can-do-anything females, why did THEY NOT rush the gunman. If a guy had rushed the muslim gunman he would have been cussed out by the feminazis for doing something that feminists could obviously do better themselves-except they didn’t.

    2. Re: the Air India bombing. Everyone in the SE Asian community in BC knows who did it, but are too scared to talk. So of course, it’s now the fault of the White Man’s RCMP/CSIS and ‘structural racism’ that has resulted in only one relatively minor conviction in the affair. Heck, one of the likely conspirators even got to be Liberal riding president! What a country – Diversity is Our Strength!

      1. Tara Singh Hayer DID talk and they killed him.

        Uppal Dosanjh spoke out and they clubbed him.

        Dead people make for better moral posturing in Canada, or at least maintaining the status quo.

  4. A few weeks ago, I got into a “conversation” with someone who absolutely refused to believe that the CBC had virtually no conservatives on it’s staff. Our chat ended when I asked if she thought it was appropriate for government to heavily fund corporate media. She simply turned and walked away like Biden from a press question.

    1. I’ve had a similar conversation with a Toronto “Red” Star saleswoman who defended government money for ‘legacy journalism’. I asked ‘what if’s it’s not my legacy’ ? Pigs run to the trough with more justification than these media whores.

    2. You have to downshift to first gear low range before you start: Ask them to define ‘conservative’.

      Then ask them to name one of those conservatives at the Colostomy Bag Catastrophe.

  5. Define “Harm.” Would that be a differing of opinion?

    I’m beginning to think that most of these people would show up at the Debate Club wearing shoulder pads and a helmet.

  6. I always test out a Hypothesis by extending the conditions out to the maximum and look at the results. It’s a good test of the logic.

    So ….

    Toxic Maleness is bad right?
    Males Transitioning is good right?

    If 100% of Males transitioned to Female, think of all the good things that would come out of it:
    No more Toxic males
    No more segregated bathrooms, prisons, sports etc..
    Everyone would be equal
    Woman would finally have balanced pay, as everyone would be women

    It would be Utopia.

  7. In other “women’s news” Lisa Thomas continues to crush the competition in swimming, finishing 38 seconds ahead of her closest rival.


    “NCAA rules dictate any trans female athlete can take part in women’s events if they have completed a year of testosterone suppression treatment.”

    I support this 100%. Of course I don’t watch women’s sports but that shouldn’t matter. My opinion is more important.

  8. I burst into tears when I read this. To think that the readership of Twit CBC PEI is a seething maggot feast of trans haters! We can only hope that the smart peoplez at Twit will kick off their platform everyone who makes harmful comments. CBC PEI should shit list them, too; ban them from accessing all CBC content for eternity.

    1. “Ban them from accessing CBC content for eternity”? Sounds great! Where can I sign up for this banishment?

  9. Just goes to show how transphobic women are. We must fight toxic feminism and the matriarchy that is trying to other the trans community.

    Btw: thx for the new play book. We have read the rules and find them distasteful, anti-libertarian and highly detrimental to western civilization, but we’ll innovate and grind a win out of it anyway.

  10. Just for the record.


    “Some of those who are publicly known have grim stories. Some students and staff never stepped foot in the Polytechnique again. Sarto Blais, a graduate, hanged himself eight months after the massacre, saying in his suicide note he was torn apart by guilt that he didn’t stop Lepine.

    The following June, his parents also committed suicide, unable to cope with the loss of their only son. Male students came in for criticism after the shootings.”

  11. skill testing Q:
    howcum it has to be qualified ‘trans’ woman? horror of horrors,
    is THAT tacit admission reality aint jiving with the claims?

    seriously SDA, ever notice that about the loudmouth wannabe switcheroonies?

    jist askin’ . . . .

  12. Our Progressive Comrades,never a murderous killing they could not exploit.
    The allahphant in the room,I love it.
    Canadian Men have been lectured,hectored and blamed for this Quebec event for 32 years..
    32 years of propaganda using the senseless murder of these girls to serve the narrative.
    And after 32 years ?

    No one knows these girls names,but everyone know the name “Mark Lepine”.

    “Gamil Rodrigue Liass Garbi “? Who dat?
    That is our media,glorifying serial killers for perpetuity.
    And they know what they do.
