32 Replies to “A Man of the People”

  1. Harry is a likable guy.
    He has no concept that if you don’t work, generally you don’t eat.
    One who has never had to worry where the money come from, perhaps he should keep the yammer shut on this subject.

    The latest socialist/fascist propaganda is about the poor suckers that work for living, they should not go to work if they feel bad, not with sniffles, with their confused brains.

    Yeah. the western civilization is going down ever so faster.

    1. I’m guessing Harry is subtly defending his decision to quit the Royal job he once had – never forget it’s all about them at the end of the lesson.

    1. Hahahaha … Harry best erect some barricades outside his $20M Montecito Estate. Or he could simply escape to Oprah’s $45M Montecito Estate … or maybe Al Gore could find room for him at his $15M Montecito Estate?

    2. We could ask Oliver Cromwell’s descendants.
      Cromwell himself seemed okay with it.
      His corpse, not so much.

  2. If anybody follows Harry’s advice and quits their job, I’m sure that Harry will pay their tent and grocery bills. Ot perhaps allow them to move into his California mansion – after all, with 16 bathrooms, there’s plenty of space for everyone, right? So, Harry, what about it? Two good ideas, right?

    Harry? Harry? Are you there, Harry?

  3. Harry means well, he’s just adjusting to a different lifestyle far from what he came from.
    He’s had some trauma in his life, losing his Mother affects anyone no matter their station in life.
    We have no choice in when we are born or to whom we are born.

  4. If Prince Harry is seriously worried about his subjects’ mental health, he should get a DNA test to see if Prince Charles is really his father.

    I’m assuming Diana got a little randy with the stable help and Harry was a result. If that is the case, Harry is simply trying to one-up Justin.
    I’m not sure if its Bieber or Trudeau.

    1. Do an internet search for a photo of Prince Philip when was serving in the Royal Navy and sporting a beard. Harry’s resemblance to him is rather noticeable, especially the eyes. Also, his being a redhead is a Spencer trait.

      1. Exactly. The red hair comes from his Mother’s side.
        Cruel gossip is never classy no matter where it comes from.
        There are far more important issues to talk about in our world today.

  5. Can you imagine quitting your job and having to spend 100% of your time with Princess Sparkle as she hogs the mirror? Dante wrote of such fates.

  6. Harry should have stayed in the Army. At least he was a decent officer who did his tours in Afghanistan.

  7. I think this is already done here in Canada? Stress leave and disability for mental issues?
    I am not advocating either way here but I can see the benefit of some of the crazy / angry people out there staying home instead of being crazy bad on the job.

  8. People Should Quit Their Jobs If………

    – They can afford to.
    – They want to help fuck the repressive tax system that keeps them poor while enriching Canada’s ideological elites.

    Many Eurowiennies have had great success in motivating oppressive governments once push comes to shove, by stopping work en masse.

    Canadian don’t have the guts to go without a Tim Horton’s cup of coffee for a day much less walk away from an abusive job that enriches everyone but them. It’s the perfect virtual plantation mindset housing the perfectly ignorant slave class, comfortable today with not a thought of tomorrow.

    1. Am doing this in that we are pivoting towards homesteading with some barter. Run a small farm and work a bit off the farm but generally income stays low enough and split with wife that not much income tax is paid. Farming is fun for the most part and while it does involve real work from time to time, it is not hard unless you are into self punishment. A buddy calves 400 cows so it can be made into punishment. However, keep it simple and it is quite enjoyable. I am certainly not going to do night shift on a drilling rig to keep this bunch of corrupt worthless politicians and bureaucrats in the clover patch that’s for certain.

      1. Sounds like your living the dream ajl.

        Yes I know all about it having spent 35 years in the oilfield, I finally said f*ck this sh*t last April after a couple of forced COVID hotel stays. I don’t foresee ever returning at this point and my high tax dollars are now paid by an American to the US communists instead of the corrupt Blackface government.

        Quitting was a conscious decision based on the sickening thought of this scumbag government forcing me into a $2000 hotel room while they allowed any foreign national to pass freely into Canada. All the while taking half my paycheck to fund shit that I don’t want or agree with in a “country” that our racist PM say’s is no country of mine anyway.

    2. I find it hard not to agree. We have been programmed to work as a virtue, even if we don’t need the proceeds.
      Family, freedom , just breathing the air tend to matter less than insuring we are ” hard working”.
      Work hard for what you want and need, not for your masters is my philosophy.

  9. Maybe he should go on national television again to ask for privacy.

    Had a lot of respect for Harry when he was a grunt. Now, none at all.

    1. “Had a lot of respect for Harry when he was a grunt.”
      Yes. Me too. He earned it in my eyes.
      What respect I had for him evaporated pretty rapidly when he hooked up with Meghan. Initially, I wasn’t too worried about the American and divorced bit, England had been through that before, and had learned the lesson. Even if he were in direct line for the throne, it could work.
      But when she turned out to be a royal bitch, and he let her, the respect evaporated rather rapidly.

      There had been rumors about him and Jenna Coleman. I can’t help wondering who walked away from whom if those were true. IMHO, she would have been ideal for him.

      1. One of his former longtime girlfriends (either Chelsy Davy or Cressida Bonas) he really, really wanted to marry and she broke up with him instead because she decided a future life in the royal fishbowl wasn’t for her.
