Dr. Peter McCullough

A wide ranging conversation on the rona and the vax. Timestamps of individual topics discussed can be found in the YouTube version so those of you who don’t have time to listen to the whole thing can pick one and be done in a couple of minutes.

Audio only version

15 Replies to “Dr. Peter McCullough”

  1. Is there a more qualified, knowledgeable individual than Peter McCullough, to speak about Covid?
    This whole Plandemic would be over by now if Dr Peter was in charge, instead of Fraudci, Tam the Man, China Tedros, or Bonnie Nazi, who continue to prolong the agony, pain, suffering, deaths, totalitarianism and censorship, for their own benefit.

    There aren’t enough lamp posts for the conspirators.

    1. Agreed Dan – I listen a lot to McCullough and he must have a photographic memory and get by on 2 hrs of sleep a night while operating at 150%. Weinstein is still confused how any of this could be happening.

      Brent here’s a couple clues – FBI, DOJ, CIA, SC, FISA, etc all corrupt. Think FDA and CDC has escaped the swamp somehow?

    2. They, apparently, didn’t have 17 minutes to give their f’n heads a shake. There are no public health experts. Doing nothing would have seen no more deaths and doing something has wrecked everything. Just another fascistic f*ck if you ask me. Experts!

    3. They, apparently, didn’t have 17 minutes to give their f’n heads a shake. There are no public health experts. Doing nothing would have seen no more deaths and doing something has wrecked everything. Just another fascistic f*ck if you ask me. Experts!

    4. They, apparently, didn’t have 17 minutes to give their f’n heads a shake. There are no public health experts. Doing nothing would have seen no more deaths and doing something has wrecked everything. Just another fascistic f*ck if you ask me. Experts!

    1. Post Pandemic!?
      So the pandemic is over?
      Stress disorder?
      I am apoplectic!
      Enough with the obvious lies, you pile of lying shills.

    2. “How could we possibly have known!?”

      When (If) this is over, any Branch Covidian that gave you grief, shove it in their faces. Never let them forget it. “All of society is at fault” means “I bare no responsibility for my role”, don’t allow them to weasel out of it.

    1. One point that isn’t talked about much is that at one point, there were quite a number of different vaccine candidates in development. By giving a few ineffective vaccines EUAs and then doubling down with full approval after their ineffectiveness was proven, many of those other candidates will notbe fully pursued and the ones that are (even if they are very effective and would save the lives of the tiny subset of the population at most risk from Covid) will take years to reach people here because they can’t get an EUA now.

  2. First video I’ve watched of Dr McCullough. I generally don’t watch vids that are this long.

    That said, a good listen. I found his comment (paraphrasing) that “there must be a political intent behind the health response because the response has been different in every country” very interesting. That observation alone speaks volumes.

  3. Randomized trials take 2 to 5 years to complete? That’s only for “unapproved” medications. If your medication has the approval of central planners, that can be dialed back to 2 to 5 weeks!

  4. I like the analogy of “carpet bombing” the population with vaccines. We have never done that with any other vaccine in history. What the hell is going on here?

  5. Especially disturbing is the injections to the children. Dr. Andreas Noak and Dr. Zandre Botha have both reported that they have seen something unusual in the pulmonary systems after the injections. There maybe more coming to light in the next few weeks.
