25 Replies to “Good News!”

  1. Last time I checked, the CDC (center for disease control) statistics showed that over 80 % of HIV cases were gay men, roughly 15 % were people who use contaminated needles to inject drugs such as heroin, and the rest were either prostitutes or unlucky people who had sex with a contaminated person.

    the ,by promoting, encouraging, celebrating , cheering the gay lifestyle ( and the left by Denying its a gay disease ) may be one factor why HIV is on the rise

    there is not much that is not made worse by the left

    almost everything the left touches gets destroyed or becomes worse.

    1. *

      Wait… I understood there was a 400,000 case backlog of
      surgeries & treatments
      in Canada…

      — “Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s top doctor says she is taking a
      brief leave of absence in order to have surgery following
      the results of a mammogram.” —


    2. From today’s San Francisco Chronicle: Is the Omicron virus the result of an unholy union with HIV?

      “A prevailing theory as to how the omicron variant emerged so suddenly and jam-packed with mutations is that it was cultivated in an immune-compromised person — possibly someone with untreated HIV — with an extended coronavirus infection. That proposal seems especially plausible to a team of scientists at Stanford, who treated a patient diagnosed with uncontrolled HIV and COVID earlier this year, and saw a striking development of mutations in the coronavirus over just 15 days.”

    1. Heh – yes now everyone will need mandatory HIV vaccines, 1 then 2 and a booster or your RACIST!!!!!

      1. *
        “paul said… now everyone will need mandatory HIV vaccines”

        well, maybe not everybody, bruh…

        “The head of the Saskatoon Tribal Council calls the rising rates of HIV
        in the province a ‘crisis facing First Nations and Metis people‘. The
        number of people testing positive for HIV in Saskatchewan is more
        than double the national average


    2. DB

      Well Teflon Tony was the one who thought their creation (US PATENT 7279327), could be used as a “vector” for an HIV Vaccine. Patent date was Apr 2002

      To wit: “an infectious replication of a defective corona virus”. That is the EXACT Definition contained within said patent. And a NOTE: One cannot patent a naturally occurring organism.

      But instead, he/they decided to let that out for a walk in the park in 2003.
      We called it SARS

    3. Fauci was already in charge back in the 80’s when AIDS first appeared in the US. Then like now he was vaccine obsessed and refused to support funding or research for therapeutics. Eventually, decades later, drug companies developed therapeutics despite Fauci. To this day no vaccine exists. Millions died needlessly, just like now.

  2. Blackie will have to be careful when he is prancing in the homosexual parades next summer.

  3. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we here, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it.

  4. Autoimmune deficiency will be one of the many benefits of the current crop of not-vaccines. Wait for it.

    1. VOWG

      Seems to me that is already occurring my friend.
      A vax that attacks the body’s own immune system is precisely what the Pharma-Philth desired – “the Profits…!!! Oh my God the Profits..!!”

      Yea…@ a reported $ 19.20 USD per shot..?? Times what 2 to 3 Billion..? to date and ENDLESS boosters …..??

      Peter Daszak warned us in 2015 with his now famous comment.

      “…We need to increase Public understanding of the need for medical Counter Measures for things such as Pan Corona Virus Vaccine. A Key Driver is the Media and the Economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to get to the REAL ISSUES. “Investors” will respond if they see “Profit” at the end of the Process…”

      ……and yet it seems ALL are supremely confident and convinced by the greatest psy-op in History. OH, and uh…the Flu has disappeared eh.?? I’m sure uhuh..

  5. Am I a bad person if I coin the term Tranada to describe our homo and native land??
    Asking for a friend, etc….

    It works a couple of different ways.

  6. No question Stan.
    Tranada where Perverted creatures like Jessica Yaniv walk about attempting to screw over anyone it can…with luck it will walk in front of a moving bus.

  7. Canada’s biggest problem in this area is the lack of intellect in the medical community serving this clientele.

    All of Canada’s medical schools give participation awards in this area of medicine. That results in graduates who really should spend another year or two learning their craft. They go out into the world and are not equipped with the necessary tools to address the HIV epidemic.

    All you need to do is look at the HIV research the Canadian Medical Profession generates on an annual basis. They simply “mail it in”…
    There is no substance to it. There are no intellectual giants working in this area of medicine.

    1. You mean to say that bitching about the US health care system isn’t enough?
      You want Canadian health care to produce actual results?

  8. When you encourage bad behaviour and remove the restrictions to protect uninfected people solely for political reasons, this sort of thing will happen.

    Can we restrict their movements now?

  9. Should I assume that they will all be made to wear condoms at all times? Or maybe all of us need to do that for their safety? I’ve started spraying myself with Deep Woods Off just to keep bugs off of others.

    1. My neighbor’s hot wife might get pregnant unless her husband and I both wear condoms.
      Well, there might be some other neighbors that need to wear them too.
      The hubby’s condom doesn’t work unless everybody else wears one too.


  10. From the article:
    “The rapid growth of HIV in Indigenous communities is particularly unconscionable as we scramble to atone for past sins, but actively commit new ones that may have devastating consequences for us all.”

    It makes sense when you look at it with the right perspective. Trudeau is the King® of saying one thing whilst doing another. He says he wants to ensure drinking water on reserves, but can’t find the money while spending hundreds of billions of dollars!? How tf you spending hundreds of millions in China and India on pipelines and trade agreements (while getting less than nothing back!) He wants to stop chronically underfunding ALL services on reserves, but can’t figure out how, maybe the courts can sort the mess out, while the govt argues FOR chronic underfunding. He has no problem spending 40 fuckin billion a year paying civil servants and bureaucrats, giving them billions in raises every year, but can’t find money to help with infrastructure on reserves!?
    It would be great to see how much Indian Affairs or whatever they’ve renamed it, pays out in salary to their completely unnecessary workers. He preaches reconciliation but practices excess on the backs of taxpayers! He preaches net Zero while he jets around the country like a drunken frat boy, living in such excess than 10 000 Canadian families don’t emit the amount of carbon he does per year! Then he opens his fuckin clown mouth and emits another shit tonne of hot air and bs, our media carrying his water so they can keep raping the average Canadian to keep their shitty asses with paycheques!

    If people can’t see that EVERYTHING he does is a bloody mirage, that he’s a conceited 2 faced mental midget, then they’re being willfully ignorant. F Trudeau and the mule he rode in on!
