5 Replies to “People You Won’t Find On The CBC”

  1. Wooten: “I am absolutely effing livid with myself for following the rules when I KNEW they made no sense.”

    We knew the rules made no sense. That is why there is a beautiful picture hanging on my wall reminding me of the sweet gathering of 20 kids and grands that we had in our home last Christmas.

    Life is too short to let politicians rob us of our joy.
    Just read the obit of a longtime friend that refused to come visit last summer… he was afraid of ‘the Covid’. Heart attack killed him.

  2. I see that the low information people just may be catching up.
    Or not. Assuredly not, in fact. Impenetrable echoe chambers and indoctrination abides.
    You sure as shit won’t find anything on the CBC except these topics all the time:
    -Systemic racism in ALL facets of Everything. Fuck you Whitey stuff, in short.
    -LGBTQUERTY 2.0 plus and their endless attempts to pervert everything, especially your children and grandchildren.
    -Indian industrial complex of professional whining and arrogance and money grubbing hypocrisy (to wit… I dare you to listen to On Reserve, on CBC radio).
    -Climate Hypocrisy and Suzuki Mimes and eco terror.
    -Medical and “health” lies under a pandemic disguise
    -left vilifying right via straw dogs and lies.
    – anti Christian anti Tradition anti Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
    Ok. I could go on….but feel free to add to the list. I am tired.

  3. Actually I will find very little on CBC,for I never deliberately tune in,to any of their output.
    Almost all CBC I observe is here.
    And we are guilty of allowing the parasitic overload to run over all our civil rights,for what sane individual would have believed that our glorious helpers could stay in full blown mass hysteria for 20 months?
    Kinda wish they could apply themselves to their duties with the same zeal.

    We are lazy and avoid unnecessary work,why destroy a bunch of fools,when they will do that all by themselves?
    Now they have the panic knob tweaked way past 11 so all resistance freaks them right out.
    They said we were doomed.
    The Dread Covid Pandemic.
    So after 20 months of seeing their finest work,the Dread Covid Theatre,I agree.
    They are doomed.
    For they are exposed as the truly useless clueless and mindless murderous thugs they have always been.
    What productive citizen,now fully aware that these parasites consider us property,is going to support their continued existence?
    The Gimmee dats?
    The takers have shown us all their true selves.
    I can live just fine without any of them.
    I do not believe they can survive a week without us.

  4. The saddest cut of all is how few people avail themselves of even the official data. I was surprised that most medical personnel that treated me ( extraordinarily kindly by the way) had never even looked up the BC CDC information page even.
    It concerns me that people in positions of responsibility are not aware that vaccinations do not prevent infection anD spread. That information, above all else presents the most frightening threat to to vulnerable.
