30 Replies to “Plan “B” Boris”

    1. The Tories = GOPe = Totalitarian partners with BIG Business and dream of Complete CONTROL of the population.

      We are ALL being LIED to

      We don’t need the government to “save us” from the common cold. Now piss off you tossle-haired c()nt!

  1. What amazes me is that there are actually talking heads in the UK who are actively telling the citizens thereof that it’s over, they’re sick of this shit, they have no intention of following any further directives of the government with regards to any and all variants of the COVID-19 virus.

    How come there isn’t a single Canadian commentator on any of our national (or even regional) news networks/programs that will say this? Are we that far gone?

    1. So Rex does not count?
      But yes,we are that far gone.Canada is dead.
      For any State this odious must be destroyed.
      What did these fools and bandits expect?
      We have lived their idea of “Good Government” these last 20 months.
      Time we give them their reward.

      I now fully support masks.
      Full facial recognition denial devices.
      V for Vendetta.

      1. Ya know John….thats a Damned good idea…now to find one that is comfortable, allows me to breathe properly…I’m in with that. Lycra material or something like that in BLACK.

        Cause I’m at the point of flippin losing it here one day…had more than enough.
        Full facial recognition denial in spades….LOVE IT.

        1. steakman, make one from mesh no one even notices. You can buy what are termed fake masks on line. They are a gauze product that look opaque. If I find the site again I will post it here.

    2. *
      “garth asks… How come there isn’t a single Canadian commentator”

      What part of government-subsidised journalism do you not get, bro?

      How much have you heard about WE Charity, SNC Lavalin, the Kokanee
      Grope, or ‘voting by proportional representation’, etc, etc, etc.

      The Rosie Barton School of Journalism brooks no inconvenient facts.


  2. I’m sure Trudeau, ford, Kenney, Moe and the other stooges are wanting a pfizer mandate.
    Having USA as a neighbour is a mitigant.

  3. There isn’t one leader in the Western democracies that have the moral authority to govern. When we all understand that this plandemic was planned and orchestrated to institute complete control then the sooner we will get back to normal. Until then every day we comply with the face diapers, (nappies), social distancing, and ‘passports’ is another day of our freedom lost. Hopefully there will be enough ‘unvaccinated’ purebloods left in a few years that we can get back to normal.

  4. What I find refreshing about the British parliament, is that MPs from both the opposition and the government sides are not afraid to trash their leaders during question period. This has always been the case in their parliament. Unlike Canada where the MPs are lapdogs of their leaders. Can you imagine Liberal MPs getting up and trashing Blackie?

    1. “Can you imagine Liberal MPs getting up and trashing Blackie?”
      Can you imagine any of our 338 freeloading F wits,standing up and defending those rights and freedoms they are oath sworn to protect?
      They are all exposed as the traitors they truly are.
      They chose to proclaim a state of emergency..
      A crisis!
      Then they showed us ,what they can really do,in a crisis.

      The most generous reward will be demanding their resignations and a permanent ban from holding any public office,bureaucratic position or authority over any other human..
      I am way past that.
      Being a simple man,I go for simple solutions,that work.
      For they have refused to leave me alone,they have decreed me to be property ,property that they control.
      They have forfeited every one of those rights they have denied to you and me.

      And being a frugal sort,
      I warm to the idea of getting some socially beneficial use of those camps
      I hear tell of.
      It is never a bad day when my enemies proudly self identify.

  5. There are several contenders, powerful people, in the Tory Party that will love to see him go. I think this presents them with an opportunity. Now, in the UK, PMs can be changed without a change of government or election but policy can change with it. In fact, all the various factions will line up behind their prefered candidate and there could be a 180 degree change in direction. They may even get a libertarian or conservative in there. Here’s hoping

  6. The comments on Boris are well deserved. Word of advice Boris, No more political strategy from your barber, fail big time!

    Is this type of scrutiny possible in Canada ? Doubtful

  7. If restrictions work then omnicron should be no worry right? If masks are 58% effective (some masktards claim this) then there will be no omnicron 5th wave.

  8. How many shots will it take for Klaus Schwab’s dreams to come true? Personally, I doubt that any of our so-called leaders have taken anything but a saline solution.

  9. When conservatives have complete control of Parliament… You get more liberals.

    I need to turn that into a knock knock joke.

    Knock knock.
    Who’s there?
    Door kicks in–“za Met and vee vil ask see questions (about your Twitter hate feed, your vaccine hiztoree and vhy vee are schpeaking wif such terrible German accents).”

    It was that or the Spanish Inquistion but this crowd would’ve expected the Spanish Inquasition.

  10. Can we please do this 10 Downing exposure at 24 Sussex?
    Get this shit over with.
    We are being duped by useless idiots like Boris and Blackie and Biden.
    Even low info fools should be seeing it by now. Ok, likely they don’t, but enough of us do.
    We are many. Wake the fuck up.

  11. Churchill was thrown out on his unelected bum after WW2. All were surprised, except every returned soldier/sailor/ navvy/ housemum. They were not surprised.
    Every Greek Chorus Thespian, every frenetic Comedy Club act , gets this reaction 2 .minutes past the time they should have stopped.
    I think Boris will survive. There isnt an alternative. It will be much more dull.

    1. I think Boris will survive.

      That’s probably best. He’s now limited by being damaged goods (his senior ministers are openly resisting his call for “conversation” on mandatory vaccines).

      Someone new will be free and emboldened to inflict all sorts.

  12. hereinafter, nigel farage, the face and voice of brexit, is now elevated, through honourable service, and shall hold, in perpetuity, the seat of stalwart and righteous protector in the sacred order of common sense.
    and as long as i am at it… i’d sooner see fergie as queen, than charles as king.
