The Dougtatorship Has Gone Too Far

The Government of Ontario re-opening plan was supposed to dustbin vaccine passports in January 2022.

That plan was yanked off the internet a few days before the latest Chairman Xi Scariant gave the government of Doug Ford the excuse to delay the normalization of life in Ontario indefinitely. They’re saying it out loud now: welcome to forever, suckers.

In the meantime, Ontario’s unelected, repulsive Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore continued to deviate from the original German as he warned clean and pure vaccinated humans not to mix with the the dirty, disgusting, disease-spreading, unvaccinated untermensch.

Frankly, I’ve had enough. We’ve all had enough. ENOUGH!

The politicians aren’t listening to us, they ignore our e-mails, calls and our social media presence. They dismiss us as contemptible ignoramuses. They sneer at us. They scowl at us. They laugh at us.

But guess what? We are not going away. 

Here’s an e-mail I wrote to Dear Leader Ford and his Ghoulish Gargoyle Health Minister:

Seems to have hit a nerve. 


34 Replies to “The Dougtatorship Has Gone Too Far”

  1. In BC we’ve understood this is permanent for many months. No one ever talks about reopening or other such silly notions.

  2. Moore and those like him are malpracticing imbeciles and need to be in jail. The College of Quacks needs to be pulled through the wringer because they are ALL malpracticing. They issue edicts to all doctors how they must advise their patients….even though these Quacks have never seen the very patient they are forcing the attending doctor to not issue exemptions even though the attending doctor may know very well it is their duty to do so. Lawsuits should be flying everywhere.

    1. Agreed! Three cheers for LRC!! I found myself saying “Yes!” “Yesss!!!” after reading each sentence.

  3. Agree with everything she says but I’m skeptical of any desired outcome. Non compliance, as their words will require enforcement as they advance agendas. They are testing us, and you would be naive to think otherwise.

    Constitutions may as well wipe our back sides as they know they are in breach of it under the false reality narrative. This is an abusive relationship no doubt. It starts with you and I looking in the mirror of how long we take this crap from these power drunk A holes.

    My patience is nearing its end with restrictions, plan was wear masks, don’t say shit till next March but plans may change.

    1. I hear murmurs that THEY want this SHIT-SHOW to run another 5 years.
      Apparently some of us uppity serfs are making too much trouble among the sheep and THEY need more time to hunt us down and silence US.
      I Think we will use that time efficiently to reverse the tables and do to THEM the same.

  4. *
    so what’s the big deal if herr dougie wants to separate out
    all the, er… undesirables
    . it would make perfect sense to
    cull them out from the larger field of folk… concentrate them,
    if you will
    … so that the government can easily apply any
    solution… you know, the final one… and make ontario safe
    for all the, well… let’s call them ‘over-men’.


  5. They have to run for re-election. The lied to electorate won’t be amused when they do. Booster uptake is weak for a reason. In Alberta they admitted most of the new Omicron infected are fully vaxxed. The writing is in big bold letters on the wall.

    1. Yea….what a Colossal joke.
      The Common Cold blown up to be EBOLA on steroids ffs.

      So someone explain to me how it is, that to date, No One has isolated Covsars2 in it’s entirety, yet the brainiacs can differentiate between various Mutations: Delta & Omicron..etc..??
      What, using RT PCR…? Not likely.

      How does that supposed magic work..?
      And uh…where is the seasonal FLU..?
      I will continue to call BULLSHIT on the ENTIRE 24 months to date….

  6. Businesses in my neck of Ontario have started pushing back, mainly in an attempt to save their dying pubs and restaurants. Fake vax passports are accepted and many will scan any QR code to pretend that they are complying. We have a few businesses brave enough to advertise that they will not enforce the passport nonsense. They have been getting a lot of my business lately and none of them have been fined as of yet.

  7. Oh my dear Laura, well and truly we are on the road to the new “Un-Vaxxenrein!” in the “Ford Reich”.

    Getting ready for delousing and a shower soon…

    The clown car show that is government has never cracked a history book.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. I realize the ‘vaccines’ don’t vaccinate, but I thought they were supposed to prevent serious illness and death? Not so much I guess.

  8. Now just what was it that I said about enemies. How long folks will you allow the government to steal your lives and your freedom? Dumb fucking Canadians. Ahmed is right at least 85% are morons.

  9. I was reading about concentration camp inmates in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany recently. They said that psychologically the worst aspect of being in the camp was never knowing when you would be released. It was not unusual for sentences to be arbitrarily increased. The point of this was to extinguish the entire concept of hope.

    1. There is an excellent book written by Joost Meerloo called “The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control”

      Some excellent youtube videos have been done talking about this decades old book which is bang on. Reading it brings home exactly the approach taken by our corrupt politicians and media. The game is being played out in front of our eyes and most of the sheeple don’t even want to look.

      However, many actual people are getting right pizzed off over this. Frustration is building across the west, it won’t take much to kick something off and I fear that Austria and Germany are doing their best to light the match in order to justify harsh crackdowns.

  10. I sent F^3 (fat-f-ckFord) a letter earlier this year and told him that his stumbling through covid and giving police powers to stop and ask for papers and mandating vaccine passports meant I was through with his tin sh1tpot dictatorship. And that I’d never vote Con again with him at the helm. Copied my mpp who had no response.

    With conservatives like these, who needs liberals? Let it burn until even the idiots in Toronto say “enough”. If that’s possible.

    FBJ. FJT. And FDF.


  11. Thank you for that, Laura, many more of us need to be vocal in fighting back against these bureaucratic tyrannies.

    Just imagine how oblivious and ignorant of world history and also how deeply buried in ideological groupthink you would have to be to publicly make such a statement. Sickening.

  12. Listen to the latest Quiggin Report #145.
    None of these “orders” have been turned into regulations. Never voted on in any Parliament. They are rouge.
    All illegal.
    No budget in 2 years.
    They have no clue where $600B is, have no interest is letting the public know and now want $7B more.
    Demanding their resignation is not nearly enough, they must be arrested.

    1. Don’t fall for it JD. Lib, NDP, PC all same shit different piles. If Ford isn’t culled, there will never be a choice. Ford needs to lose badly, PC party needs to either disappear or be power washed of shit. If you vote for Ford, you are voting for evil.

      1. Mike, agreed: A strong message must be sent to Doug and his gang. I am hoping that the pointless shambles of the federal election will encourage voters to support an emerging party – i.e. New Blue. Unlike the federal election, the ruling party doesn’t have an appealing (to some – too many) leader. Doug is easy to dislike, the memories of Wynne are still fresh enough to deter many from the Liberals and their current leader is as charismatic as O’Tool, and I really don’t see Horwath as being electable.

        I’d really like to see Rick Nichols featuring prominently for the NB, but I understand he will sadly not be running. They need someone with a strong presence and I’m not sure if Belinda K is the right one, however I will very likely support them anyway. My local MPP is the Speaker, Ted Arnott, and his recent treatment of Belinda K totally disqualifies him in my books.

  13. A progressive conservative is nothing more than a radical liberal trying to sound conservative, that medical expert should be fired period. I saw the clip the other day and his contempt for ordinary people exercising their god given rights is beyond the pale. They are drunk on power, we didn’t elect them-they are snivel servants and they serve the people not the other way around.

  14. My wife has the smallpox vaccine, I do not.
    Some of my kids have the mumps and chickenpox vaccines, I do not.
    I have some vaccines that they do not have.
    According to Ford Government, my household should be broken apart. Bunch of morons.

    1. Mike, calling them morons is being kind. They are evil fucking bastards that want to destroy our lives.
