55 Replies to “The People’s Democratic Socialist Republic of NB”

  1. AGAIN, as awful as the story is, the headline is misleading. The New Brunswick gubmint has not barred the uninjected from grocery stores: it has ordered food stores to EITHER enforce physical distance rules OR demand an injection passport.

    Frankly I doubt if many (maybe any) food stores will demand an injection passport. This is an extremely cynical move on the gubmint’s part to push liability onto the merchants.

    Note: I never use the word v*****e.

    Have a laugh at me: early on I considered a move back to the Atlantic Canada backwater believing that they woud be behind the curve on this insanity. For a full 30 seconds.

      1. TRUE. And it is not a trivial matter. Gubmint should legislate against such an utterly immoral and illegal practice, esp. in the matter of the nondiscretionary matter of ….. eating; not do wink wink nudge nudge.

        1. It’s getting very close to a point of no return. I hope they aren’t surprised by the reaction, ’cause it’s coming.

          1. This wouldn’t pose a problem for me here in CA,, because I would simply slip-on my hoodie then smash and grab (formerly called “looting”) all the groceries I need. Problem solved.

          2. @”dumb” biker [your use of irony fools no one ;)]
            eating is a privilege in a government gulag. all privileges are subject to routine review by government apparatchiks to ensure conformity, obedience, and oppression are at optimal levels

            @kenji: you do not have the government approved pigmentation to pursue jogging as a lucrative hobby with impunity

          3. Canadians at the point of no return? The reaction? puh-leeeze. When there are two private citizens left, they will race to turn each other in for a pat on the head from mommy government and a bowl of gruel.

    1. That means that the merchant owners have been given the green light to not serve the unvaccinated, if they so choose, does it not? What if they decide that is easiest, and they do so en masse? Do we wait to that point before making a fuss?

      The headline might be hyperbole to you, but doesn’t even near relate the alarm that I believe should be raised over an action like this by the government.

      1. No the headline is not hyperbole to me.
        It’s simply inaccurate.

        I am deeply alarmed at everything to do with the Covid response. A little less so here because I simply cannot imagine food stores doing this. They will choose a half-hearted (quarter-hearted) enforcement of the arbitrary physical distance rules.

        A guy at the deli in a large grocery store recently asked me if I needed a mask. I answered, Thank you, but no I have one in my pocket.

      2. Stores that decide they won’t let you in without the vax can be cleansed with fire. After a few mostly peaceful cleanups, the rest might take the hint.

        1. I sympathize with your sentiments, but my intuition is that governments everywhere, Junior’s in particular, are just itching to dust off the War Measures Act on some pretext of apprehending an insurrection.

          Whether there is widespread, wilful resistance or docile acquiescence, I think government control of EVERYTHING, (whether that control is direct or indirect through proxies like big crony business), is going to increase before this whole thing ends in either complete disaster or a rebirth of freedom.

          1. I think if the whole “nation” had risen up when this hysterical nonsense happened, to the extent that every “public health” official, bureaucrat, and politician at every level had been hounded constantly the way Junior was hectored publicly at a few campaign stops, this would have ended before it really began.

            But some people had too much to gain either in power, status, and/or money, while others are natural neurotics, and the rest just went along to get along, which is the default mode for human nature.

            Since then, it’s been the boiling frog situation. Governments are pinching themselves in ecstatic disbelief how easy it has been to enslave the mind of a country. I’m sure their only regret is that they waited so long to go full ret@rd on the psy-op.

            Consequently, things are more dangerous for us than they’ve ever been, because bureaucrats and politicians now know they can do anything they want with no accountability or repercussions from a completely acquiescent and stupid public.

            If politicians and rulers ever had a scintilla of fearful respect or concern, thanks to how the vast majority of sheep has reacted to the scamdemic, it’s now completely GONE.

    2. The only effective response is to burn down every grocery store that bars the Pure Bloods and let the Vaxxed starve.

  2. And here in New Brunswick many double-vaccinated people are getting the China virus, about as many as the non-vaccinated.

    1. David, there are no “vaccines” just experimental shots with the people as the lab rats. To think otherwise is to not think at all.

  3. *
    why not just skip over this interim measure? there must
    be some place we could gather up these vile people and
    concentrate them in one location
    … before they start
    exerting their evil influence over our banking system.


  4. Nice “vax passport only” store you have there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it.

    1. I’d like to see store owners try the no !vaxx passport, no entry around Sussex, NB.

  5. Well it was only a matter of time before they took a page out of Stalin, I guess enforcing national German socialists’ policies wasn’t extreme enough for the fanatics. Left or right they are drunk on power, and it’s high time we fight back against their tyranny.

    1. Unless you are physically beating the bastards into the ground you are just pissing in the wind. Anyone who does not hate anyone who would suggest denying food to people needs to be starved to death. Fuck Canadians make me angry. How did they get so damn stupid? Never mind that where did the evil come from?

      1. The evil was always there. They just needed the right government and excuse to unleash it.

        “Canada is better than this,” LOL, check again.

  6. “Canada is better than this,”

    Heh, right there is some wishful thinking.
    The guy should talk to his neighbors and find out that most of the population is good with the fascism as long as the free stuff and festivals of nothingness are coming without interruptions.

  7. Try and prevent me from buying food it will result in more than shit hitting the fan. Any fucking idiot in this shithole country who tries to stop someone from buying food needs to die and real quick.

    1. That was done to some Old White Guy in Minden, Ontario awhile back.
      Denied entry to buy food unless he masked up.
      It didn’t end well for him after he went mostly ” postal “.
      The OPP took care of him REAL quick as in 6 under.

      We don’t hear a peep about that anymore but I FUCKING REMEMBER and payback WILL be a beotch.

  8. VOWg.

    I can not put it better in any way shape or form….I may not own a Gun, but i do have a rather formidable weapon to ensure my access to feed my family.
    7800 lbs of Diesel driven steel….no joke.

    1. steakman, I admit to surprise learning that you do not own a firearm! After all that has transgressed these past couple of years, I cannot imagine not having at least one. I agree your truck could be a formidable weapon if need be, heck, anything can be a weapon, with the right mindset. However, I would suggest that having access to at least a shot gun, and sufficient ammunition. With one, you can hunt, you can defend, you can protect, and you can conquer and control with one when you need to. I can envision a number of uses for your truck, but it’s a tad oversize for a number of other things that a firearm can be used for. More than that, you can at least pack a firearm with you at all times, whereas you will need to get out of your truck now and then, and need tends to occur rapidly at times. I have not yet felt the need to pack a firearm where I live, but should things devolve enough, the legality of doing so, would be but a moot point. I urge you to reconsider. Better to have and not need, than need and not have.

      1. Gerry the official line is “I own no firearms”.
        In this climate you are required to treat government with the same honour and ethical standard they use toward you.
        And we have a whole bunch of minions who troll the web,gathering data and seeking to incite behaviour beneficial to their master.
        Which is why half measures will be useless.
        The line is crossed..

        What do these fools and bandits believe will happen.
        That we will just go back to normal?
        After seeing the abuse,corruption and madness they are willing to inflict,in the name of an “emergency”?
        That we will smile and forgive their trespass?

        I intend to reward everyone of my “Owners”.
        Those rights ,freedoms and civil liberties they claim we can not be allowed,were not theirs to decide.
        But as they have chosen,I am more than ready to apply their rules.
        To them.
        Mighty considerate of these critters to build concentration camps,to put them in..Protective custody.

        1. Thanks for your reply John. TPTB, already know I own firearms. Although my post was directed at steakman, he, like you, has a great deal of wisdom that is shared with the rest of us here on SDA. It was intended to be seen by a larger audience, perhaps giving them some food for thought. I understand what you are saying, and fully agree with your post and reply. I was perhaps suggesting to all that it’s best to have a range of options available.

          1. Good comments guys…a shotgun would be a most handy “tool”…and something to definitely ponder.

            We shall see here…$$ is def an issue. And being on a pension Leaves not a lot for something of that nature…but my eyes and ear are always open…should something come my way regardless of “avenue”, I may well jump on it.

            There is little doubt in my mid that the TPTB are seemingly uninterested in anyones “health”… Only obscene profits with a big time reduction in population. One only need witness the utter fucking Garbage over what is to me, the common flipping cold, omicron….Fear upon Fear upon Fear. Sadly the herd follows along stunned beyond comprehension as to what is occurring in front of their WIDE Shut eyes….all FAR too BRAIN DEAD to realize that MUTATIONS are a normal part of any virus’ life span..as they ALWAYS become far less dangerous albeit more transmissible….but I do sense a tiredness in many folks…if posts on social media are any indication…one can hope.

            Am the son of one who spent 1941 -1945 as a NAZI Slave. I know full well what is happening…and it is FULL on NAZI’ism via a BS Medical Emergency that to me simply DOES NOT & NEVER DID EXIST. At 69, am in decent health, have not been sick at ALL since 2003 (almost certain that was SARS caught in TO – 5 days of unholy hell). I do not wear a mask (Yellow Star of David), & will never allow “zyklon b” to be injected into my body.

            Prevent me from buying food..??? and all bets are off.

          2. Prevent me from buying food

            @steakman: for one thing, you’d have to change your posting name to something else! On the other hand, there are lots of cows peacefully grazing in open pasture land around Calgary…I’m sure there are Youtube videos showing the A-Z of butcher cuts…things might get like the crazy days of the Wild West here again.

            On a related note: was grocery shopping yesterday. Lots of empty shelves disguised as being full. For the first time in my life, there was no ground beef or pork. The usual spots for the ground meat was full instead of the very expensive cuts.

            It’s been a while since I purchased standing rib roast. I glanced at one package that I would guess was only big enough to feed two hungry Albertans…$50. I’m sure a decent sized standing rib roast for a family of four would have cost that a couple of years ago.

            Did I mention that cattle grazes on public land just outside Calgary in the foothills? Maybe next time I won’t be so quick to brake when a cow runs in front of my vehicle….

            No affordable meat for me yesterday, so I moseyed over to the insect aisle instead.

          3. “On the other hand, there are lots of cows peacefully grazing in open pasture land around Calgary”

            KLU, you’ll probably live longer if you make friends with one of those cattle ranchers, instead of stealing their livelihood.

            Jes’ sayin’.

          4. Dumb Biker

            Cant seem to be able to reply …. no option to. Assume that’s by design on site. Nice play to keep site active and friendly. You still own an old 2 stroke? 🙂


          5. bverwey:

            You can’t only nest replies 3 deep, I think.

            Never had a 2-stroke.

            Got an old Iron Sporty I’ve had for 40 years. She’s been bored, stroked, cammed, carbed, ported & polished, dual plugged and installed an electronic ignition over the years. Threw a coat of paint at her about 10 years back, too. I also took off the electric start, put on a kicker and had a custom horseshoe oil tank built to replace the old side oil bag. Bought a rigid frame for her years ago, never made the switch. I’ll do it some time. She’s been an ongoing project since day one.

            Also have an 88″ Ultra, sofa model. Light the fires, crank the satellite radio, lock on the cruise control & go. She eats up the miles.

  9. I live in a small city in New Brunswick. Earlier this morning I went to my local Sobeys and the distancing rule was not followed, nor was I asked for a ‘passport’. It was your typical normal shopping experience with the exception of the idiotic wearing of masks. Tomorrow, I’m heading out to Walmart followed by Canadian Tire. I am not one of the many guinea pigs; hence, I have no need for a ‘passport’.

    However, that been said, if businesses do decide to refuse entry to those who have chosen freedom over slavery, then things will get ugly and fast. I pray that this scenario is not in the works.

  10. No skin off my arse, I’ll just have my man Jeeves do my shopping for me. He’s in full compliance so I don’t have to be.

  11. For the doubters, here’s concrete evidence, straight from Pfizer, showing these shots KILL and injure. Obtained via FOIA request, but as explained, Pfizer made it difficult, naturally. This is Bad!


    This episode reviews a previously hidden report by Pfizer to the FDA covering the first 90 days of ‘post authorization’ vaccine safety data. A judge ordered its release and, perhaps not surprisingly, no major news outlet has dared to cover the story.

    Within that first 90- day window, over 1,200 deaths were reported, with a significant number appearing to happen within the first 24 hours after vaccination.

    1. The media, doctors and politicians don’t seem to care how many die, get maimed or have their life destroyed. If three people get sick from a head of lettuce the media issue an alert, big pharma can kill a couple thousand people they yawn?

      1. @Rose, your iceberg lettuce and big pharma comparison made me think of Stalin’s famous observation about tragedies and statistics. Media and government thought control will always exploit the human foible of romanticizing the person and being indifferent to the multitude.

    1. other province’s money


      Hey, it’s in Trudeau’s Constitution.

      Yes, it really is…

      And all the “conservative” heroes from rich provinces, like Bill Bennett, Peter Lougheed, Sterling Lyon, and Bill Davis, all gave it their blessing.

      Can’t blame Trudeau for everything if his evil design was fully supported by compliant conservative* bitches.

      *any appearance of conservativism may be coincidental and/or spurious only

  12. We have tons on skunks where I live, I do not think it would be too hard to catch one and send it in with its aroma passport to shop for me.

    1. That made me laugh. Thanks. Don’t quite have a grasp on how one would complete that task with out smelling like a skunk themself though. How does it order for you at the deli counter? Are you attaching a B&W note on it’s tail? So many questions.


  13. How stupid do you have to be to think that Conservatives are any different than Liberals?


    1. omg

      To answer that question I would suggest about 75% of the Canadian population and that’s being optimistic IMO.


  14. Eventually everyone in spineless and gutless Canada will see how the so called Good Germans, so quickly obeyed the orders of the NAZI’s.
    Fuck Canada. Burn the son of a bitch to the ground.
    Want to see NAZI’s look in the mirror or look around you.

    1. Watcher

      Move to China. I hear the wet market has great food. China has really nice people as the majority, not CCP, if you are about in rural areas I’ve read. Have always thought about traveling there but times have changed.

      Canada does not need you and with your absence I’m more likely to get a hospital bed when I need it.

