20 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. Chris Cuomo has hired Alec Baldwin as his head of security.

    ‘A bold strategy, let’s see how that works out…’

    1. With Juicy Smollett as his publicist, and Michael Avenatti as his legal rep?! I guess he can engage Theodore McCarrick as his spiritual adviser…

  2. On Locals Tulsi just posted a chilling short video about how we must push to prevent the next (and final) war.

    I’m a just little bit surprised that it would start at CNN.

  3. This is terrible, awful news. Cuomo was one of the valiant truthspeakers in the jihad against the evil Orange Man Bad; and CNN the impartial, fair, never-evil corporate platform that gave WonderBoi Cuomo a milk crate to stand upon to get The Message out. It is hard to write this, my eyes are choked with tears, and my wifi reception is poor in the alligator room of my house, too. Boo hoo. Boo hoo. I called my stock broker to work out a short selling strategy for both CNN and AT&T. At least if I have some personal financial gain can I overcome my angst.

    1. Yeppers. I hope this gets real ugly, drags on forever & reveals dirt on both sides for miles.

  4. All these big lawsuits that are always being announced usually end with a quiet settlement and we hear no more about them.

    CNN will have no trouble finding another sleazy a-hole to replace Fredo.

  5. I must go to the top of the mountain to burn sacrifices to atone for clicking on vanity fare. I am vewwwy sorry.

    1. They most certainly can.

      They ARE both losing currently and I don’t see a way for one of them to recover.

  6. Trump could touch something and it would turn to gold.
    The people who have touched Trump are turning to crap.
