36 Replies to “Wag the Dog”

  1. They put Ukraine in NATO, that’s the end of NATO. Putin calls the bluff, rolls in, and takes Kiev in 3 days. And the French won’t fight, the Germans DEFINITELY won’t be sending Panzers into the Ukraine … AGAIN, and Britain is useless fighting that far from a friendly coast. The Black Sea Fleet locks everything up past the Dardanelles, Belorus is onside, and what, exactly, does NATO do? If Turkey stays out of it (and given how they shafted Bush Sr. in Iraq War II, why would they want to bail the US out of yet another disastrous invasion?) NATO is done.

    1. Germany has under 200 Leopard 2 tanks operational; Poland has about 50% more. Germany won’t, because Germany can’t send tanks. Paper army.

    2. Maybe that would be a good thing.
      Our family is a collection of “history nerds”. NATO, the United Nations, Canada (in its present form) – all are over historically. It is just a matter of time and blood before they will be gone.

      1. Just out of curiosity how does you family envision Canada’s break up? The First Nations win in NB? Quebec finally wins a referendum? Or the West can’t or won’t stomach jr’s NEP 2 program? Something else entirely?

  2. The Country is being run by children … raised on video games. They think this is one big game, and the side which celebrates Transgenderism will always be victorious …

    1. Spot on. Being at the levers of power is an opportunity to larp scenes from TV’s “West Wing”.
      Dangerous doesn’t begin to describe it.

    2. Yeah, I feel like somebody needs to explain to these daft morons that there are no “save points” in real life, and that big red button is not a “respawn” button!

  3. The only redeeming value for all these Russian and Chinese threats.
    They know Biden is a psychological mental case and really might drop hydrogen/atomic bombs on their asses.
    Putin & X-Lin might not be willing to piss off a narcissistic 79 year old mental deteriorating old fart.

  4. Please proceed.

    It will be worth it just for the footage of Russian tanks in the streets of Frankfurt.

    All a war with Russia will accomplish is to bring a violent end to globalist dominion in Europe.

    I can’t wait, can you?

    1. If we drop atomic bombs or hydrogen bombs I believe ‘THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY ‘ will prove it’ll spread covid Bullshit FLU over the entire globe and then we’ll have a hog related covid
      nuclear virus.
      People living above ground will be called eLowe’s and people living below ground will become Warlocks. When Warlocks get hungry they will eat fresh blonde young Canadian women and sing-
      War, What is it good for? Yummy Yummy on my tummy. Remember, it is called Bullshit FLU.

  5. The reason for NATO’s existence, no longer exists. But like all bureaucracies (Also see: Health care, Schools etc), it now exists simply to maintain its’ own existence.

    Also, I believe Ukraine was the first nation to unilaterally give up its’ sovereign nuclear deterrent, under guarantees to protect the country’s territorial integrity provided by the UK, US, France and, ho, ho, ho, Russia.
    I’m sure this point is not lost on the Iranians.

  6. Russian and Chinese hypersonics will cripple the US while its missiles are still in the air.

    The US is in the process of Imperial collapse. Unlike the British, the US collapse will be violent, chaotic and catastrophic.

    Its Constitution and System of government, while initially somewhat promising, have shown that experiment, too, was a failure, like every other system of government ever tried in history.

    There simply is no solution to what ails mankind to be found in any government or legislature, past, present or future. None. That solution is only to be found in the spiritual realm, I’m afraid, when people abandon the catastrophic path that Adam and Eve set us on, and return to communion with Heaven.

    1. Biden suffers from dementia and the communists running America are quite insane. Lighter up boys, lets go out with a bang, the whu who flu is not doing it.
      Human nature is the problem not the Constitution.

    2. The don’t need hypersonics. An EMP launched from a merchant ship in the Panama Canal will cripple N.A. without any meaningful engagement at all. It could even have enough plausible deniability that what’s left of the US military wouldn’t have a clear target even if they could mount a counterstrike.

      1. You don’t seem to realize the military has thought about this for the past 50 years and that strategic assets are hardened against EMP. Especially ICBMs. But of course, this is why the US has boomers. No, not the generation born after WW2. The nuclear submarines carrying Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles that the generation born aftrer WW2 built. There are always a handful on patrol.
        And they are vewy vewy quiet. Fry all the civilian electronics in North America if you want. There is enough yield in those babies to nuke the world 3 times over. Got any other bright plan?

  7. Does Putin really want the headache of ruling all of the Ukraine? I can see asserting a Russian presence in ethnic Russian enclaves such as Crimea which is already a fait accompli, as well as the eastern flanks. There are large sections of the western Ukraine where Russian military rule would be unwelcome and would lead to all sorts of ongoing trouble that probably wouldn’t be worth the bother. He’s probably just playing a big game of Chicken Kiev with Joe Biden. But I wonder if Putin is fully informed about who is actually running the USA in this situation, Joe Biden is just a figurehead trotted out to reassure the public that “Uncle Joe” or main street Joe is in charge when actually it is the Obama clique calling the shots. You might as well call this Obama’s third term.

  8. The Democrats will start a conflict to:
    1. Rally American patriotism and give Negro Joe higher approval numbers.
    2. Feed the American Military-Industrial Beast.

    Tucker mentions what Trump didn’t/wouldn’t do – get Americans killed for no reason.
    The Americans need to disempower aspects of their federal government as much or more than Canadians need to dissolve theirs.

  9. NATO never defended Western Europe from those Soviet forces they had in Eastern Europe – turns out the Eastern Europeans were no more enamored of living under Soviet rule than they had been living under Nazi rule. All those troops the Russians had stationed on the Western front were essentially prison guards rather than offensive forces.

  10. If dopey Joe starts a war we better be worried about what happens to us with the Bozo and company we have at the
    helm here. We could be more vulnerable than we’ve ever been.

    1. Canada would thrive under Russian administration … lol

      Seriously though: Homosexuality driven underground, tranny-proseletyzing school teachers rounded up and shipped to gulags, the usual minority perma-shit-disturbers stomped into the ground… borders closed, eeerr… remind why that is so much worse than what Canada is now, if you are conservative Canadian?

  11. Puitn isn’t stupid. Picking a fight over a country just to make NATO happy is just plain nuts!
    Would nukes fly… Naaaa. Better just to bleed US soldiers instead and turn the American public against our government. (either party)

    1. I remind everyone that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation decided it was cheaper and more effective to throw their troops into Syria to engage with ISIS than it was to train them fully to battle readiness…

      The modern Russian Army is no longer the drunken sh*tshow of 1989, no matter how much that f#cking dickhead Milley wishes it were so.

      Russian frontline units are full time professionals. There is conscription, but the conscripts man the radar stations and count the potatoes and paperclips.

  12. The US pulled about 20,000 troops out of Germany back in 2020. The basis was established in Trump’s presidency. Basically, he said that Germany pays billions to Russia for energy. Germany refuses to pay their fair share to NATO, why should the US continue with business as usual.

    Germany’s primary response had nothing to do with defense or challenging those statements. Their primary response was that 670 Germans work on US bases…and now their employment was in jeopardy. That’s the mindset.

    1. It’s not just the number of Germans employed on US bases. Think about just how much money gets spent in the local communities by US military personnel, US Civilian personnel, as well as their families. The Germans may resent the existence of US military bases, but they would rather continue collecting the dough than shut them down.

  13. Who came out of WWII in the best shape geopolitically?
    Stalin wanted the western Europe to go to war with itself and it was working out well until Hitler invaded Russia.

    Who would come out in the best shape after a major war between USA and Russia?
    Who is pulling Biden’s strings?

  14. China doesn’t win if the US collapses. The US is the primary consumer of their cheap garbage. And the Chinese hold trillions of USD as IOUs …

    Wanna destroy China? Wipe out the greenback.

  15. This situation is rather seriously dangerous.
    The troubling par is that there is missing a lot of the story in the presentation.
    Why is it that Putin would want to make war on Ukraine?
    Other than ideas of general drift, there is something else that is not being published. What is it?
    Speculations of the wise guys is not something that should be taken into the account, though one of them may be right. Who?
    There are just as many paper warriors in Russia as there are in the US.
    While Putin is in charge, he can’t do it himself, there are those in Russian military that have exactly the same idea as those of US military.
    There is an additional question of who is running the USofA.
    It can’t possibly be the guy that figures he is the president.

  16. USA/NATO is giving strategic medium range missiles to the Soros backed gov’t in Kiev, who are deploying them at the Russia border, and, naturally, the Russians cannot allow this to continue. This is like the Cuban missile crisis in reverse.

  17. Pro-Putin attitudes are just as braindead as surrendering to the CCP. Yes, there was an American-made Russia hoax to sabotage Trump, but Putin is still a KGB goon, a murderer, a dictator and a grave danger to Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States, let alone his own people. Putin has no legitimate national interests because he is not a legitimate representative of Russia. If it’s Biden against Putin I want both to lose, but I will defend my Eastern European neighbors against Russian aggression (and German / EU political perfidy) with or without the U.S. and its frankly in most instances quite shockingly parochial, “Ivy League” uneducated and navel gazing punditry. Just because the name USSR is no longer used, doesn’t reduce the danger one iota. I don’t know if I shall laugh or cry, if I hear a conservative (?) say that NATO is overfunded.
