13 Replies to “CERB in the Hood”

  1. Did SDA ever run a thread about the shooting by police of that gunmaker in Port Dover ON about a month back? That was never explained and seemed entirely unnecessary. Sorry the name escapes me although it starts with K and ends with O, IIRC.

  2. Won’t see stories like this much longer. I mean, Joostaihn is taking all the bad guns (and all guns are bad) away from the real troublemakers: hunters, farmers, and sport-shooters.

  3. Explain again why a national dividend was a bad idea in 1935 that the Supreme Court got involved, and a fantastic idea that nobody opposed in 2020.

    (Answer: Rev. Aberhart wanted Canadians to receive their portion of the cultural heritage, not the Bay Street crime syndicate and its affiliates in the ethnic underworlds of Toronto and Montreal, who had no cultural heritage worth paying out—unless you count drunkenness, violence and sexual irresponsibility as the heritage of their miserable tribes.)

  4. I never knew Glockenspiels were so costly that the Federal Government needed to subsidize aspiring musicians.

  5. TAT, that was called “funny money”! Oh no, very bad idea.
    Nothing funny at all about the plunging purchasing power of our “sound money “ today right.
    We’ve been conned.

  6. Notorious porch pirate George Chahal has just been accused of advising people to commit CERB fraud by Conservative MP John Brassard.

    “Imagine a member of the Liberal caucus being accused of directing his constituents on how to fraudulently claim the CERB,” Brassard began, referring to Chahal, while speaking in the House of Commons.

  7. Liberals love it when a plan comes together.
    The more dimwads in gangs with guns shooting each other, the more the Libranos can attack law-abiding citizens, especially white English-speaking men.
