59 Replies to “December 9, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. *

    “We can never believe police, especially the Chicago Police Department
    over Jussie Smollett, a Black man who has been courageously present,
    visible, and vocal
    in the struggle for Black freedom.”

    Isn’t that how OJ got turned loose?


    1. Maybe. The LA DA made a huge error in letting the OJ trial be done in a part of LA what would have “never” found OJ guilty.
      But it’s not hard to see, the DA knew it too. They wanted out of this high profile mess as fast as they could.

    1. When will they realise the only safe method is a plastic bag? Pulled over their heads and secured about their necks with duct tape. That is the only way to prevent breathing COVID.

      1. They sort of did: “Where Art Meets its End … The concept of a capsule that could produce a rapid decrease in oxygen level, while maintaining a low CO2 level, (the conditions for a peaceful, even euphoric death) led to Sarco’s development.
        Is it art or … ? The elegant design was intended to suggest a sense of occasion: of travel to a ‘new destination’, and to dispel any ‘yuk’ factor.”
        (Which I think appeared as well in SDA, but I can’t keep up!)

        1. I wonder how many rows of these will be in the ” shower stalls ” at the internment…er…. ” Wellness ” Kamps ?

          1. One in each cell, er room, in lieu of a bed; and encouragingly labelled as a ‘sleepy-byes’ pod, or something…?

            You know, I really shouldn’t give ’em ideas…

    1. PD…LMAO..

      What the policeman said after buddy left is simply PRICELESS….priceless.
      GREAT story..!!!

  2. “The outage at Amazon.com Inc.’s cloud-computing arm left thousands of people in the U.S. without working fridges, roombas and doorbells, highlighting just how reliant people have become on the company as the Internet of Things proliferates across homes.”

    “Affected Amazon services included the voice assistant Alexa and Ring smart-doorbell unit… Multiple ‘Ring’ users even said they weren’t able to get into their homes without access to the phone app, which was down. Others said they weren’t able to turn on their Christmas lights. Smart lightbulbs stopped responding to voice commands.”

    “…those with “dumb” homes gloated that their fridges and light switches were working just fine.”


    1. Chris…wow, dependant on the INTERNET to gain access into your home.?? Brilliant – NOT.!

      MAY AS Well leave your door wide open…NO?
      Seems to me someone could hack your door bell and you could say hello to an MT HOME..??

      Stupid is as stupid does. I have a key…Imagine dat.?? Old tech, but works fine – ALWAYS
      Vehicle..?? same thing. 2006 GMC – Ain’t no one gonna hack that either.

  3. Any bets we’ll be having more restrictions before Christmas ?
    We’re told not to be with people who are unvaxed even if you are vaxed…..vaxed or not vaxed it appears we need to stay away from people! If we plan to get together with family or frends we need to do a rapid test before we do.

    Stop the world, let me off…

  4. Greg, I am in my elder years and all I can do these days is rail at the insanity. My fingers would have difficulty just hitting the proper keys, it was beautiful.

  5. Claws of the Panda.

    I wonder if the RCMP has a special detachment dedicated to investigating Chicom agents in Canada?

    “The RCMP has charged a former member of the Canada Space Agency (CSA) for allegedly working on behalf of a Chinese aerospace company.
    Former CSA engineer Wanping Zheng, 61, was charged with breach of trust by a public officer on Tuesday after an RCMP investigation, the CSA said in a statement Wednesday. He is a resident of Brossard, Que., a suburb of Montreal.”


    1. I knew many of the people who went to work for the CSA soon after it was formed. Most of them weren’t exactly the cream of the crop, in more ways than one.

      1. Who is your ideal government employee? Someone who is supremely competent and zealous in implementing evil government policy, or someone who is cynical, corrupt, and incompetent? I would take a backwater Mexican state employee over an East German technocrat any day.

        1. How about someone who is talented and good at practicing the skills they learned as students or apprentices?

          1. I’m disappointed. My suggestion for talented, well trained, and conscientious people would be to get out into the private sector and make the world a better place.

            Produce, create, innovate, deliver value for others in voluntary and mutual transactions in the free market.

            Government is the antithesis of all that. It is cancer. It feeds off of the productivity of others. Its justification is always “public good”, which it alone will define in its secret counsels and star chambers. Government seeks to interfere in everything, and everything it touches it corrupts.

          2. Back when it was established, the government’s space efforts were spread throughout a number of different departments. They were consolidated with the formation of the CSA.

            In those days, there wasn’t much of a space industry in this country, not that there’s much of one nowadays. There were a number of small outfits, one of which I worked for 40 years ago, but maybe the one of significance was SPAR Aerospace.

  6. The Sound of Settled Science.

    “Scientists have discovered a giant planet orbiting a massive pair of extremely hot stars, an environment previously thought too inhospitable for a planet to form in.”

    “A MASSIVE, ODD PLANET was just discovered orbiting around two bright stars in the southern sky. It’s so weird that it’s challenging scientists’ ideas about how planets form and evolve.”

    1. I guess this only goes to prove. Many (scientists’) are just guessing when it comes to planets and space.
      Remember trust the science right?

      1. It isn’t so much guessing but making legitimate inferences from the data, coming up with an explanation that fits the facts.

        Keep in mind that nobody’s actually seen an actual extra-solar planet, though there were indications a number of years ago that one was spotted around the star Fomalhaut. (I don’t recall that was ever confirmed.) It’s assumed that the bodies which cause the apparent motion in those stars are either hidden in the glare or are too small to reflect enough light to make them visible.

  7. The world will be so much less toxic now that Walmart and others have abandoned the use of convenient plastic bags.
    Be prepared for leakage and breakage toting stuff around in paper bags or washing the granny shopping bags after each use.
    We simply must put an end to floating islands of plastic in our oceans. It’s really a crock of sh!t of course, no one ever explained how the plastic just happened to end up in an ocean in one place to form an island.

    1. “no one ever explained how the plastic just happened to end up in an ocean”

      In Asia they dump garbage into seas and rivers. We don’t but we can’t be trusted with plastic bags.

      1. Oh, darn, and here I thought we could banish Prinz Dummkopf there…..

    2. I could be wrong but, no one has ever seen such an island of plastic. Satellite photos?…no way. Just more grifting to solicit “save the planet” donations.

    3. Said Island simply does NOT EXist…and as for plastics….Near half of what is in the OCEANS is discarded fishing Gear, 90+% of the Rest comes from 10 major rivers most of which are in ASIA.

      And it also seems to me that the vast majority of Seafood is consumed by Asians…

      But I need to use a paper straw to save our OCEANS eh..??
      Nothin but more and more CRAPPING on the Western Hemisphere…all designed to take it down. Covid Climate Change ,LGBTQFanything, TRANS Stupid, Paedophilia, BLM, AntiFa, Trudeau Brandon, Soros, DAVOS, IPCC, Royalty, Bilderberg ,etc etc etc

    1. Preceding the above link, in that other thread, I wrote that the outgoing Mayor was acting like King of the Hill, top of the heap in enforcing Law+Order…it was a little too Naw Yarkish. Fair is fair I was off topic! Can I help it if I like cop stories and wake up with a song in my heart?

      Guys, you are a hoot!
      You want some bad?
      Language warning: watch this:
      Watch “Life With Sal | Omicron”

    1. Mr. Biker, I have memories that connect both those ideas.

      Growing up in the 70s the mainstream media propaganda frequently opined about the coming ice age, (“ozone depletion” from chlorofluorocarbons might have had something to do with that hysteria I’m not sure), and the suspicion that Soviets/Russians were manipulating our weather.

      The details change over the decades, but they hysterical propaganda never abates.

      1. Same recollections about the Globull Cooling scam here. These doomsdayers have been swinging and missing for 50 years. No reason to believe them now.

        Oh, and Mr.? That’s my Dad. 😉
