Drink Bleach

UV Light Therapy Shows Promise in COVID Patients

A safety study was completed in December of 2020 by Aytu BioScience for its trademarked technology called Healight. The study was for investigative purposes prior to being submitted to the FDA for approval and publication. The results of the study, which claimed positive results, were then published in May of last year, but the 24-hour all-panic-all-the-time media didn’t cover it. […]

What this proves is very significant. President Trump has been maligned and defamed for more than a year based on the lie that the “disinfectant” he mentioned during a COVID press conference was bleach. The fake news did that. They turned the word “disinfectant” into bleach before our very eyes and hardly anyone noticed.

10 Replies to “Drink Bleach”

  1. “ They turned the word “disinfectant” into bleach before our very eyes and hardly anyone noticed.”

    I remember. I had to force people to read the transcript of the presser out loud.

  2. PDJT was simply relaying the knowledge of medical technology’s vast investigations into C-19 treatment. But I guess everyone was focused on ONE THING and ONE THING only … leaky, near-useless, “vaccines”.

    … so any non-vaccine treatments HAD to be MOCKED.

    1. No, The only thing they concentrated on was hating Trump and mocking and lying about everything he said.

      As far lying about Trump, Jimmy Kimmel’s monlogue tonight repeated the drink bleach lie AND Mocked the advice to use mouthwash to kill COVID Viruses.

  3. two events exacerbated the “derangement” – 1) the fish-bowl hydroxychloroquin treatment that ended up as a suspected crime and
    2) a stringer from the wapo / or / ny times reported the ayut site as covid disinformation to google and youtube causing the video on legitimate research to get de-listed and their website to get de-ranked in search.

    i recall the presser from the whitehouse and trump’s video was (as the transcript shows) rambling and a little difficult to follow; however, the outright malicious lying and skunkworks by dem media that followed was breathtakingly stupid. it still is.

  4. Kenji

    They WERE….Fraudulently way back in Sep/Oct of 2020.
    Both Lancet and the N.E Journal of Med had to RETRACT their supposed “studies”…but the DAMAGE was done. The HERD listened and moved on.

    A VAXX supposedly created in 7 measly months…??? and the HERD bought into it Lock – Stock N Barrel as their “SALVATION” , with near religious like fervor. They now REAP what they have sown.

    I’d love to see some Confirmation of “400+” Children being admitted to Calgary’s Children’s Hospital over the past few weeks….ANYONE.?

  5. Ask people why they were stupid enough to believe the MSM lies in the first place.

    One of the guys I worked with went from, ‘It’s in the news so it must be right’ to ‘well they all lie so how do you know who to believe?”
    The answer to that question is; You have to use your brain.

    Did people really think that the President of the United States said that Nazis were fine people?
    Did they really think that the President of the United States told them to drink bleach?

    Ask them if they are upset at all that the MSM lied to them.
    If the answer is ‘no’ ask them why not and ask if you can lie to them all the time.

    I hate it when people lie to me.
