43 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. Let’s Go Jussie!

    He should have been charged with a hate crime and he still has the arrogance to whine about hearing the “n word” at his trial? These leftards are something else, he’s nothing more than a serial-lying, lowlife scumbag about to be convicted of felony charges and yet he still feels entitled.

    Also, if failing to show any remorse or refusing to even acknowledge your guilt are factors in sentencing, I hope he gets jail time. I suspect the current establishment justice system will deem otherwise, though.

  2. This jussie smouleyay is one mentally ill,lying,no good,stupid,hate filled ,White hating,racist criminal Black b@sturd,that should do 5 years in prison upon conviction

    1. “Liberal judges” not “liberal jurors.”

      The jurors convicted him. They did their job.

      The judge may now let him off with a slap on the wrist. Other judges in the appeal courts may yet “correct” what the jury has properly done.

  3. [Prosecutor reads sanitized version of text message]
    Mr. Smollett, did you text this on January 28, 2019?
    No, I did not.
    Okay, how about this this?
    [Prosecutor reads original version of text message]
    Mr. Smollett, did you text this on January 28, 2019?
    Shame on you for saying the N word in court!

    1. Makeup won’t cover those prison wounds. Only a colostomy bag will help with those wounds. Couldn’t happen to a PROUDER f*g.

    1. He’s on overtime, for sure. An actor I had never heard of, who is now more famous for being a lying dirty gay fraud.

  4. Smollet is the Poster boy for
    the degenerate Filth that inhabits Hollyweird.

    Arrogant, Smug little Trump Hating maggot who believes the planet owes him something.
    Baldwin, DiNiro, di Caprio…the Scum register is endless.

    Asteroid pls…

    1. Good points. Smollett thought he could get away with the hoax since he thought the Chicago “justice” system was so crooked that no serious investigation would take place once he undertook the hoax (he knew the sitting DA). But a special prosecutor was brought in.

    1. Excellent movie. The best Hitchcock movie that Hitchcock never made.

      I’ve got a DVD copy in my collection.

  5. We need to make “smollett” a new part of the lexicon. When someone tells a lie and everyone including the person saying it knows that it’s a lie, we should call that a “smollett”. As in, Jen Psaki told a real smollett last night.

    1. The real problem isn’t systemic racism, it’s systemic Jussie Smollettism. If Obama had a son, he’d look just like Jussie Smollett.

    1. Never underestimate the stupidity and vapidity of Western civilization’s mindless generation of “university-educated,” woke “leadership.”
      We’re just getting started, I fear.

    1. “Fry” not “free” we’ve been over this. One case has nothing to do with another, neither had the Rittenhouse welcomed result that you tried to Chauvin.

      The victims of political persecutions for January 6th protest should be freed and dully compensated.

      McMichales and Bryan should be freed and compensated.

      Chauvin should be getting a** raped by a pack of homeys for the rest of his life.

      1. When America liberates herself from her globalist tormentors, Derek Chauvin will be freed and his name cleared along with all the other political prisoners—and many a loving father condemned to sexual slavery for crimes he did not commit on the word of a faithless wife or girlfriend.

        Any lifer needing somewhere to stick his black pudding needn’t worry, though. There will be plenty of antifas and formerly “proud” perverts coming to replace them.

  6. The left backed him on this because it met their “ fake but true “ standard. The left is dangerously insane.

  7. He faked a Hate Crime.

    Faking a Hate Crime is a Hate Crime.

    He and his supporters need to be held to this.

  8. Everybody knows it was all a lie but they’re going to be forced to defend him nevertheless. Nobody’s mind was changed about anything here.

  9. The Critics choice.
    Soon to be a major motion picture, based on true events.
    Made for streaming platforms.
    Produced by Alec Baldwin
    Directed by Roman Polanski
    Brought to you by the Weinstein Corporation.

  10. Kamala wrote and directed this, Smollet was the actor.

    Goal was to demonize trump and his supporters while creating a “need” to pass her anti lynching bill.

  11. So, what ever happened to the US Postal Investigative Unit’s inquiries into the mysterious letter containing an unknown powder sent to Jussie Smollett at his place of employment? That is a federal crime.
