17 Replies to “Fun in the Sun”

  1. The most capable of soldiers will soon be hired as enforcers for the cartels. You can’t fix that shithole.

  2. Mexico was a shithole run by mass murdering sociopaths before Hernán Cortés showed up. Not much has changed since. Never been there. Won’t ever go there.

    1. Been there … but I’m NEVER going back. Ever. … Not my people. The entire country and all its citizens are corrupt scamsters. You could easily get killed, or held for ransom.

      The last resort I visited in Cabo … was surrounded with a 12 ft chain link fence with razor ribbon on the top. We we WARNED to STAY within the fences. For your safety.

  3. Narcostate Vacations.
    Where our motto is–if you don’t die in a hail~of~bullets* the enterobacter will probably take you.

    *Because of climate change it has steadily been raining lead and severed heads.

  4. Honestly, as a 15 year resident of Cabo San Lucas…..and.a long time SDA reader, I say, with no respect whatsoever, to Kenji and others, Go F*** Yourselves, you ignorant pricks.

    Although not a utopian society, I choose it hands down over the limp wristed, ‘multi-cult’ shit hole that Canada is fast becoming.

    No COVID Passports down here. The policy idea would last but an hour. Hard working, resourceful, lovely people.

    I could write a 10,000 word essay, but suffice to say, I’ve raised my Canadian born kids down here, and as an ex- Army Officer and Police Officer, I have zero reasonable security concerns

    ‘Warned’ to stay behind a 12′ fence….LOL.

    1. Good for you. Not for me. No thanks. But I feel no need to call you a wanker, and make it personal. It’s a difference of opinion. Except. That part about the multi-culti, shitholes North of Mexico. I live next to Walnut Creek, and I no longer shop at Broadway … and esp. Nordstrom. Sorry, it’s not “my people” who show up 80-strong to smash and grab. Yes, I am planning to escape my suburban enclave … and move further away from the cockroaches in the Bay Area. And now that my County has a Soros DA … it’s getting near as dangerous as my fenced-in Cabo “Resort”. Without Law and Order, it’s become every man for himself.

    2. Keith I appreciate your candidness, but do you not agree (maybe the ‘main land’ part of Mexico) things are not as rosey as you would put them.

      Sure there are resourceful, lovely people everywhere, but the topic is Cancun getting its own police force not set off red flags and the other posters are telling the truth?

      I have snowbird friends at Carefree Resort here in Alberta who go down in Cabo and speak nothing but nice things there, and truth be known, we almost bought a place.

      We also have friends in Lake Chapala who constantly have to bribe the cops to not get speeding or left turn tickets…

      Maybe we might move down if Canada keeps going down the toilet and the Baha stays free of the drugs.

      1. When I was a cop in Calgary, we had a ticket quota. Why? A major portion of revenue from tickets eventually made its way back to the police budget (all documented and confirmed by the Calgary Sun 20 years ago). Not enough tickets could result in budget shortfalls, which in return, could affect pay and benefits. As well, some patrol cops would focus exclusively on traffic enforcement, because, if they wrote enough tickets, they would inevitably get traffic court scheduled for days off, and could receive up to 14 hours pay for sometimes what amounted to 30 minutes in court.

        It’s true that some Mexican police are willing to accept cash payment directly from the traffic violator.

        In my opinion, they’re all corrupt practices….one is just more efficient than the others.

      2. Maybe your friends in Chapala should drive better? Or….do as I do, and accept the ticket and pay for, or contest the fine, legally? No one forces anyone to engage in corrupt practices.

        That said, in regards to Cancun, the Mexican government is simply doing what is prudent. Tourism is responsible for ~ 10% of the GDP and employs over 10% of the working population. With over 40 Million tourists per year, dedicating a few thousand soldiers to ensure security is the least the government could do.

        If there’s any honesty and understanding among commenters, the continuing statistical absence of deadly tourist related incidents, despite many tourists engaging in rowdy drunken behavior (ie – ‘letting loose’) should be the story here.

        Absolutely, just like ‘killer cop’ stories in the USA, there will always be outlier incidents. However that is far from the reality experienced by the vast, vast majority of the almost half billion tourists that have visited since I’ve lived down here.

  5. I remember the days when armed guards were posted on the beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica. A bit unsettling for me
    as a tourist (late 70’s).

    1. And frankly … those were the GLORY DAYS for Jamaica! It’s MUCH MORE dangerous now. Much. More. Dangerous.

  6. Backwards bloody Country!

    I mean, why aren’t they targeting the real problem? Hunters and sport-shooters!
